Pradipa PR



The Expanse: 3x02 IFF

Watching The Expanse lately gives me a similar feeling to watching The Heroes back then: how little pieces in the universe start to blend and match with each other. The reverend Sorreont-Gillis invited runs a clinic that has to make deals with drug dealers... must be the same clinic where the guy who gave Bobbie her way to beach works at. And now Bobbie/Avasarala meeting up with the Roci crew. This episode has a tense action as well, very nicely done.

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The Expanse: 2x12 The Monster and the Rocket
The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist
The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

"You were meant to go to a new sun." I love how this line describes the twist and turn, the way things go in unexpected routes in the whole episodes. From Nauvoo's repurpose to the Eros changing course.

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The Expanse: 2x01 Safe

Great pilot to set up the season. Tension between Earth and Mars thicken. The show plays the factions as rational actors with tactical decisions rather than forcing a moral dichotomy. Holden's crew opens the mystery box that had been the mystery in the first season. There's more character sharing stories and banters with each other. The crew starts to feel like a crew. There is one rather sped-up dialogue between Jim Holden and Naomi, and Mao's monologue about sacrifice also feels a bit too simplistic, but overall it's good.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x06 Human Is

Even if the plot is predictable, the performances of Bryan Cranston (Silas) and Essie Davis (Vera) were stunning that they're able to make up this whole episode, especially with the delivery on the last line. The rather unique brutalist-futurist blend architecture makes the set much more convincing; the tight apartment rooms, linear corridors, and stone walls make for an oppressive environment in a tense Earth where the drama blooms.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x01 The Hood Maker

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-20T15:14:46Z— updated 2020-08-30T13:04:23Z

This review is for the episode "The Hood Maker". Trakt wrongly named the episode.

Not the strongest one to start the series with. It had some good ideas and a curious setting to develop with, but the world-building and the characters are unconvincing. Dialogues feel a bit artificial and the plot feels rushed to fit the one hour length.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-12T21:08:32Z— updated 2020-03-11T18:31:00Z

It takes a while, but the show starts to tack on the story on this third episode, and it pays off. The interrogation scene was great, but it mostly stands out thanks to amazing performance by Greg Bryk as the interrogator/Lopaz. The way he talks so confidently is almost oppressive, and the doubt he cast to the team members makes me question the real motives behind the characters. Shohreh Aghdashloo as the United Nations officer Chrisjen Avasarala is also a highlight of this episode, depicting a strong yet doubtful at times woman leader and displaying the ambiguity of system-wide politics.

As we get to explore Martian warship with its own dark red, brooding aura, and traverse through Ceres Station, it is clear that the show has a high production value, almost nearing the level of theatrical film.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

It's far from perfect, especially for a pilot, but this sets the Star Wars tone far better than any Disney Star Wars movie could.

Having Dave Filoni on board as the director may have helped setting this as a Star Wars cinema that actually takes place in a Star Wars universe: recognizable alien species and creatures (rodians, ugnaughts, blurrgs), languages other than English ("Basics" in universe terms), in-universe lore consistency (Beskar steel, Mandalorian culture), settings, and practical effects that makes a lot of sense for Star Wars. Those important aspects that make Star Wars universe convincing can hardly be seen in the new Star Wars trilogy or its spinoff nowadays.

That said, the pacing is a bit awkward. There is not much hook, story-wise, to make the pilot intriguing - unless you're a Star Wars fan with familiarity with the gimmicks. The action leaves more to be desired. Cinematography is quite well-done however. The ending also picks up some interesting turn, in the hopes that it will develop to a story that delves into character's motivation and personal goals (something that Solo tried but failed), just like Lucas' Star Wars that we know.

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Altered Carbon: 1x10 The Killers
The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

This episode gives Homelander a lot of spaces, and considering how volatile he is. it makes the episode running in high tension. However this pretty good tense seems to disappear into thin air once you finished the episode. I'm not saying that it lost its tense, it's just the bits of pieces presented seem to be saved for the finale--or, for the next season. Many things are left hanging in the episode, following prior episode. Which can be good if the finale is great, but it gambles heavily on that chance. Not to mention the promotional text, "the Boys learn this lesson the hard way" turns out to be only promotional. Some dialogues between characters seem to be forced and sped up to move the plot forward (ie. Hughie and Starlight) and it seems less convincing considering they had a great start. However credit is due to Karl Urban as he excellently portrayed the filled-with-grudge Billy Butcher really well.

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X-Men: Apocalypse
From the Future with Love

Interesting premise, good set up that makes the world's atmosphere. However the plot is kind of messy. Ending seems to take weird direction just to wrap the story.

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2036: Nexus Dawn

I liked this the most out of 3 Blade Runner short movies. Such a short piece but displays Wallace's erratic personality the best. It also sets the tone of BR2049 forward - life and death, real and unreal. The fast whimpering the Replicant made moments before he followed Wallace's order is a very nice, subtle touch.

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Blade of the Immortal
The Walking Dead: 8x16 Wrath

The ending was beautiful, with Rick reflecting on his memories with Carl and the kind of society they wanted to live in together. However such sweet ending was not built on top of strong father-and-son relationship that would have made the ending more cathartic. It was instead built on the on-going pretext of tense, violence, and betrayal.

Which, on one hand, resulted in climactic "mercy triumphs" theme that this season has been playing around (while still not completely fulfilling its potential). On the other hand, such weak development, overshadowed by other subplots, yearns me for more--for a more personal development between Rick, Negan, and Carl that could have been. The fast-and-loose resolution to the conflict that the season has been building instead downplayed all the hate and grudge between characters (minor and major) to forcefully pull that sweet ending in one episode.

Disappointing it maybe, hopefully this finale is a sign that Walking Dead finally put to rest the "conflict between communities" that they have played for several seasons, and start a new, different arc in the next.

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Batman Ninja
John Wick: Chapter 2
Legion: 2x01 Chapter 9

Still as eccentric as the first season, this season starts out with similar spectacle and embezzlement. The plot paces faster than the first, however there are still scenes that feel a bit little dragging, like they're still playing out with David's mind as he goes. The writing can be weak at times, like the part where David meets with Syd again. David felt it was just like yesterday, but for Syd it's been a year. There can be so much tension in their relationship, but it is simply resolved with a sex in astral plane. As a pilot episode, this episode doesn't fare too well. But still intriguing at very least.

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Altered Carbon: 1x01 Out of the Past

Fantastic visual. Immersive world-building. The two quickly establish Altered Carbon as the classic cyberpunk series. However, as in seem to be common among cyberpunk TV/movie adaptation, the season pilot could've worked better on the narrative. The world building is impressive (e.g. in dialogues showing corporation looming over public facility) but the story itself isn't quite engaging. The episode hooks me up instantly to the world but I feel some kind of disconnection in the characters - there seems to be something troubling Takeshi but there's not enough reason to care about his struggle. Action is nice tough, especially the bar scene.

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Black Mirror: 1x03 The Entire History of You

Ground to earth, humane episode. It's interesting to watch this after 15 Million Merits as 15MM attempted to take it in macro scale with the issue of infinite distraction, The Entire History of You takes it very grounded with the issue of privacy/surveillance. It's really an interesting inversion between the two theme. Usually it's the reverse.

Technology is intertwined with daily life, people interact with them convincingly through, and I like the bits of airport/government surveillance shown up briefly. Characters aren't as nuanced as the The National Anthem, however it progresses necessarily and believable "just enough' to the issue it tries to bring up: trust, memory, and relationship. The ending resonate a lot with me and left me pondering of the circumstances. It gets it "just right", however there's room for improvement. This is a science fiction drama and a very worthy theme to revisit some time later.

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The Walking Dead: 8x08 How It's Gotta Be

Unbelievable setting (empty hotel with only a handful few staff) which is kind of excused in the end (I'd guess technical limitation lays out the plot). Very slow plot build up. Could've made an interesting horror suspense (almost no jumpscare) but the execution is pretty poor. Very bad narrative style (everything has to be said out loud by the characters). Overall poor acting. Decent CGI for Indonesian film.

There isn't much to be watched aside from seeing pretty girls in sexy maid outfit, especially Shandy Aulia who got some good shots. Unlike most Indonesian horror, they don't really sell the sexiness, but somehow it's the most noticeable in this long 2 hours film.

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit: 1x07 Chagum's Resolution

Everyone might not know how Balsa looks like but come on. A woman with spear dragging a boy around shouldn't be that common, right?

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Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit: 1x06 Death on Aogiri

They used a distraction but we never get to see how a bunch of few people manage to distract a 300 person manhunt. There was an interesting hunt for Balsa by the elite force but it was cut short by deus ex machina. And after journeying far into the North, why the heck Balsa returned to the capital?

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The Walking Dead: 8x03 Monsters