Review by Pradipa PR

The Expanse: Season 1

1x04 CQB

I love how the show so far has put so much details in its science-fiction. Almost like they're putting back the science in science fiction. The coriolis gravity effect when pouring water was a nice touch in Eps 2. They have been fairly consistent the physics as well. The logics of air and gravity are used seamlessly in the storytelling, not as mere plot devices but actual environment that has to be considered by the characters.

The episode has shootout, and perhaps it's one among the better ones I've seen so far in TV series. Typically TV series just throw a crowd shooting at each other without taking cover like amateurs (even though they're supposed to have military training). From The Walking Dead to The Mandalorian, shootouts always look dumb and incompetent. But The Expanse manage to direct it to look as if the ones shooting were actual soldiers with military training. They take cover and aim their shot. They also don't waste too much screen time depicting the shootings, which makes the event effective and has a sense of decisiveness.

The plot takes twist and turn, and when it does twist, there is no holds barred. What happened to the characters are shocking and feel like out of nowhere, adding to the sense of danger and urgency the episode plays out. Unlike the previous episodes, this one is more focused on Holden's story, that helps exploring characterization and depth this promising TV series has.

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