Review by Serena

Jason Bourne 2016

Although I feel like this movie didn't really make a huge difference within the Bourne series, I must say that I enjoyed it very much. I can't figure out why Jason Bourne is such a likable character, but what I do know is that this movie worked because of his likable-ness (is that a word?). I really liked Alica Vikander her character as well. Heather Lee was quite hard to figure out, and I would be very interested in getting to know more about what is going to happen to her, her career and her "relationship" with Bourne.

Something that keeps me watching these movies is that I really want to know more about Jason his past, and I think this movie gave us a great insight about a part of his live we didn't really know a lot about just yet. I enjoyed the storyline a lot, although it wasn't spectacularly different from the rest. I forgot how many "chasing-Bourne" scenes these movies had, I felt like this movie had a bit too much of it and that is probably the only thing that I kind of disliked.

This may not be my favorite Bourne movie, but it was very likable and seeing the end of it, I sure hope that there is one more movie on it's way to make a fine ending to this great series.

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