Review by Simon Massey

Jason Bourne 2016

With the finality of The Bourne Ultimatum, this was a film that was always going to struggle to come up with a viable plot line that would make delving into Bourne's memories again worth it. And indeed, this element is by far the weakest part of the film - exploring how Bourne has dealt with the revelations of the previous entries is a natural starting point, but introducing family ties to Jason Bourne's history comes across as quite contrived and linking this to the present even more so. The glimpses into Bourne's past as a result don't hit home emotionally in quite the same way that the previous entries did. It is a shame really because the rest of the film is a cracking return to form after the Damon-less Bourne Legacy. As soon as Bourne hits the streets of Athens, the film rarely lets up, and though the beats often seem familiar from previous entries, the relentless energy, familiar music and frenetic style still make for a tense and entertaining film. Nods to the changes in surveillance and current furore over data collection by security agencies form part of the overall story, and Alicia Vikander is a great addition here. But at the end of the day, this is simply Bourne doing his thing again, and it's great to have him back even if the development of Bourne’s character is less compelling this time round.

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