

Omicron Persei 8

Fallout: 1x01 The End

I haven't played any games in the series apart from mobile game Fallout Shelter, but the show had very good reviews, so I decided to give it a try. I'm not sold on it yet, though it may be because this is just the first episode that introduces all the main characters. I've watched it just after finishing The Last of Us, and after the first episode it seems to me that even though both shows are pretty brutal, Fallout concentrates more on action than human emotions and relationships like TLoU did.

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The film is visually stunning and the music helps to create the mood and atmosphere of each scene, though it is sometimes a bit disturbing too. Timothée Chalamet was born for this role and he really steals the show (I don't know whether he played Hamlet but when I was watching the early scenes with him still on his home planet, I couldn't help thinking how well he would have fit that Shakespearean role), though other characters are interesting too, his mother shows a lot of confidence but also vulnerability. The world-building is quite detailed though without any info dumping and characters explaining things which are obvious to them for the sake of the viewer. The plot is quite dense and the film keeps you on the edge of your seat but at the same time is quite thought-provoking. The only thing I didn't like is that the world of Dune is quite, brutal, depressing and hopeless in comparison to other fantasy or sci-fi universes.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why

The show didn't get good reviews but I actually liked it, the main character is quite likeable and I really rooted for her to be able to go to the convention. I think the main theme of the episode was what it means to be a fan, a part of a fandom you are crazy about, how it feels to be misunderstood by others who are not fans of anything and labelled as childish or immature. I'm not in Marvel fandom but I've been through all this. We fans gotta stick together.

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Foundation: 2x03 King and Commoner

I liked the plot of Gaal and Salvor the best, it was quite exciting when they were chased by the mining machines, and earlier when Gaal and Hari went to the Mines of Moria (I couldn't resist a Tolkien reference).

The place where Poly and his disciple find the guy Hober Mallow brings to mind Star Wars, especially the Forcer ladies who resemble the women from Darth Vader's army. And when Bel Riose goes into the ship as its general, it had some Star Trek feel, it would be nice to watch adventures of a crew of a spaceship again. Though I guess the subplot with Bel's husband felt an unnecessary addition to include some LGBT agenda, which is a sad thing in today's shows and movies, when these things are forced into the story whether they are needed for the plot or not. Bel's partner was his pressure point the Empire could force him into obedience so this could have been a woman as well and not necessarily a male partner.

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Foundation: 1x02 Preparing to Live

I liked the first episode better though naturally after the cliff-hanger ending I will have to continue watching. The ending was a bit shocking as Raych kills professor Seldon apparently for no other reason than that he had humiliated him in front of other crew during the meal in the cantine? During the episode, Gaal and Raych seem to be in love but after she discovers him murdering Seldon, he puts her into a capsule together with the murder weapon and ejects the capsule from the spaceship so maybe he was just using her and wasn't really in love with her? It looks like she is going to die in the capsule but maybe not since she is the main protagonist? Meanwhile it turns out that the mysterious woman accompanying the three empire brothers is in fact an android (apparently the only remaining one according to what she talls Dawn), whearas Day shows mercy to the ambassadors after executing some NPCs. I am not familiar with the novels so most of the events are quite surprising to me.

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Foundation: 1x01 The Emperor's Peace

The show is visually stunning, at first the plot was a bit messy but in the second half of the episode it became quite interesting. The main character is likable, so we cheer up for her, but she also seems rather principled, determined and follows what she believes is right, regardless of consequences. There are some important questions and issues touched upon in the show, so it is thought-provoking and not only entertainment. I have never read the books but I found this first episode engrossing.

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The Crown: 3x06 Tywysog Cymru

Great epiosode, both visually with fantastic cinematography and as far as the plot is concerned. The most interesting character in this episode is the Welsh professor, forced to teach Charles Welsh against his republican beliefs, as with time a sort of friendship develops between the prince and his tutor, as Millward begins to feel sorry for the socially awkward and lonely prince. The final scene when Charles is rejected by his mother and told that nobody cares about his feelings or opinions is quite sad, it looks like the prince had better relationship with the tutor than with his own mother. The queen schools him about hiding one's own feelings but it looks like she had been doing this for so long that she stopped having any emotions altogether.

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Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

The finale was quite an emotional episode, though I still think kids shouldn't watch it as it was quite dark and at times disturbing. At the beginning the ep seemed to be dragging a bit, but the later part was quite engrossing. My favourite scene was the reunion of Wednesday and Enid at the end, it was even moving to see the girls hug as Wednesday finally overcome her aversion to showing friendship and affection she feels to other people.

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Wednesday: 1x06 Quid Pro Woe

The episode was a bit darker in mood than the earlier ones and quite suspenseful, especially in the part with the haunted house investigation, which felt somehow similar to the "Stranger Things" Creel house, though it was an enjoyable watch. The ending with Wednesday losing her best friend is kind of sad as Addams finally realises he really needs friends and does not want to be alone. I hope Enid will appear in future episodes nevertheless since she is quite an interesting and colourful (not only literally) character. I thought that maybe she would "wolf out" as a result of the shock when visiting the haunted house, but apparently not.

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The Last of Us: 1x04 Please Hold to My Hand

The show is terribly depressing as apparently after the apocalypse people do not help and support each other but rather hunt and kill other people, and it is not only the infected one should fear in the world of TLoU. It was not enough for people that the fungus decimated them but they have to fight among themselves, looks like they are doing everything to make the human race extinct. But if the survivors are like that, maybe it's good riddance. What I liked about the episode is that it was focused more on the relationship between Joel and Ellie, and there was more about how their bond develops and their relationship becomes more of a father-and-daughter relationship. I am not into zombie stories and in fact this is the first one I've ever watched since the reviews claimed it was more about the main characters and their relation than the actual zombies.

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Wednesday: 1x05 You Reap What You Woe

A bit light-hearted episode in comparison with the previous ones, focused on the relationship between Wednesday and her parents, as well as her brother. It is good that she finally clears her differences with both of her parents. The strange Addamses are really a close-knit and loving family. I loved the scene with Wednesday with her brother throwing the grenades into the lake.

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Wednesday: 1x04 Woe What a Night

So I finally arrived at the episode with the iconic dance which is really fun and the scene steals the show. Wednesday does not disappoint, though other characters are not so interesting, maybe apart from Enid and the beekeeper boy who is unfortunately killed by the monster. I enjoyed the episode's plot based on Wednesday's investigation of the murders, which made it look a bit like a CSI-type show.

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Wednesday: 1x03 Friend or Woe

The episode was a bit darker than the previous ones, the vision with the persecution of the outcasts was pretty brutal for a kids show. Wednesday is still killing it as a snarky protagonist, the subplot of Enid's dating problems was pretty funny, too.

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The Chosen: 3x05 Clean, Part 2

The first part of the episode with the olive business and Peter talking to the Roman guy as if he were his best friend were a bit of a filler, though as soon as Jesus appeared, everything started to take more speed and meaning as well. The healing of Veronica and Jairus' daughter were beautiful and very moving scenes, I guess it is the best episode this season.

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The Chosen: 3x04 Clean, Part 1

The episode seems a bit like a set-up for the next one, with the backstory of Veronica and Jairus' daughter, who will probably be cured by Jesus in the next ep. Peter and Eden have some marital troubles, and it looks like Peter is pals with the Roman officer, which seems really strange and not believable.

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Wednesday: 1x02 Woe Is the Loneliest Number

The show is really binge-worthy, even though there are some call-backs to Harry Potter, it's really enjoyable and I can't stop watching, Wednesday is a great character and her growing friendship with her roomate Enid which is a total contrast to her is also well-written. I really rooted for the girls during the Poe Cup and it was quite an exciting scene. The show is perfect light-weight entertainment so far.

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Wednesday: 1x01 Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

I've never watched any Addams family movies before, and the story seems a bit boring and the school a cliched copy of Hogwarts, though the snarky main character saves the day and makes the show an enjoyable experience.

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The Witcher: Blood Origin

I quite liked the songs and music in the show, apart from that, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Witcher novels.

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The Witcher: Blood Origin: 1x01 Of Ballads, Brawlers, and Bloodied Blades

The show has nothing to do with the Witcher novels by Sapkowski, apart from name-dropping here and there (though the depiction of the characters from the novels doesn't really fit what we know about them from the books), but on the whole, I don't think it is as bad as most of the reviews say when watched without reference to the novels. It is not worse that the TV show adaptation of Shannara Chronicles or The Legend of the Seeker and other suchlike second-class generic fantasy shows. I only wish the screenplay writers weren't so in love with the ugliest of swear words.

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The Chosen: 3x02 Two by Two

The episode contains a couple of great scenes: Matthew's reconcilliation with his parents, which is quite moving and it brought me to tears as Matthew is one of my favourite characters from among the Apostles; Jesus sending the Apostles on their missionary work, and Jesus explaining to Little John why He didn't heal him, the scene at the very end when Peter gives the pep-talk to the other Apostles before they set off for their journey, which shows him as a natural leader. The rest feels a bit like filler, though it pays off to wait for the couple of the good scenes I mentioned above. What is quite problematic is that some of the apostles are depicted as married or about to marry, which creates a tension between the fact that Jesus sends them on their mission and their wives' resonable expectations that the husbands stay by their side. The Apostles were not married in the Bible and the romance subplot introduces unnecessary complications.

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The Witch

It is a pity that the main character chooses evil in the end.

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Biohackers: 2x04 Forget

Quite a cliffhanger, it seems that Jasper is actually the one who infected Mia with the disease?

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Biohackers: 2x03 Partners

It was quite suspenseful, though at the end not much is actually explained.

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Biohackers: 2x02 Enemies

Things are getting complicated as it turns out that Lotte's dad is responsible for the experiments Mia has undergone.

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Enola Holmes 2

There is lots of the feminist message and diversity, but also some sense of humour and the fairy tale Victorian London (it has as much to do with historical London as Bridgerton's Regency with the real Regency period, but we know it and watch it tongue in cheek) is a real eye candy. Great that Enola and Tewkesbury are finally on the good road to becoming an item :)

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Star Trek: The Animated Series: 1x02 Yesteryear

I am new to Star Trek and I really liked the storyline in this episode as we learn more about the Vulcan culture and Spock himself, the character I am most curious about since he is the only person not coming from Earth among the Enterprise crew.

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

The episode was quite suspenseful at times but overall it was too lengthy, they could have divided it into a couple of shorter episodes. I like watching everything in one sitting and I was just waiting for the resolution because the show is quite engrossing so I really had to know. It is really sad what happens to Max at the end since it looks like she is going to live in a coma. There were some moving scenes like Dustin's conversation with Eddie's uncle or Eleven's reunion with Hopper. Though it looks like the characters are in for a real serious trouble next season, I've heard it is going to be the last one so probably there will be a Shakespearean ending of "everyone dies".

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Stranger Things: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy

The episode was very emotional, especially the scene when Max reads her letter to her late brother Billy was quite moving. The ending was quite suspenseful, I was not sure whether Max would make it to the escape way in time, I thought that maybe the monster would catch her in the last moment or the escape window would close because the song ends or something to this effect. Luckily, the power of friendships wins over evil and I am really glad as Max is one of my favourite characters and it would be sad to see her go, especially in such a way. I wonder whether the monster can target her again or is it more of a hit-and-go thing for the big baddie?

The story of Victor Creel was creepy but sad and tragic too. Though there were funny moments in the episode as well, Robin convincing the professor to let them talk to Victor looked hilarious, and she did much better job than Nancy as she finally get them the meeting with Victor.

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

The episode was quite good, the vistas impressive, the city and the palace really look like placed lived in instead of just decorations. I enjoyed the dragons though there were not that many of them. Princess Rhaenyra looked a bit stiff in the trailers, but in the actual episode she turned out to be an interesting and lively character. It looks like the king Viserys had a genuine affection for his wife, which is really rare in the cruel world of Westeros, which makes her death due to the decision he took even more dramatic. He also seems to have a better father and daughter relationship than his Hand, who intends to use his daughter to advance himself. I liked the scene when Viserys explains everything about his vision to his daughter and gives her a mission to undertake as a ruler, a mission which ties up to the previous show.

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Paper Girls: 1x01 Growing Pains

It was not a masterpiece but I found it quite entertaining, apart from the section when the girls land in the middle of some battle in a sort of futuristic apocalypse, with some guys shooting what looked like Star Wars blasters. From what I read in the reviews, the girls were supposed to travel to the future, which for them would be our present, and I thought it would be our present day as it really unfolds and not some kind of Hunger Games style thing. The girls themselves are likeable, though, and I like the part in which they befriended each other and supported themselves in trouble. Definitely each of them has her own different personality, which shows in the dialogue and their interactions with others.

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