

Omicron Persei 8

Game of Thrones: 7x03 The Queen's Justice

The conversation between Jaime and Olenna was impressive, very well acted :)

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Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

The scenes with Arya were quite moving, both when she reconnects with Hot Pie and then when she comes across Nymeria and her pack. The direwolf seems to recognise her as it doesn't allow other wolves in the pack to attack Arya but it is sad to see Nymeria go without joining Arya, they would have make a great team. But it is Game of thrones so what can one expect ;)

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Game of Thrones: 7x01 Dragonstone

Dragonstone is really impressive, just as the library at Oldtown.

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Game of Thrones: Season 6

I liked this season a bit more than then previous one, as a Stark supporter I am glad that things took a turn for the better for them, though some elements of the plot (such as Arya's storyline) seem rather stretched and improbable. On the whole , there is less of the gratuitous sex which is an improvement for me, more episodes feature a lot of dialogue between characters and there are epic battle scenes.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

A nice season finale, lots of very emotional events but Lyanna Mormont steals the show again :) I was really a great scene to watch how she motivates all other lords to swear their allegiance to Jon. The last meeting of Ned and Lyanna turned out to be rather moving too. And for a person who is quite a bibliophile, Sam's visit to the library at Oldtown was quite an impressive take.

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Game of Thrones: 6x09 Battle of the Bastards

Both battles: Dany's battle with the slavers and Jon's against Ramsey were great, visually impressive particularly the dragons in flight, for the first time shown in the battle whereas the battle for Winterfell was more gritty. It is sad that Rickon was killed but it was obvious from the beginning that Jon and Sansa wouldn't be abile to save him since he was in Ramsey's hands. They could have tried shoot Ramsey with arrows instead of having Jon ride towards Rickon maybe then they would have an off-chance of saving him. Anyway, it is nice to have a happy ending for the Starks for a change, in fact when I read in the spoilers that there was going to be a battle between Jon and Ramsey, I automatically thought that Jon's losing is a foregone conclusion, since bad guys usually win in GoT, so this is a nice surprise. Westeros is definitely a better place without Ramsay and he had it coming.

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Game of Thrones: 6x08 No One

It is good that Arya survived, but I do think it was terribly unrealistic for her to live and fight effectively taking into account the injuries she suffered. These types of wounds are usually fatal, and the fact that the actress was able to heal Arya was surprising enough, but I don't think Arya could fight and win when her stitches still not wholly healed. Unless she was using some magic it looks totally improbable, and we know that Arya does not have any magic skills. It seems to me that it would fit some other fantasy tales rather than GoT, ones filled with more magic whereas typical fantasy magic is rather rare in Westeros.

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Game of Thrones: 6x07 The Broken Man

Another nice episode with lots of dialogue. I heard that Lyanna Mormont was a great character and she really lives up to these expectations and steals the show. It is a pity she was introduced so late in the story, I would like to see more scenes with her.

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Game of Thrones: 6x06 Blood of My Blood

It was a nice episode with lots of dialogue and character development. The ending with Margaery was surprising, it is unclear whether she really "found religion" or just uses it as a part of her political play.

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Game of Thrones: 6x05 The Door

It was a really sad ending of an episode. I 'd read in the spoilers somewhere that Hodor said this because he was told to hold the door but (I don't know why) I assumed he was helping Lyanna in the tower rather than Bran, so this was quite surpring.

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Game of Thrones: 6x04 Book of the Stranger

The episode was quite impressive indeed. It is really nice to see Sansa and Jon back together, and Dany was in her element again ;)

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Game of Thrones: 6x03 Oathbreaker

I am quite enjoying Bran's visions, though he doesn't seems to understand the nature of time-travel fully, the Doctor would also have warned him against staying too long in his past and maybe wanting to change something; overall, the episode was quite good with lots of conversations and character development instead of gratuitious sex. Tommen seems to develop as a character too.

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Game of Thrones: 6x02 Home

1) At the long last, Bran :) It is a pity that the vision/travel in time was not longer, the scene with young Ned and Benjen was great, particularly when Lyanna appeared, and the teenager Hodor. I would like to see more of that.
2) The dragons were enjoyable as well, it turns out Tyrion has a way with dragons :)
3) It's good Jon Snow is back, though I knew it from the spoilers so it wasn't surprising.
Overall a nice episode to watch.

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Game of Thrones: 6x01 The Red Woman

The scene with Brienne swearing fealty to Sansa was really moving.

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Game of Thrones: Season 5

I have no idea why Bran was totally absent from this season. For a person who becomes very important later on, he should have had more screen time. And this season includes two of the most horrible scenes in the whole show so far, which are hard to justify since they were not in the books. I liked the previous seasons better.

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Game of Thrones: 5x09 The Dance of Dragons

1) Stannis, Selyse and Melisandre are monsters for having killed Shireen in such a cruel way, Stannis seemed to have planned it since he sent Davos away as Davos would certainly oppose this plan, I have no idea how he could have murdered his only daughter he claimed to love. They are worse even than Cersei who at least loved her children. They are just as bad as Ramsey.
2) The scene with Drogon was impressive, though I guessed the dragon must come since it was the only way for them to be rescued, though Dany escapes on the back of the dragon on her own, a bit selfishly leaving the rest to their still uncertain fates. I know they survive from the spoilers but otherwise it is not so clear.

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Game of Thrones: 5x08 Hardhome

Awesome battle with the wights. I liked the fighting wilding girl, it is a pity she was killed though it seemed obvious from the start she was not going to survive.

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Game of Thrones: 5x07 The Gift

Cersei fell into the trap of her own making, she had it coming. I am sorry for Tommen who is now alone, without any support from family.

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Game of Thrones: 5x06 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Arya's story line was really interesting, and the scene when she poisons the sick girl felt quite moving, as it may be for everyone whose loved one was suffering from a terminal disease , there were some good dialogue scenes with Tyrion and Jaime, but because of the tragic ending I don't really know what to do with this episode, it was quite a good episode until Sansa's wedding night .

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Game of Thrones: 5x05 Kill the Boy

It is hard to say what to think of this episode, the scenes with Sam anfd Gilly and even Missandei and Grey Worm were moving, and the sights in Old Valyria quite impressive, I liked the scenes with the dragon flying overhead. It seems to me that there was too much about that monster Ramsey, especially since he does not really marry Sansa in the books, I have no idea why it was changed in the show.

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Game of Thrones: 5x03 High Sparrow

Arya steals the show as usual, her scenes were the highlight of the episode. I am really sorry for Sansa marrying that monster, he's much worse than Joffrey was. Book!Sansa was luckier in this respect, as far as I know she haven't married anyone new yet.

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Game of Thrones: 5x01 The Wars to Come

I think the episode sets the scene for the future events in this season. The ending was quite disturbing, was Selyse actually smirking and enjoying Mance's execution? She seems a cruel woman and this might be a foreshadowing of what will happen to her daughter.

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Game of Thrones: Season 4

One of the most interesting seasons so far, full of very emotional scenes.

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Game of Thrones: 4x10 The Children

I liked the scenes with Arya the best, they really made a more optimistic ending with her on the ship to Braavos , the sequence with Bran and the wights was very emotional and a bit Tolkienesque, the wights resembled the ones from the Barrow Downs in the game Lord of the Rings Online, it is a pity though that Jojen died, I liked him and his magical visions. The Three-Eyed Crow looks a bit like Gandalf. I know Tywin was a terrible father, cruel and hateful for Tyrion, but what Tyrion did seems too extreme and violent.

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Game of Thrones: 4x09 The Watchers on the Wall

Amazing episode, the battle was breath-taking, and there were also quite moving scenes, such as the ones with Sam and Gilly (one of my favourite characters) and Jon's goodbye to Ygritte was really tear-jerking.

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Game of Thrones: 4x08 The Mountain and the Viper

I knew what was going to happen from the book, but still Oberyn's death was terribly shocking, maybe even more than the Red Wedding, he was not my favourite character but I feel like crying anyway.

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Game of Thrones: 4x06 The Laws of Gods and Men

Tyrion's trial scene contains one of the best acting in the entire show, Peter Dinklage is amazing. The rest of this episode is not so great.

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Game of Thrones: 4x05 First of His Name

At least Bran is all right :)

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Game of Thrones: 4x04 Oathkeeper

The farewell scene of Brienne and Jaime was great and quite moving.
Now I am a bit worried about Bran and his friends, I don't recall these events from the book so I have no idea how it would end.

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Game of Thrones: 3x10 Mhysa

Great episode, I liked the scenes with Bran and his fellowship and their meeting with Sam and Gilly, these are among my favourite characters, Arya was also great as usual, and it is quite nice to end the season on the optimistic note and Dany's victory. There was a lot of positive emotions in this episode as contrasted with the previous one, some happy endings for likeable characters.

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