Funny thing is, if the last episode was only about uniting allies (before the landing on the Guild planet or whatever it's called) it would have been nearly perfect like first 4 episodes. I wish they wouldn't rush the first part it's generally felt great with clashing histories and what not. The series suffers the moment you think about alternative routes or how many plot conveniences happens in any given episode. But alas, ending scene carried some serious weight and there were a couple of enjoyable character's moments (among see through plot twists and a bit of bad acting...) any who it feels miles better than the last one so hooray they did it again (close enough)!

Btw, how many days exactly passed after he killed the droid? Cause the story demanded some passage of time to feel powerful and I couldn't stop thinking how at best only a single month passed)

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The episode was pretty enjoyable, but...this may have been the worst dialog I've ever heard on television. There wasn't a second of it that flowed naturally. The actors did their best, but you can't spin garbage into gold.

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This show is just so frickin GOOD

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WTF!!!! There's no way they killed Kuiil!!!

This is honestly so sad, I hope they're misleading us into thinking he's dead, I hope he's still alive.. Such a great character, we don't want to lose him

This episode overall was stressful and great for the plot at the same time, we now might have some surface idea on why they want baby Yoda.. Before I thought it was to harness his force powers but now I think it has to do with his healing ability

Anyway the show has been great so far, we have 1 more episode to go for the end of this season

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This episode had me glued at the screen. It's a huge homage to Sam Peckinpah's films, and clearly sets the mood for a great season finale. This is what really makes Star Wars great: it made deeply care for the characters and I felt despair with every single loss and setback they experience. And the ending... Oh, my gosh. It broke my heart. This is going to be a very long week until the next episode!.

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After a few stand alone episodes the plot-line finally reappears and it's glorious. Thrilling, I was captivated from beginning to cliffhanger end. Only bad thing about it dropping on Wednesday this week is having to wait all that more longer for the next one.

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Just as things seem to be coming full circle by bringing back different characters, this episode ends with one hell of a cliffhanger. The loss of Kuiil off screen and Baby Yoda's capture was quite the twist. The season finale will definitely bring about more on Baby Yoda's past and what Moff Gideon plans to use the child for. (Perfect timing as The Rise of Skywalker comes out this week to keep Star Wars fans satisfied.)

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Incredibly good episode. Exciting story, great characters and locations. Also I loved the new TIE-Fighter and to see more of what became of the Empire after the fall.

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Kuiil, may the Force be with you. Always. I HAVE SPOKEN.

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IG-11, Scout-and Death-Trooper yay. The rest? Boring af.

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Only Four Storm Troopers. .

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I thought pain was watching the elf’s two dinosaurs being killed by dragons but then I knew real pain after what happened to Kuill, like WHY???
And I’m really confused cause this is after the 70s trilogy so Leia, Luke and Han defeated Darth Vader and the Empire, so why does no one know about the force???? And that Darth Vader wanted the force or whatever and that he fought the jedis??? Does the general population don’t know who Yoda is??? How do people and aliens don’t know that? What do they think the whole Empire thing was about?

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Why in the hell did they waste so much screen time telling the story of how the damn battle droid became a household droid? It had better come back to save the baby yoda looking thing. Otherwise, I can't emphasize enough how useless of a rant that was. Also, I'm disappointed to not see the ground defenses on that spaceship. Maybe next episode.

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Crappy cliffhanger ending. Cheap Hollywood lazy nonsense.

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What an incredible episode! and you can see the force healing in this episode which was also present in TROS.
the finale is going to be insane!!

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I was starting to like Hoggle! :(

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Be my mother, Gina Carano.

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I like cliffhangers, but this one was painful. Loved the episode, but now I'm just aching :P. Luckily going to see The Rise of Skywalker saturday, to ease the suffering a bit :D This show needs fricking 13 Seasons!

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So they finally start connecting the dots. It doesn't make the last episodes any better but it gives them at least some perspective and meaning. Althought I am sure there could have been another approach. Not complaing though. I still think this will end on an even bigger cliffhanger and we won't learn who, or what, the Littly Guy (and until proven otherwise I won't call him anything else) really represents. He is the incentive for viewers to keep watching

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"Droids are not good or bad. They are neutral reflections of those who imprint them." This is a great line from an episode that recontextualizes a lot of what The Mandalorian as a show seems to be trying to do. In the best parts of the episode, the show explores the idea of nature vs. nuture, and whether or not one's "programming" can be inherently changed. This is probably why Kuiil walks away as the best character of this first season by a landslide - he's exactly the kind of grounding The Mando needs in order to work as a character.

Even outside of all of that, Deborah Chow is a wonder of a director here, bringing her propulsive, forward momentum to an episode that is all setup, and yet pay offs in a wonderfully climatic way. The final shots here are a hell of a cliffhanger, some of the best of the show, and the stage is set for an action packed finale. Stellar stuff.

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The Mandalorian is the greatest SciFi series to release since Battlestar and Caprica. Opening up the Star Wars universe with a new lens to bring back some older story elements with a continued story. The true continuation of the Star Wars legacy.

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"Precious creature
I can see why you
don't want yo harm
a hair on it's wrinkled
little head" lol,lol
Best statement of the
season hahaha.
Great to see my girl
Cara Dune back and
having Mandos back,
4 storm troopers lol
I loved how she kept
that running through
the entire episode,
That was so funny.
When I heard the deal
at the beginning of the
episode I was like yeah
what could go
possibly wrong,
I just glad Mando wasn't
alone and he had two
friends he could trust
with his life and baby
Yoda's life.
Ready for this
Season finale time for
a rescue mission mi thinks.

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Shout by Sub

We meet up with Mando who is going back to Nevarro after getting a message from Greef Karga that the empire has takevn over the empire and he can clear his name if he helps him remove the empire from there and so Mando teams up with Cara Dune and Kuill ("i have spoken" guy) and then they do return and what awaits them on the other side is something..this series is building up to a big climax and the ending was emotional thats for sure.

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I HAVE SPOKEN ! One of the best episode of the show

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Finally! A good episode! Gosh, I enjoyed this one, the previous one established how dangerous he could be. This one takes you back to the story of the first two episodes and makes some progress with it. Honestly, for what, 8 episodes? I thought they could have fleshed out the main story a bit more, this feels very episodic. Oh wait...

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Now that's a good one, about time

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Well this felt as good as the first few chapters, i wish the season finale is better

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A return to form after two lackluster episodes. This was easily on the level of the first three episodes of the season.

Not much I can say, except I'm now incredibly excited for the finale.

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This episode was good but it still has a downside to it.
Overall I liked it, especially when Mando formed his crew.

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