Finally something actually happened after they dragged the season for absolutely nothing.

After four mediocre episodes in a row with three of them being filler, this episode is decent enough. Those previous episodes serve no actual purpose other than waiting for the plot to trigger itself by that call.

The dialogues in this episode could be better and so could the way the scenes are cut, especially for the first half. People seem too eager to join The Mando in his quest for the sake of moving the story. However the last 5-10 the minutes is quite watchable with enough tense. The brute killing in the last scene seems to suggest they're going with the "evil Empire" cliche, but I wish they could do better than that next episode.

It seems like the story just started to be set in motion and we will be left with more questions as Season 1 ends, which unfortunately seems to be Disney+ business model: just make cute Baby Yoda stuff for moms and Star Wars reference for dads, figure things out later in Season 2.

On positive notes, it's nice that they attempt to do more world-building like shocktroopers having signature tattoo, each Imperial province having their own insignia, and the Imperial warlord trying to convince people that the world is better with colonialism.

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@xaliber another idiot who didn't get the memo this is not a plot heavy HBO series *sigh

@the_argentinian said the brain-dead Disney consumer who never read/watch quality Star Wars material like Knights of the Old Republic or Thrawn trilogy and gulp shit content as breakfast.

@xaliber and wtf do those work have to do with this TV series, Mr Look At Me I'm A Hardcore Fan?

@the_argentinian not a hardcore fan, just tired of slowpoke manchildren excusing shitty writing just so they can buy more toys and wish they were Peter Pan. In case you didn't get it: mediocre show unsurprisingly got negative reviews it deserved. Star Wars can be good if they have good writers. Saying "it's Star Wars" is just nonsense to excuse manufacturing adult's barbie.

@xaliber why do you bother even watching if you don’t like it and just want to complain. :person_shrugging_tone1: I’m quite enjoying it.
