Review by Pradipa PR

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

For a movie about Solo, a lot of its issues come exactly from its titular character.

Considering the film takes up a smuggler, criminal-esque take, there's too much Disney-esque good and evil morality. Solo was too much of a good guy. This is supposed to be Han Solo at his grimiest as a smuggler running drugs for the Hutts, and they went to far out of their way to make him a good guy. With the questionable background they gave to Solo, they could've made him with shades of grey, like an antihero Solo. But they took the easy Disney route and went with another Luke Skywalker.

The way Alden Ehrenreich performs Han Solo doesn't help either - if not making it worse. The performance looks weak and unconvincing, like a completely different person portrayed by Harrison Ford years earlier. There is no gruff, nor James Dean-like bad boy charisma coming from Ehrenreich. He looks like someone that's been living on a well-off family instead of street urchin from the lowest depth of the world.

The visual itself is below than average. There is too much darkness it's hard to follow the scenes. When it does look good, it's decent. The plot plays too safe and completely forgettable. Yet the movie wasn't a complete let down. It's just shallow. Unless you have too much time to spare, there is little reason to watch Solo.

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