Both battles: Dany's battle with the slavers and Jon's against Ramsey were great, visually impressive particularly the dragons in flight, for the first time shown in the battle whereas the battle for Winterfell was more gritty. It is sad that Rickon was killed but it was obvious from the beginning that Jon and Sansa wouldn't be abile to save him since he was in Ramsey's hands. They could have tried shoot Ramsey with arrows instead of having Jon ride towards Rickon maybe then they would have an off-chance of saving him. Anyway, it is nice to have a happy ending for the Starks for a change, in fact when I read in the spoilers that there was going to be a battle between Jon and Ramsey, I automatically thought that Jon's losing is a foregone conclusion, since bad guys usually win in GoT, so this is a nice surprise. Westeros is definitely a better place without Ramsay and he had it coming.

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