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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

A bit too on the nose in their attempts to poke the issue on darkly designed terms of service and deepfake, especially in light of the Hollywood actor and screenwriter protest (perhaps even inspired by it). The episode leans heavily toward being a meta humor, but it doesn't really work well. Annie Murphy does her best, and I believe Salma Hayek too, but they were given a rather one-dimensional, uninspiring script. As the episode ended I realized Charlie Brooker is the writer. That kinda explains the weak episode.

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Peacemaker: 1x06 Murn After Reading

James Gunn really liked the idea of shoving stuff into people's mouth huh. He did it in The Suicide Squad, he did it again here.

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Gen V: 1x01 God U.

What a very strong start for the series. This is what The New Mutants (the failed X-Men spinoff) should've been.

Enough world-building that it feels in the same world as The Boys, enough The Boys bloody mess and infallible supes where anyone can die at anytime, while at the same time having its own unique touch with its high-school/university kids drama and a kickstart to some twisted mystery that made the supes as crazy as they are since a young age. Every character is established really well and efficiently. Looking forward to the next episode.

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High Life

This film reminds me not to listen to some arthouse film critics on the news and especially not those smartass internet film "connoisuier" who abuse the phrase "human condition".

High Life is a slow-burn, and there's nothing wrong with slow burn. I enjoyed Blade Runner and The Irishman. It's just there's nothing really scifi here except the setting and the mechanically accurate black hole. The characters are not likeable, not even remotely relatable to the audience. No depths. Barring Pattinson's and Andre's characters, the film doesn't give the chance to portray them as human beings - only degenerate despicables.

Most of the screen time can be completely cut to 50% and you still barely got what the plot is about. I mean the color and cinematography looks good, in a way that sets the bleak tone of the film. But it's not supported by other elements such as music or sound design.

The more interesting part of the film is the relationship between Pattinson's character and the baby, but like most French auteur the film decides to spend most of its time to sex scenes.

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

This eps and the pilot should've been the same episode. It's only becoming quite clear where the episode is headed.

Two episodes so far, and they spent too much time on still shots seemingly to show character's expression and general mood of the situation. That could work if they've gone a bit further in the episodes, but we're still on eps. 2 where we don't know or don't care about each characters. There's no world-building as well. What we know so far about Winden is it's just a small town in the middle of forest with a nuclear plant heavily guarded where no significant crime has happened.

So that's a lot of time wasted.

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem
The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary
The Batman
The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games
The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption
The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning
The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

This episode reminds us that The Mandalorian is a Disney product.

The Mandalorian for no reason became soft and sentimental. The only reason possible for this change is the "cute factor" shown more to the audience than the character, just like a Disney show would do. For someone who is supposed to be on this sort of job for a while, breaking a guild code just for some random child is a stupid thing to do - especially for someone who is supposed to uphold honor. The hostiles - supposedly trained soldiers and mercenaries - are nothing but incompetent mooks. Other Mandalorians show up as deus ex machina, almost feels like they are there just so Disney can sell more toys.

There is no build up. Everything in this episode is self-contained. From the appearances of other Mandalorian to the whistling bird, it's all used vulgarly in this episode.

This episode is such a huge let down. And we're still on the third episode.

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This movie is a pure nonsensical action from start to finish. Pure gold.

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The Boys: 1x08 You Found Me
The Walking Dead: 6x15 East
The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild
The Boys: 2x08 What I Know
The Walking Dead: 6x07 Heads Up

Aside from the (expected?) surprise in the beginning, there is nothing much going on in this episode. Alexandrians still adapting to the new situation, zombies still wailing on the wall, Ron still hating on Carl, and Father Gabriel still showing up as additional filler. IMO there are too many characters depicted that it feels a bit disjointed and lacking further progress. Something happens in the end, but that's it--cliffhanger again. It's really unfortunate as I thought we've got past the filler episode last week.

I still wonder why the heck don't they stab the zombies on the gate one by one like they did in prison back then?

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Werewolf by Night
The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed
Peacemaker: 1x05 Monkey Dory
The Boys: 2x03 Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men
Baby Driver

Very stylish action film, with the character and sequences mostly choreographed to the music. Killer beats, flashing character design, and a funky character background (Baby's past and how he got into it). There is not much character building in the movie, and the last 30 minutes that lead to the eventual climax only make little sense plot-wise and character-wise (especially with the way Baby seems to have been reluctant to kill since the start, but the unusual way the plot ended--despite the cliches that come along with it--kinda satisfying.

For an action flick this one gets the job done, props for the stylish presentation.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Walking Dead: 6x14 Twice as Far
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out

Great cinematography, terrific acting and moving story. It is very relatable to today's bigotry to the changes. Though the movie kinda depict Christians in bad terms (with them seem to be the most fundamentalist and destructive), it also shows that even the most "intellectual" ones, the pagans, are not sinless from the guilt of bigotry (shown early in the movie). Under the pretext of "absolute truth", whether it's god or science, anyone can be a bigot, similar to today's debate of the pious vs the godless.

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