Pradipa PR




The world-building is pretty nice, from cinematography, narrative, and characters' dialogue. However as an action flick the action scenes leaves something to be desired. There is no stake in the Judges' character as we know they will always win no matter the situation. The gun shots are kinda plain. Effects are neatly dramatic and flashy. The characters, given the short amount of time they actually interact with each other, are actually pretty interesting and I wished they could have built more on that.

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Larger than life villain, a throwback to the original Bond films, but with a rather dissociatively serious tone that stands on mediocre action scenes and a very shaky plot. The plot feels like Bond is jumping from one event to another and the characters make clumsy decisions (like Bautista's Hinx randomly killing a person in a meeting). Lea Sydoux has her charm as a Bond woman but the earlier introduction of Monica Belucci made much more lasting impression even when it's brief, especially when the Sydoux's romance plot feels really forced and hurried.

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A Scanner Darkly
Legion: 1x02 Chapter 2

Arrival is an alien movie without alien as its central subject. It's more like a drama revolving its main character, Louise Banks (Amy Adams), on cracking the way we communicate and experience our life. It rests on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that language shapes the way our mind think. Utilizing this hypothesis, the movie build on a premise that gives us an interesting non-linear technique in presenting the story and reveal a surprising twist in the end while still manage to grasp the audience suspense (without awkwardly dumbing it down like many other movies with a twist).

However, as it is centered mostly on Louise, the people and setting around her feel rather bland and weak. Major supporting character Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner), despite having long enough screen time, appear nothing more than a prop to Louise. Relationship between them come off as a bit janky and sudden near the end. A number of other supporting character, especially Shang (Tzi Ma), also feel like a shallow plot device to keep the story going.

Still a good one for the interesting premise, not the best one for the execution though.

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Get Out

This is the kind of movie that the less you know the more thrilling it gets. Intense and unnerving from start until the end. It throws hint here and there, sometimes a bit too obvious that you might guess things, but not too obvious to refrain you from guessing correctly where it will go. It is a bit unfortunate that the tense wears off kinda quickly near the climax and resolved in one clear shot.

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Resident Advisors: Season 1

Overall an enjoyable sitcom with unusual setting (college dorm managers) that readily serves diverse kind of comedic potential. However it doesn't seem to be able to maintain its comedic values and character developments with the last two episodes ending in a very awkward turn.

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A Cure for Wellness

Atmospheric directing. Bewitching music. Both make you feel like you're enchanted into the mysteries waiting inside the institution. However, the story makes little sense, especially with the long 2,5 hours that could've been cut shorter to tell the same story. The climax goes rather too fast for a very long build up. It actually has an interesting theme that reminds me of Foucault's analysis of biomedicine - "if you are ensured you're sick, why would you want to leave?" - however it is not deployed around a coherent structure.

The directing and shooting though make that long hours bearable. So at the very least you could be enthralled into the atmosphere as if you're Mr. Lockhart himself, lost in the unnerving labyrinth of plot of the health institution.

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The Walking Dead: Season 7

This season only has two excellent episodes out of 16: the premiere (of course) and the episode with Eugene (showing the gray area TWD has been good at, antagonists are not evil and protagonists are not saint). There are also other two... well, good episodes.

The rest of it... let's say it's decent but it's not worth the 45 minutes. It moves rather slowly. It's a drama of course so I'm not expecting some fast-paced action, but all too often TWD fall to the same trap over and over again: a whole episode dedicated on exploring one character or bonds between two only with unnecessary long still shots and cheesy dialogues. Those episodes have some great moments once in a while, but most of the time you'll find it a bit dull.

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The Walking Dead: 7x12 Say Yes

A Rick-Michonne bonding episode with throwback to previous elements used in TWD ("dumpster", "on top of tank while surrounded by zombies", etc) that goes off for too long. Should've spent half of the time instead of a whole episode. The throwback also makes the tense caused by such situation seem much more trivial.

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The Walking Dead: 7x10 New Best Friends
The Walking Dead: 7x09 Rock in the Road

Satisfying action and zombie-fest after a while with the tripwire scene. However the way Rick attempts to mobilize people to fight Savior kinda puts off the suspension of disbelief - it's not convincing. Especially so with the case of Hilltop residents, there is no previous portrayal that they were under stress in Savior's pressure. It shouldn't be too easy to put them to a fight when they already have a decent life.

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Ted 2

There's a plenty of pop culture reference in this film, and occasional snarky remarks which make you grin a little. But even as a vulgar outlandish comedy - which usually I enjoy pretty well - Ted 2 only comes off as gross, repetitive, and boring. It rehashes the same comedic element over and over again to the point you might be wondering, "heck, I swear I've heard/seen that for the 10th time."

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Mechanic: Resurrection

Fargo is a story of bunch of stubborn people attempting to perpetrate a crime for money, only to find out its implication is bigger than they can handle. Which seems to be a pretty accurate portrayal of your average Joe and petty criminals. In real life they are not street smarts with tricks and calculated actions. Nor the police solving their case a dedicated crime investigators like police drama depicted to us.

The film is brutal and quirky with occasional dark humor. Fargo has this catchy accent lasting a cultural impact. It can be tense sometimes, with Macy (Jerry Lundergaard) and McDormand (Marge Gunderson) brief but tenous encounter. However it is also laden with slow-paced cinematography and cumbersome - sometimes unnecessary - dialogue. The film apparently forgets to employ Chekhov's gun; barely relevant subplots keep creeping through the story. It could've lasted for just 60 minutes instead of 90 minutes. So it can take patience to watch sometimes, but in the end, still worth it.

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Black Mass

Very engaging performance from Johnny Depp as Jimmy Bulger. Even a slight change of facial expression marks a really different tense coming from the character, displaying a cold-blooded, frightening gangster Bulger is. It is unfortunate Black Mass has a bit too many unexplored subplots, particularly Jimmy's relationship with his brother, Billy, and the tense relationship John Connoly has with his wife that we see only a glimpse of it. Even the dynamics between Jimmy and John Connoly isn't played well enough that despite their close relationship that come of as beneficial to each others - the red line between Bulger's life and Connoly's life - they don't come off as anything but mere accomplice.

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A silly stylish action film and has to be watched as such. In the last half of the film the plot stops to make sense, but the bullet-bending and overall action sequences are nice, save for the rambo part of it.

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Stunning characters, but not a memorable film. It's okay but nothing special. The film spends quite a time to portray Max and Marianne's relationship (Pitt and Cotillard) but it doesn't give enough impact to the ending.

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The Walking Dead: 7x07 Sing Me a Song

That was a long episode. The scenes with Carl and Negan feels a bit janky, especially in the start when Carl jumped out from the truck. It feels like Carl is holding something. One time he's so mad and furious, another time he stays silent letting all that chance slip when he actually have the chance to kill Negan.

As others have said, Negan really let himself on zero security. While there might be reasons he's doing that (seems like his over-confidence), the fact that Carl attempted to do nothing about it makes the whole scenes with Carl and Negan feel janky. All in all we are only presented Negan's interaction with Carl's hateful glare in the background. For someone who is badass enough to slip into the enemy's lair in earlier minutes, all the silent shots Carl is having is really dampening his earlier murderous rage. On the other hand, I understand that the episode attempts to portray Negan in more humanistic side, but the jankiness on his interaction with Carl makes this kinda difficult to watch.

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The Walking Dead: 7x06 Swear
Pacific Rim

@toke oh wow I've just read this comment. "Evangelion adaptation"? What a joke. It's obvious that this movie does not attempt at all to adapt Evangelion, or even mecha movies. It tries to adapt the Japanese monster film genre. You think where did they get the name "kaiju"?

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The Walking Dead: 7x03 The Cell

This episode gives spotlight to Dwight, but we were not given enough reasons to care about him. Only by partially showing his background and his interaction with Daryl in this episode that we were given reasons, but not enough prior to warrant our attention in one episode. Daryl's torture scene seems to be a little confusing at first but it starts to make sense as the episode progresses.

All in all not really a bad episode actually, but it can be spent much shorter.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Shout by Pradipa PR

Who would expect what Negan did? Abraham's death was expected, and it put audience to relieve. It was a terrible death, yes, but "at least it's not Daryl/Glenn". However, Negan's first swing is a false flag. The producer surely knows this, and Negan swings his second swing: toward Glenn.

Like this is not enough, Negan pulls another stunt. That is, if Rick wants to have the remaining crew alive, he got to cut Carl's arm. When Rick finally put himself together to have his son's arm cut off, suddenly Negan stops him, pulling a Binding of Isaac-esque situation: "you don't have to cut his arm, Rick, you just have to obey me, your god."

Even after months of gap between Season 6 and 7, this episode can bring the intensity, the brutality, and the hatred toward this Negan character. It's a needed start for this season.

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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Berserk: 1x11 Shadows of Ideas

Pretty decent animation. Captures a lot from the manga (Mozgus' expression, Guts x Casca, Puck Spark) though not flawless yet. Things like character's movement could be better, also the scenes can be a bit longer (Guts x Casca hug, Mozgus' last moments, Isidro's act, Farnese being horrified) to give more impact, but it's good enough I guess. Mozgus' rock form animation is pretty solid. Music fits nicely.

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Berserk: 1x06 A Nighttime Feast: Burning at the Stake

This episode only makes much more sense if you've read the manga. It cuts a lot of things and compressed a number of subplots into shallow scenes. You know this happened and that happened, but you can't really understand why it happened and what is its relevance.

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When Strangers Appear

Under-rated thriller movie. The first half of the movie is intense, as we are brought into confusion as much as Beth (Radha Mitchell) experiences throughout the film. The movie spray a little hint here and there, but it's not obviously clear who is who until the second half of the movie.

This second half though, while still maintaining the intensity, have some scenes which don't really make sense. Like the scenes with the cops and villain, and the final scene where Beth face the villain (when somehow she became suicidal). When better options were available, the characters chose the worse.

Still worth a look though for a low budget movie.

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Berserk: 1x04 Revelations

Still a bit too fast-paced here and there, but generally an improvement from the previous episode. Some dialogues seem to be hurried without enough break, but the CGI is overall well done (except a few parts) and there are a number of hand-drawn scenes. There is no awkward music playing in inappropriate moment, and the sound effects isn't jarring like before. Not bad!

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