Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff

Jason Bourne 2016

A crushing disappointment. 'The Bourne Legacy' threatened to destroy the.. erm... legacy of the series but scraped by because it wasn't really an official Bourne film. This film, however, has made a ridicule of the franchise. The story is both pointless and terribly written. The action is lacklustre. Matt Damon seems to go through the motions.

Forget this film exists and rewatch the original trilogy. I can already hear Hollywood Execs planning a new trilogy though.

Bourne Again - Jason Bourne is reborn in a reboot
Bourne Free - Bourne is finally free from CIA shenanigans and lives peacefully on a dairy farm until a sniper takes out his cows. He is killed in the closing scene.
Don't Mourn Bourne - He's not really dead.

Then the prequel.. The Dawn of Bourne

And then... Yawn, it's Bourne

The End

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