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The Walking Dead: 6x05 Now

Nothing much is going on, as usual it's the "build-up episode" which gives clues and prepares build-up for future episodes. TWD always has episodes like this (Wolves, Terminus). So don't get so fed up, I guess.

The only thing that bothers me is: why the heck don't they kill those walkers one by one like they did back in Prison?

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x01 Let You Down

Good pilot with good world-building. Portrays the oppressiveness of poverty and the ads-drenched life in a cyberpunk city much better than the game. Plot is a bit cliche though but the episode spreads enough clue for build up in future episodes. Really like the visual cues they use to evoke character's emotion, such as the shot on David's shaking legs when he's anxious.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Another entry in MCU lineup of fanservices.

Script is written like the characters are actors talking to audience instead of something that would make sense to the characters in their world, e.g. what's with all Peters knowing about multiverses out of nowhere. Even the dialogues between the superheroes and villains all serve as nothing but nostalgia factor, assuming viewers immediately get the references. The brief dialogue between Electro and Garfield's Peter about "black Spider-Man" could've been a good commentary but it ends up as the kind of "yeah you know we're going to bring another cool Spidey in the future" plot device typical of MCU.

The whole Peter ganging up together is a lot of missed opportunity; they just instantly bonded out of nowhere. Saying they're like 'brothers' is overselling it.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x07 Toys in the Attic

This initially teases an Alien vibe, but it ends up quite hilarious. The real lesson: don't leave things in the fridge!

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

It's like watching three pseudo-intellectuals following a script written by a Redditor, which speaks for its low quality writing and dialogue. Epitome of tired internet humor.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x13 Asteroid Blues

The difference between a more mature anime with those less mature is the way they portray their villains. I love the way they portray Asimov's girlfriend as a person with hope and desire to get a better life, shown simply through a short, humane conversation between her and Spike. At the same time, it shows death and violence only the most necessary: despite a lot of shootouts, you can count the casualties, even among the goons - most who survive are saved by cartoony knockouts/running away - making death has more impact when it does happen.

Other than that, this episode has slick animation especially on the action, and the plot moves tight, establishing our main characters rather quickly. The ending also defines this show right from the start: a bittersweet, tragic life of those who has to deal with the underworld.

Great pilot.

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Clues have been laid out throughout the story. The plot knits seamlessly little by little. There is always moments of suspense through the use of silence and character shot. And what makes this movie powerful is terrific performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gylenhaal. The ending was bittersweet and left me with feeling of uneasiness. Moral of the story: never take action into your own hand.

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Rurouni Kenshin Part II: Kyoto Inferno
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The movie has an interesting premise, but the execution didn't turn out so well. The difference between surrogate and real humans is clear-cut (technical limitation, I guess). The character appears out of nowhere, didn't have much time to be developed. And the plot... it's the typical one-big-villain-involved-in-all-things. Still a decent watch though.

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Layer Cake

Layer Cake is a stylish British crime drama with a keen eye for cinematography. Daniel Craig's performance as a savvy amateur crook already gets mentioned frequently, but I'd like to highlight Matthew Vaughn's slick directing, crafting some of the slickest transitions and interesting camera work depicting deaths and pivotal moments in the film. You can almost glimpse the blueprint of his future projects like First Class and Kingsmen.

The script might not break new grounds; it offers the expected crime film twists and turns, but enough to keep you glued to your seat and enjoying the ride--as long as you get your eyes fixated on the screen and not on your phone like most Netflix goers nowadays. The film veers into a Fargo-esque vibe as events spiral out of control as the characters straddling through the chaos. As with Fargo, there is no real focus on making them "interesting" and just a depiction of how they navigate through the haywire they got themselves into. In the end, everything is artfully resolved.

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Gen V: 1x08 Guardians of Godolkin

It's tense and gory in the usual The Boys fashion, although I feel like they just sped up everything in the beginning and previous episode so that they can have this "wreak havoc" all out in this episode.

As a season finale though... it feels like this IP is starting to show a similar symptoms to MCU: each ending has to be a setup for another season/series/film. It's a huge cliffhanger. It doesn't really settle the story with Marie and co, albeit they did close the arc and begin a new one. What happened to the school? What happened after the laser? Why the Guardians of Godolkin twist at the end - and how is it possible, with everyone there clearly witnessing who the villains were? It just raises more questions and feels like not making sense.

Additionally, some of the characters made some really terrible decisions with their hero syndrome, but I guess I can suspend the disbelief because they're still teenagers after all.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x04 Lucky You

The first half is your usual bonding between the main characters. It's fine but nothing to write home about. Just showing David developing his skills and relating to other characters - which is a very typical "calm before the storm" scene indicating someone will die in an episode or two. There's some sexual tension between David and Lucy. The editing between the scenes is kinda unique but feels like Instagram or MTV reels that don't let us connect to the characters - just like the game's strange V and Jackie bonding scene.

The second half is all over the place. First we have Pilar's demise, as expected given the build up in the first half. Then after all that chaos we get back straight to David and Lucy. Very strange pacing, as if nothing happened in the first second half, especially given the build up in the whole first half. The ending with David and Lucy feels like it just to keep the romance and plot going, which, again, feels like a cliched calm before the storm scene before some terrible things to happen in next episodes.

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan
Peacemaker: 1x03 Better Goff Dead

This could've been Episode 2 as this is where things finally start to get going. Pace has been much better - if in the first two episodes I felt the need of fast-forwarding, at least in this episode I didn't feel any of that.

Show has been relying banters, irony, and sex jokes for its comedy but this episode shows some physical humor as well. Action is there but not as fleshed. Don't seem like the Peacemaker we saw in The Suicide Squad, but I guess it's supposed to be a character development.

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The Suicide Squad

It's easy to compare James Gunn's Suicide Squad to 2016 Suicide Squad, but I would say that it's closer to Deadpool or Deadpool 2, minus the fourth wall breaking, plus the stylish visuals. The film is R-rated due to excessive blood, gore, and death - and just like Deadpool's X-Force, expect lots of deaths in this film, sometimes even (or perhaps especially) for comedic effects. So don't hold too dearly to those characters and casts.

In spite of the violence and comedic galore, at times the film still manages to put some stake in between the action/violent/comedic sequences. Nothing too serious, but enough for a action blockbuster that would make the tense rises up a little bit. The films also tries to bond the characters a little bit well in some banters, and the pacing works well between comedic and character moments (unlike the 2016 film).

James Gunn was right when he said superhero movies have been too formulaic (looking at you, MCU) so it's quite nice he managed to pull this off. However, considering the Deadpool-ish similarities, I hope Gunn is not in the process of setting up a new formula himself.

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The Expanse: 6x02 Azure Dragon
Cowboy Bebop: 1x06 Ganymede Elegy

"You seem to think that time really had stopped here. That's a story from a long time ago. I've forgotten about it."

Kinda captures the moment when you think you can get back to your ex and reconcile. Life goes on. And eventually we have to accept it and move on even when we don't get to see it ends the way we wanted, just like when Jet in the end throws away the watch.

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The Expanse: 3x07 Delta-V

This is practically an episode 1 after the midseason finale. It establishes new characters, some serve to drive plot points forward, some others to show how things have since changed since the last finale. My favorite part is on the racer's personal quest: the part where he is shown bored as hell and just want to make a name for himself amidst the development of the Ring that fascinated many people and moved the factions to one singular direction. It makes The Expanse feels grounded: for ordinary men, this is just another thing that passed in their daily lives. The part with Roci's crew documentary is also great, showing how they deal with life after their heroic chapter.

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The Expanse: Season 1
The Expanse: 1x06 Rock Bottom

The great thing about The Expanse so far is the way knit the details spread across the episodes. The Belter sidestory might raise some question at first glance, but when you realize it's the same person Detective Miller shooed away in previous episodes and how it tacks to socioeconomic commentary made by other characters (both in this episode and previous) regarding rockhoppers, the addition made sense, and adds to the impressive world-building The Expanse has managed to do very well. The lower class trying to survive, the elites with their power games, and everything that happens to be entangled within.

Sure, the pace has been relatively slow, as we are nearing the end of the season, but things have started to developed and dots have started to be connected. If the last two episodes are any indication, I expect it to be unfolded intensely in the finale.

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The Boys: 1x05 Good for the Soul

Not the strongest episode. Starlight's speeches had all the opportunity to play out as culmination of the things Starlight had been through, especially with the backdrop of religious event that she grew up with. But it focused too much on the contrast between Homelander and Starlight, that it ended up a bit dull. I mean, the contrast was drawn in prior episode(s), but it would have been more engaging if they focused only on Starlight. Perhaps I also lacked the context of growing up in religious America.

There is enough tense and revelation, and surely the dynamics between Frenchie and the Female is interesting. Really liked the part towards the end where "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" plays stylistically, like most scenes in The Boys have been so far. But we've seen the other stuff before (in prior episodes), so it kinda feels like a bit repetitive, if not a filler.

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The Boys: 1x01 The Name of the Game

Fantastic pilot that sets up the tone for the rest of the season. Effectively shows how superheroes would work in real world: dominated by public relation, backed by billion dollar companies and corporate lobbyists, while everyone adores them from afar. Really liked the brief part where they show the plan of superheroes' role in privatizing security. In this day and age, this couldn't be more relevant.

A very fresh and needed take since Watchmen, especially considering we are very saturated in a superheroes world now. Both in terms of fictional characters (MCU with Disney monopolizing the entertainment industry) and of celebrity politicians (Indonesia's Jokowi, Philippines' Duterte, Russia's Putin, US's Trump/Obama, all are backed with media conglomerates and billionaires).

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Solo: A Star Wars Story
Baby Driver

Very stylish action film, with the character and sequences mostly choreographed to the music. Killer beats, flashing character design, and a funky character background (Baby's past and how he got into it). There is not much character building in the movie, and the last 30 minutes that lead to the eventual climax only make little sense plot-wise and character-wise (especially with the way Baby seems to have been reluctant to kill since the start, but the unusual way the plot ended--despite the cliches that come along with it--kinda satisfying.

For an action flick this one gets the job done, props for the stylish presentation.

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Altered Carbon: 1x06 Man with My Face
Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem