Pradipa PR



The Flash
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2023-06-13T15:49:47Z— updated 2023-06-18T08:59:42Z

Flashy visuals with some terrific work on the animation, dashed with a right amount of tasteful comedy, poking fun of previous Spider-Man iterations and common superhero tropes in general without dragging it down. The first half of the film has the story going well with coming-of-age drama and superhero team up; but the second half kind of resolved the conflict very quickly and just get done with it - including the film version of "who murdered the Uncle Ben" - which made the pace kinda abrupt and downplayed the tension, but still somehow worked. It's not the best story out there but still manages to give short bursts of emotional touch in-between the visuals and the multiverse concept. Certainly it did much better than Far Away From Home.

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Great Pretender: 1x01 Case 1_1: Los Angeles Connection

The trick in the first half is fine, but the way Edamura noticed that everyone was up to no good just by spotting the same watch is stretching it. Makes little sense. Let's see how anime-ish (if you catch my drift) this one is.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

Perhaps the best thing that ever come up since Disney's Star Wars buyout. The whole episode about the heist was intense. From the shaky march, the hesitated jamming, the heist itself, the botched consequences, the climax, and the wrapup. It's really tense even until the wrapup as conflict still arose and quickly resolved. During the climax it has a really great visuals of the Eye - quite a spectacle as the commandant would say - although TIE fighers ended up becoming cannon fodder again.

Well done! Obi-Wan and The Mandalorian writers should be ashamed.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x05 The Axe Forgets

"The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it. And that is the real trick of the Imperial thought machine. It’s easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than a single incident."

I really liked how they do world-building. This episode portrays both the Empire and Rebels as humans. Some are in the rebellion for revenge, for ideals. Some are in for the money; some others for their loss of position in the Empire. While in the Empire, you can always rely on colusion to regain the position you've lost, and as a gigantic bureaucracy it might be hard if you want to do a meaningful work.

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Film with interesting premise and potentially interesting world-building, hampered down by sloggish pace, run-of-the-mill dialogue, and less-than-stellar writing. The whole film feels like a jumble of events made possible because the plot wills it, very apparent in every scenes when the people pursuing the duo somehow tracked their location and somehow they escaped for the Xth number of time.

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Breaking Bad: 2x04 Down

The episode shows a story of people who can't communicate better. Walt Jr. who doesn't have good parental figures and unsure what to do. Skyler a toxic wife who can only think revenge/get Walt to taste his own medicine. And finally Walt with all his lies and ego that started it reaping what he sow, and using Jesse only for his own benefit. Anna Gunn performs really well as Skyler that I really hate her toxic attitude in this episode.

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Bullet Train

Joey King has such a punchable face here.

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I Am Mother
Star Wars: Andor: 1x02 That Would Be Me

"There's fomenting out there, sir. Pockets of fomenting."

Great episode. Still taking it slow in pace but establishes the world perfectly. The metal clanker signaling start day and end of day. The trigger-happy corpo soldiers eager to get into action in times of imperial slow bureaucracy. The flashback of Kenari kids. The whole world feels very lived in. I particularly like Mosk's line: "Corporate Tactical Forces are the Empire's first line of defense." Really makes you think what kind of political institution the Empire is: relying on private security company to do their job.

So far this has felt like Altered Carbon (Season 1) or The Expanse, set in Star Wars universe. That's really a feat: brings me back to pre-Disney, classic Star Wars Expanded Universe.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x01 Kassa

The first competent Star Wars pilot, if not episode, since Disney buyout. The pilot does take its time to establish its world-building, juxtaposing the meager life of Cassian with the bureaucratic life of Syrill Karn.

I definitely adore the time they take and the way they tell stories by showing: the tense revolving Cassian and his co-workers, the gritty details of droids girding through the dirt taking viewers close to life in the show, the grotesque concrete set representing Prex-More buildings, the unspoken inefficiency of Prex-Mor officers. It almost feels like an episode from The Expanse - and it's good that this show doesn't "feel like Star Wars" because when fans say that it usually only means big screens Star Wars laden with dumb fanservice and not the various kind of storytelling that existed in Star Wars' now-forgotten Expanded Universe.

Certainly the show feels like if Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett had a decent writer and not just fanservice-dishing turd that is Feloni and his gang - kinda exceed my low expectation, but cautiously eager to watch the next episode.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Breaking Bad: 1x03 ...And the Bag's in the River

"It seems like... something's missing?"

"What about the soul?"

"There's nothing but chemistry here."

Great episode that shows the start of Walter's descent to Heisenberg.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x10 My Moon My Man

Finale might be a bit rushed, but I don't find it that bad. It's a perfect ending to the pilot's strong note, keeping it true with the theme of the world: No one wins at Night City.

If it was David's crushing poverty that sets the tone really bleak in the first episode, here the trap they got themselves into feel similarly oppressive. Once you're cornered by the big corporations you really can't make it out alive. I also really like that the series up to the finale keeps character's death as surprises - thing that just happens, without dramatic exit. Night City eats you up alive and often without warning.

Despite being sorely bleak, the episode still manages to serve some justice to the characters to some extent - as with Faraday being killed and both Falco and Lucy made it out alive. The series might not be the strongest anime out this season but as a tie in to the game it does the job quite well.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x06 Girl on Fire

Strong episode. A bit cliched tropes - botched gig, amateur who hesitated, lead messing up, ending with everyone dead - but the execution was well done. There's enough tense, enough mystery, enough grit, and the intro sequence was well done to send Maine off with a bang. Still not sure why the heck they had to fetch Tanaka and what's the point of all those though.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x05 All Eyez on Me

Pretty good episode since the pilot. The action was right, so was the character development and the air of mystery. Like a true edgerunning gig.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x04 Lucky You

The first half is your usual bonding between the main characters. It's fine but nothing to write home about. Just showing David developing his skills and relating to other characters - which is a very typical "calm before the storm" scene indicating someone will die in an episode or two. There's some sexual tension between David and Lucy. The editing between the scenes is kinda unique but feels like Instagram or MTV reels that don't let us connect to the characters - just like the game's strange V and Jackie bonding scene.

The second half is all over the place. First we have Pilar's demise, as expected given the build up in the first half. Then after all that chaos we get back straight to David and Lucy. Very strange pacing, as if nothing happened in the first second half, especially given the build up in the whole first half. The ending with David and Lucy feels like it just to keep the romance and plot going, which, again, feels like a cliched calm before the storm scene before some terrible things to happen in next episodes.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x03 Smooth Criminal

Decent episode to introduce the cyberpunk job and how it works in this universe. Pacing is well done, even much better than the game's (Cyberpunk 2077) pacing. Nothing too exciting but not too dull either. The scene with the fixer is kinda on the nose to make some sort of looming threat, however.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x01 Let You Down

Good pilot with good world-building. Portrays the oppressiveness of poverty and the ads-drenched life in a cyberpunk city much better than the game. Plot is a bit cliche though but the episode spreads enough clue for build up in future episodes. Really like the visual cues they use to evoke character's emotion, such as the shot on David's shaking legs when he's anxious.

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Possessor Uncut
Star Wars: Visions: 1x07 The Elder
Star Wars: Visions: 1x05 The Ninth Jedi
Star Wars: Visions: 1x04 The Village Bride

The episode really excels in the soundtrack, really brings the classic, fantastical Yuki Kanno feel. The simple flat visuals helps in creating that mystical anime feel. The two match perfectly with the local community theme going on. I like that that the episode depicts the world of Star Wars as a plural one. Not everyone follows the religion of the Force-sensitive; some who do may have their own religion, and here it's called as Magina. Very fascinating. Great world-building.

However the episode suffers from the same issue like most episodes so far. Simple storytelling, and dumb villains. Kinda disappointing seeing battledroids as yet another parody. Too focused on the role of the Jedi as well. Wish they had focused on the Magina believers more.

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Another Michael Bay film with unnecessary character bonding moments that mean nothing minutes later, and sort of spastic drone shots across the film. It's as if someone had just learned how to film stuff with drones but the use of those crazy camera angles only make headaches. Lots of dialogues between characters that don't really contribute to the whole film as a whole. Characters making weird decisions that don't really make sense for their survival.

The claustrophobic setting is an interesting premise though. So is the mobile surgery - it's the highlight of the film. Some of the drone shots are also cool. Sadly three of them are not utilized to its fullest potential.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x03 The Twins

This is TRIGGER's usual Gurren Lagann nonsense that borrows Star Wars props - not even the concepts, just the props because lightsaber crystals and hyperspace don't work like that. Story is the usual TRIGGER's "believe in me that believe in you" thing as well, with nothing novel to enjoy. Which is fine to be honest, but they should've stick with the things they usually do best: the fight animation, which we don't get that much.

I like that they throw some references to Sequel Trilogy (The Last Jedi) with the Star Destroyer being torn in half. But the climax doesn't stand on a strong enough ground to warrant that extravaganza. For that matter I'd rather watch Gurren Lagann than this. Art style is kinda unique though, I give them that.

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The Northman
Black Adam

Ewan McGregor plays a naive, lovestruck accountant who was befriended by a charismatic lawyer played by Hugh Jackman. Things went haywire when McGregor got involved with a woman played by Michelle Williams that he met in an exclusive sex club.

Sounds like an interesting premise, and the film manages to hold the thrill as the mystery slowly unfolds. However the film doesn't spend enough time to build a chemistry between McGregor and Williams to have McGregor's passion seem to worth pursuing, and although Williams' beauty does look irresistible, the lack of charm between the two turns an adult desire to teenage-like puppy love.

The film falters when it eventually reaches the climax involving McGregor, Jackman, and Williams. The whole suspense build up ends up as nothing when McGregor just threw away the billions of money and Williams' sudden appearance feels like a deus ex machina (of all parks they decide to meet, she just knew it's going to be that park?.

Pretty good though a bit cliched premise that doesn't quite hold up in its execution, unfortunately, the film is not something I would revisit anytime soon.

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The Fifth Element