

Omicron Persei 8

The Mandalorian: 2x07 Chapter 15: The Believer

The episode was really action-packed with a lot of fighting and explosions. Cara uses her political influence to get the prisoner who may help them find the big baddie from prison, and the whole team (Mando, Bobba, Fennec and Cara together with the prisoner, apparently called Mayfeld - I don't know anything about him since I am not well-versed in Star Wars) sets off to find an imperial outpost where they can discover the coordinates of Gideon's ship (doesn't these things change? isn't the ship moving and travelling from place to place?). There is a very suspenseful sequence in which Mando and the prisoner have to transport some dangerous explosives in order to access the imperial outpost and are almost killed by pirates. This time both Mando and Mayfelf get dressed as a special kind of Stormtroppers transporting the explosive cargo (since they look different than ordinary Stormtroopers). The disguise is partly because it can make entering the outpost easier and partly because the helmet allows Mando to hide his face. He takes the helmet off, though, when he wants to access the coordinates as a facial scan is necessary, and Mayfeld fears he may be recognised by an officer present in the mess. Problems arise as Mando is accosted by the said officer before he manages to put the helmet on. However, there was time to get the coordinates or the whole expedition would be in vain. Mayfeld helps Mando to escape detection, and he ends up killing his former officer after he confesses that the explosives they had escorted safely will be used to cause a giant explosion to kill a lot of people and make others turn to the Empire for help. Mayfeld destroys these explosives on their way out. The whole expedition is very well organised, as the girls shoot at any troopers who may attack Mando and Mayfeld and Bobba gives them a lift from the outpost. It all goes a bit too smoothly, I wonder where is the catch.

The whole helmet thing seems to be a bit traumatic for Mando, as apparently he has committed a sin against his Mandalorian creed? I guess he only took the helmet before the scan because he was in front of the machine and not a living thing and also because he hoped he would be able to put it back before anyone sees him? I got the impression that all the time he was without the helmet, he suffered from scruples and pangs of conscience because of breaking his creed, from the looks of him, he was rather distraught. Though I must say he looks better with the helmet on since he is more mysterious then and I guess his voice reverberates nicely. I am not saying he is not handsome, but the helmet makes him different from any other man and is a vital part of his identity. I wonder whether his breaking the creed would have some metaphysical repercussions?

I also noticed that the jet pack is back after all and it wasn't destroyed in the battle of the previous episode. Though when he got disguised as an imperial soldier, I wondered whether it would not be a problem he wasn't using his armour as the jet pack would have come in handy during an escape.

I am not sure about Mando revealing himself to the big baddie Moff and telling him he's coming to save the baby. I guess it was a bad move from a tactical point of view, since now Mando and his friends have lost the element of surprise, which was crucial since they do not have strength in their numbers. Now the Moff guy is waiting for them, better prepared, and probably will guard the baby better or even transport him to some other place. I am afraid this may seriously impair their chances of success.

And I really missed the baby this episode, what is happening to him? is he alive? is he being tortured or mistreated in some other way? We don't know and the showrunners are to blame.

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@elvisvan Sorry for not marking the spoilers, error corrected. I mainly watch shows to learn English, and I've read in a book on language learning that it is a good exercise to summarise an episode you've just watched in a language you're practising. It's all there is to it.

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Biohackers: 1x03 Suspicion

Shout by will0

How is this woman going to be this smart and paranoid about her research and not have cameras up? Or be able to audit her print log? Mia is awful at spycraft.

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@w13rdo My thoughts exactly, it would also be enough to check the history of the last opened files or the last search terms.

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Merlin: 1x08 The Beginning of the End

Uther’s refusal of magic is getting super annoying. I hope he doesn’t stay king for all the reasons.

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@d0ndada I totally agree, particularly as his hatred of magic is not really clearly explained in the show? He detests magic and everyone who practises it but we don't know why. Anyway, he should disappear to allow Arthur to grow up and stand on his own feet.

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Cursed: 1x02 Cursed

Slightly better than the first episode. Still, I don't like Nimue very much, it is hard to put my finger on it but it seems that she behaves a bit like a contemporary teen, I know the character is a teenager but she doesn't have any historical or legendary feel, showing she is the stuff of legends and not a human being at all. Her relationship with Arthur is OK, but I'm really worried about Pym as she hasn't shown since the last episode which suggests she might have been killed by the Paladins. Merlin is very dark indeed, and he obviously hates Christianity, I found the scene in which he destroys the crosses a bit disturbing. The character of the Widow is intriguing, though, and I wonder how she fits into the Arthurian mythology.
The animated sequences are really great, it is a pity the show is not an animation, it might have been better than the live-action series.

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@des452 I don't think Merlin destroyed the crosses out of sympathy for the Fey as he did not care about them and he was considered a traitor among the Fey. Merlin really doesn't care about anything but his own interest. He was just doing it out of spite for Christianity.

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Anne with an E: 3x10 The Better Feeling of My Heart


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@itsmepreethi My thoughts exactly. It's pretty disappointing they totally forgot about her knowing it is the final season. And it seems to me it is out of character for Anne to stop trying to help her friend.

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