Review by Pradipa PR

Black Adam 2022

The film offers nothing new, but it's not as bad as reviews made it to be.

It comes with familiar tropes, even similar punchlines and comebacks ("careful with the words you choose" ala The Dark Knight). It's filled with dashing CGI visuals and intense slo-mo reminiscent of Snyder's styles, but lacking the dramatic buildup and especially suffer from tonal inconsistency where one grim situation is overshadowed by quips and sarcastic comebacks. In an almost mediocre attempt to mimic MCU - which in itself is already mediocre - it almost feels like a carbon copy of James Gunn's The Suicide Squad or Peacemaker.

However as a standard blockbuster it fits the exact cliche. Nothing serious to talk or think about. Just something to enjoy while you gulp your drinks and mash that popcorn, interspersed with disbelief remarked by your friends or family members.

The biggest crime this film has made is its excessive 2.5 hours, along with the unsatisfying red herring when it was revealed that the Big Bad was the real enemy all along. The film spends too much time in the conflict between Justice Society and Black Adam, which ends as nothing anyway. The full resolve of Black Adam to finally submit himself to surrender is immediately contradicted by the imminent danger of Sabbac, which resulted in leaving Dr. Fate's motivational speech with no impact and even kinda silly as the one who convinced Adam to surrender was Justice Society themselves.

Is it the worst movie in 2022? I've seen worse this year, including those with big hype like MCU films (which in my opinion warrants more scrutiny - what's the point of beating the underdogs like Black Adam?). But am I going to revisit this film? Not anytime even in a bit far future.

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