A bit too on the nose in their attempts to poke the issue on darkly designed terms of service and deepfake, especially in light of the Hollywood actor and screenwriter protest (perhaps even inspired by it). The episode leans heavily toward being a meta humor, but it doesn't really work well. Annie Murphy does her best, and I believe Salma Hayek too, but they were given a rather one-dimensional, uninspiring script. As the episode ended I realized Charlie Brooker is the writer. That kinda explains the weak episode.

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@xaliber Surely you know that Charlie has written the vast majority of the Black mirror episodes. I'm guessing you haven't watched or haven't enjoyed most of them.

@katurian actually, yes. Black Mirror is quite hit and miss to me. When it's good it's really good though, like Entire History of You and Nosedive. Which happen to not be written by Brooker. I think Brooker's episodes I liked are only White Christmas and 15 Million Merits.
