Pradipa PR



Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
The Expanse: 3x06 Immolation
The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

"You were meant to go to a new sun." I love how this line describes the twist and turn, the way things go in unexpected routes in the whole episodes. From Nauvoo's repurpose to the Eros changing course.

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Knives Out
The Boys: 3x06 Herogasm
The Boys: 2x06 The Bloody Doors Off
The Walking Dead: 6x03 Thank You

It's surprising, to say the least. There's been an obvious dead flag throughout the episode, but this person has escaped from such dead flag again and again. This time though - this person doesn't survive.

Lots of people die in this episode, so the death is a bit unexpected and and the same time... seems a bit less dramatical. We had a whole episode for Tyrone, a climactic end for Beth, even moments of atonement for Merle. But this person seems to be one of the crowds. Which, actually, makes sense in a post-apocalyptic world such as in Walking Dead's - it's unforgiving and death is just a statistic. But for a person who's been with the audience for a long time to be gone, just like that, seems a bit unsettling for me. I guess there's still more to come.

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Clues have been laid out throughout the story. The plot knits seamlessly little by little. There is always moments of suspense through the use of silence and character shot. And what makes this movie powerful is terrific performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gylenhaal. The ending was bittersweet and left me with feeling of uneasiness. Moral of the story: never take action into your own hand.

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The Expanse: Season 1
The Boys: 1x01 The Name of the Game

Fantastic pilot that sets up the tone for the rest of the season. Effectively shows how superheroes would work in real world: dominated by public relation, backed by billion dollar companies and corporate lobbyists, while everyone adores them from afar. Really liked the brief part where they show the plan of superheroes' role in privatizing security. In this day and age, this couldn't be more relevant.

A very fresh and needed take since Watchmen, especially considering we are very saturated in a superheroes world now. Both in terms of fictional characters (MCU with Disney monopolizing the entertainment industry) and of celebrity politicians (Indonesia's Jokowi, Philippines' Duterte, Russia's Putin, US's Trump/Obama, all are backed with media conglomerates and billionaires).

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The Walking Dead: 6x13 The Same Boat

It feels like it's been a long time since Walking Dead has a thoughtful, story-driven episode.

First of all I like how we are shown a glimpse of living a woman's life in a post-apocalyptic world here. Issues like motherhood, pregnancy, are handled very well through the talks of the all women characters in the episode. Second thing, is how the show gives an alternative perspective on the post-apocalyptic world seen through another survivor's eye. It's not just Rick and co here who are trying to survive--there's another group, as much as capable as Rick, with their own set of survival skills. As uttered by Michelle, from their PoV (whose group has just been robbed and murdered), Rick's group "are not the good guys."

Third, it actually makes all the pragmatic, ruthless murders we've all been seeing all this time from one episode to another, is not just about "another" murder. Killing people is actually a deed with terrible moral consequence, even when it's done for the means of survival. Interestingly, this theme is explored through the eyes of Carol--who has been known as pragmatic and ruthless.

Very well done episode.

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It started with a lot of narration explaining the context. Might be a bit tedious for the first few minutes but as the movie building up its tense I was getting used to it. This is a very long movie (3 hours) and there are lots of moments lumped into the movie, but it all tied up nicely, with some events unsuspectingly leading to another event.

I watched this after Wolf of Wall Street, and I feel a similar vibe (though obviously with many differences): a quest to power, wealth, stardom--and how the guy trying to maintain it ended up with losing everything. The last scene nailed it best, evoking how all his greed resulted in nothing and he has it enough with "that's that".

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This movie is a pure nonsensical action from start to finish. Pure gold.

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The Expanse: 1x04 CQB
Minority Report
The Walking Dead: 5x14 Spend

This episode plays the classic trope of a zombie film and it plays the trope well.

We get decent intense action, we get the character development, we get the plot build-up. Sending least competent fighters of Rick's group as scavengers (except Glenn) isn't the best choice I think, but contrasting them with Alexandrian scavengers make them seem to be more than capable. Even Eugene looks more competent than Aiden! Which is nice: a character development for Eugene.

This episode build-up continues from the last episode: Rick's group "slowly" overtaking the Alexandrians. It shows the contrast between the more experienced group and the naive population. The tense is present too. The stylist's husband does not seem to like it - even the construction leader, Tobin, seems uncomfortable giving his position to Abraham.

The disconcerting "revelation" from Father Gabriel puts the tense even bolder. Seems like the incident with Terminus people traumatized him that much - why Rick didn't even spend the time to explain the context to him?

Last, Carol's ending statement really puts me to ask the question: would Rick's group be the new antagonist in the next season?

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Great cinematography, terrific acting and moving story. It is very relatable to today's bigotry to the changes. Though the movie kinda depict Christians in bad terms (with them seem to be the most fundamentalist and destructive), it also shows that even the most "intellectual" ones, the pagans, are not sinless from the guilt of bigotry (shown early in the movie). Under the pretext of "absolute truth", whether it's god or science, anyone can be a bigot, similar to today's debate of the pious vs the godless.

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The Expanse: 2x05 Home
The Expanse: 1x09 Critical Mass

Everything that has been pieced the whole season are pulled up in this episode. It took 15 minutes of recap for the audience, so we effectively only get 30 minutes show, but it's still a great one.

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Legion: 1x07 Chapter 7

Possibly the most engaging episode so far, with the best visual styles and narrative combined. It has the spectacles of pilot episode and plot progression of episode 4 and 5 (sorta). The episode throws up most kind of visual styles possible - black and white, silent film, animation - depicting the chaotic mind of Haller wonderfully without repeating the same style in episode 1. In the same time, the plot progresses a lot - revealing Haller's parents (that Prof X's wheelchair was great), Oliver's presence, and the fate of secondary antagonists.

It's a bit shameful that The Eye and the telekinetic mutant went out too soon (we don't even know the name of that telekinetic guy), as we don't seem to get enough narrative about them. But it returns the setting to the still on-going "war" between Melanie's group and Division Three. While the story is about personal life of Haller and people around them, Legion kickstarted the series with the context of this situation of war. Hopefully they would stay and appear in next season.

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Legion: 1x01 Chapter 1

Surprisingly a nice and very different pilot from other series to date. Taking a diagnosed-as-mentally-ill David Haller as the main character, we are brought to view the events unfold in the episode through the eyes of Haller himself: where reality bends with dreams, vaguely remembered memories, and hallucinations. The hallucination which might serve as an important plot point in the future, as Haller questions himself thorough the episode, is it really just a hallucination--suppressed with medication--or is it actually real?

The visuals and editing in this pilot episode makes us tread--and gazed--confusedly just as Haller experiences his life, until the final moment in the climax that everything suddenly becomes clear, in the same moment as Haller realizes what has caught into his life.

However, it should be noted that this might not be a pilot to watch if you're expecting a "superhero TV series" like Agents of Shield, as it's not readily obvious. It's what Noah Hawley (the director) wants to avoid: people who only watch this as such instead of focusing on the characters or story.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

The movie takes the first half of it to the world-building, and it does that successfully. With a series of events--only minimal dialogue--it shows the kind of apocalyptic world Max lives in. The plot is fairly simple, but the world which plot rests on it is convincing. The war boys culture, resource monopoly, woman objectification, etc. The rest of the movie jams the audience with action-packed scenes while slipping insight into the world through several lines of dialogue and character's behavior.

Some relationship/character-building seem to happen off-screen and seem to be implied, but the progress seems natural that you know something has been going on between them. You can see the development of one of the character where he went from a brash, rash youth to a soft-spoken guy. The last scene seems to put off the suspension of disbelief for a while (on how easy they made the final decision after going on for that long), but it is remedied by the action and the last drama involving one of the supporting character. Very solid composition for a fantasy-action movie.

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Memories of Murder

A slow-burn crime drama sprinkled with dark comedy up until the third act as they are really close to solving the murder cases. The first two-thirds are very characteristic of South Korean film drama with awkward humor paced between drama and thriller mystery, but it never drifted away from the cinematic piece in the third act. The sound design and minimalist score emphasizes dramatic moments; with Bong-Joon Ho giving the third act an intense jolt as everything gets connected and arrived at the powerful climax (the famous train track scene), and, ultimately, a chilling ending that revisits the opening scene with an lingering feeling of bleakness.

"Do you get up each morning too?"

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Gen V: 1x01 God U.

What a very strong start for the series. This is what The New Mutants (the failed X-Men spinoff) should've been.

Enough world-building that it feels in the same world as The Boys, enough The Boys bloody mess and infallible supes where anyone can die at anytime, while at the same time having its own unique touch with its high-school/university kids drama and a kickstart to some twisted mystery that made the supes as crazy as they are since a young age. Every character is established really well and efficiently. Looking forward to the next episode.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x01 Raised by Wolves

An engrossing pilot. We see the world through the eyes of Campion, our seemingly protagonist. A world so alien, with a war of the post seem to reaching from behind, that it actually is not much forgotten as it seems to be. We were told to build a civilization anew, free from the clutch of religion that separates us in the past. But with no one else around - how? It is only Mother and Father that have sheltered us so far, androids that are completely different from us, but the closest one we can call as family - persons we trust. When someone eventually reaches us - someone human, more similar to us - they are at the same time so alien that it's hard who to trust.

This episode is a great start to open this series. The mystery, the provocation, the atmosphere - everything, even the violence. Looking forward to next episodes.

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The Expanse: 3x02 IFF

Watching The Expanse lately gives me a similar feeling to watching The Heroes back then: how little pieces in the universe start to blend and match with each other. The reverend Sorreont-Gillis invited runs a clinic that has to make deals with drug dealers... must be the same clinic where the guy who gave Bobbie her way to beach works at. And now Bobbie/Avasarala meeting up with the Roci crew. This episode has a tense action as well, very nicely done.

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The Expanse: 2x12 The Monster and the Rocket
Pacific Rim

@toke oh wow I've just read this comment. "Evangelion adaptation"? What a joke. It's obvious that this movie does not attempt at all to adapt Evangelion, or even mecha movies. It tries to adapt the Japanese monster film genre. You think where did they get the name "kaiju"?

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Shout by Pradipa PR

Who would expect what Negan did? Abraham's death was expected, and it put audience to relieve. It was a terrible death, yes, but "at least it's not Daryl/Glenn". However, Negan's first swing is a false flag. The producer surely knows this, and Negan swings his second swing: toward Glenn.

Like this is not enough, Negan pulls another stunt. That is, if Rick wants to have the remaining crew alive, he got to cut Carl's arm. When Rick finally put himself together to have his son's arm cut off, suddenly Negan stops him, pulling a Binding of Isaac-esque situation: "you don't have to cut his arm, Rick, you just have to obey me, your god."

Even after months of gap between Season 6 and 7, this episode can bring the intensity, the brutality, and the hatred toward this Negan character. It's a needed start for this season.

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The Artist

At first I really thought it was a real silent film! Perfectly done, nicely paced, and weaved around pleasant surprise. Like @Compuesto56 said, this is a perfect movie for helpless romantics. Wonderful.

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