Is this episode written by 16 years old?

This episode wanted to be Seven Samurai but ended up as that terrible The Walking Dead episode where everyone gets slaughtered (they're not though in Mandalorian, since this is a Disney series).

There is no development and no build up at all in this episode. Like the previous episode, everything is self-contained. All are introduced and resolved in this same episode. A lot of things happened in this episode but nothing actually contributes to the plot - except for exposition dump.

The bandit raid is a terribly weak, villain of the week setup. They just show up as some evil nuisances - no motives, no goals at all. The Mando teams up with an ex-rebel, which debunks a tired cliche, but at this point this feels like a try-hard attempt to make The Mando as a morally righteous hero. There is a half-assed attempts at romance here, but it feels forced as it happens so sudden. Despite being self-contained (or maybe because it is) the episode lacks closure by the end, and the nifty little scene regarding one stray bounty hunter seems like something that appears just because they still have several episodes to go.

The dialogues are terrible: it's a tonne of exposition dumps. I don't have any idea why the writers think it makes sense for the characters to suddenly ask a stranger, "when was your last time you open your helmet?" and, in return, open up a heart-to-heart "hey I got a tragic story" past to a stranger. The banters with Gina Carano's character is okay, but it feels like they have to slip backstory every now and then. As if they're not having a real, human conversation. Every dialogue feels so forced and hurried as if they have to make it fit into this episode.

Also, it seems like they have no idea what an AT-ST is. It's a vehicle, not a droid.

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@xaliber Seems like you should just stop watching

@jaw72 how would you know the quality of a product if you only watch it partially? Doh.

@xaliber The reason it makes sense to ask him when he opened his helmet last is, that you never see mandalorians without a helmet.

@xaliber The quality drop between first 3 episodes and this is huge. The first 3 episodes were so good that I can't believe it's the same show. I hope the rest o the season it's not like this.

@player8472 maybe, but would you really ask that to a stranger, especially coming from a clan who is known to be deadly? At least you're suspect that they would be offended.

@daniels0xff the 3rd episode has dropped hints that they would go bad somehow but I didn't expect it to be this bad. But I share your hope.

@xaliber Explain to me why it should be offensive? She isn't telling him that his beliefs are stupid or that he shouldn't do something.

People get offended way too much. If we asked ourselves what the motivation of a question is (maybe the person really just wants to know) we had way less conflict.
There are questions which are offensive, but those are usually statements masked as a question. This is more bantering than anything else.

She suggests the possibility of having a life on the planet for the first time AFTER he tells her what it means (basically a permanent retirement to an outsider).

Also: They are known to be deadly, but they are also known to be mercenaries, not serial killers.

@player8472 let's say you, a white middle class American, was just sitting there on your porch. Suddenly a gruff, ribbed Dayak entered your house. He's completely naked, only wearing their trademark ear piercing. A neighbor has invited him here. You know completely nothing about the guy aside from the fact that the everyone always said that Dayak is a deadly head-hunting tribe that nowadays are employed as private military contractors. No-nonsense people. Suddenly you ask, "why are your ears always pierced?"

Does that scenario even make any sense? If you're a socially functioning human being I doubt you'd think that makes sense. If you do think so, I would think, "what the fuck is this American asking me?" As a normal person I wouldn't also be going, "won't you hear my tragic sad story in my village?" That's bollocks.

I'm suspecting the only possible reason someone would think scenario makes sense is that they're doing mental gymnastics just to defend this terrible episode.

It's the damn context. Those dialogues wouldn't be awkward if the episode took its time to develop relationship between characters. But they didn't. They just want to shove some Baby Yoda cute crap and get the episode finished.

@xaliber There are a lot of fan-boys defending the progression of the show. It's almost like your not allowed to have an opinion these days ...

@xaliber First of all: I am not an "American" (by which I think you are refering to an US-American) - I am white and middle class though, so I'll give you that.
Not sure if I should feel honored or offended by that...

Second: She was a Shocktrooper, which is somewhere between very good Soldier and Delta Team level of Expertise.

And there was time to build a "relationship" as they were training the village, building fortifications and lets not forget: The trip to get there in the first place.

Could the dialogue have been written better? Sure, but it isn't as ridiculous as you make it sound.

P.S.: Nearly forgot: I'd definitely ask him why his tribe is always naked (if that is the case).

@player8472 I didn't check your profile; it's not meant as an offense. But I admit that might come off a bit harsher than intended - so for that, sorry.

Anyway. For the "she", I'm not sure which part of my comment you replied to, but I think you might be confusing the village girl with the ex-shocktrooper girl.

The one who asked Mando about the helmet was the village girl.

The helmet thing would make much more sense to ask if the one asking was the ex-shocktrooper girl/Gina Carano. Because they knew each other prior to the episode. They're also working together and have plenty of time. So I think for you it's not as ridiculous because I think you mistook the characters. Unfortunately, the one asking is the village girl who literally just met Mando when he arrived on the village a few minutes prior. So... it makes the least sense to ask that.

@shrimpboatsteve yeah, it really baffles me. I think some people find the references and jargons name-dropping are enough to judge a quality of a show. I'm actually really disappointed because I wanted the show to be good.

@xaliber Well, I remembered wrong.

I still stand by what I said:
It certainly could have been written better. But I don't think its ridiculous. She could for example have asked why it is, that Mandalorians keep on their Armor at all times instead.

Asking why a culture does something if yours doesn't when you don't know isn't unusual.
I although being an atheist have worn a cross for years (because of the person who gave it to me). People asked me constantly about it.

We usually only mind questions when we question their intent.

A main problem with todays society is that we have become mortified of asking questions about other cultures which leads to cultural isolatism which clashes with our economies globalization.

@player8472 as I've said before, it would've been less awkward if they show the characters conversing with each other and making bonds prior. Some small talk would be enough. But they didn't; they just rushed it.

Your musing seems to be based on only what you think how the world should be instead of what it actually is. I've traveled to a handful of countries around the world - from Middle East to Asia. Nobody out of nowhere would came up to me and said, "why are you wearing that [oddly shaped] bracelet?"

Ask yourself, did any stranger, who've never said any words prior, just come over to you and grab your cross and ask, "why are you wearing this?" I'm not sure if anyone besides thugs do that.

Normal people would have little chat or small talk before asking something more personal. Context helps too, like if you both are doing something together.

@xaliber "Is this episode written by 16 years old?" No, by Bryce Dallas Howard a.k.a. not very talented daughter of Ron Howard
