Review by MightyMike91

Jason Bourne 2016

Watching this move was exhausting for me and not because it so appealing or thrilling but because of the camera work. This camera doesn't stop moving for a second. I mean for real, it's moving the whole time even when 2 people are just talking. All of the shots are filmed in this 'dynamic' way which should give you feel like you right there within all the chaos and tension. Unfortunately it didn't. It isn't my cup of tea. I prefer steady camera work with wide shots so I can see whats happening instead of guessing. Take Mad Max Fury Road as a example. That's how action should be filmed in my opinion.

Besides the rushed editing and filming the movie was oke but not as good as the previous 3 Bourne films ( not counting Bourne Legacy ). The story was kinda predictable but well developed with a uninteresting side plot about a Social media platform. Which tried to get a deeper meaning by involving privacy rights and such. It didn't worked out for me at all. By far the most boring parts of the movie. The actions scenes are done very well as the acting. I didn't even see Matt Damon in the film it was all Jason Bourne, he played the roll almost flawless.

Overall I was entertained because I love film but on a sketchy level. When you don't except a masterpiece and like action and aren't having a headache at the moment you will have some fun with it.

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