

Omicron Persei 8

Anne of Green Gables

The best film of my childhood has definitely stood the test of time, it is still a delight to watch it after all these years and immerse in Avonlea's atmosphere again.

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Anne with an E: 1x02 I Am No Bird, and No Net Ensnares Me

Very moving and emotional episode, even more than the first one.

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Doctor Who: 11x09 It Takes You Away

For me, it was much better than the last week's episode, more emotional and concentrating on the relationships between characters. The return to the theme of loss and grief which is recurrent in this season worked out quite well. I guess that every person who lost a loved one can relate to the dilemma Graham faced in this episode. It is really thought-provoking and moving episode which makes you ask yourself the question what would you do in Graham's shoes if given the chance to reconnect with a lost loved one, even if it were only a copy of the person you loved. There are no easy answers to this.

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Outlander: 5x05 Perpetual Adoration
The Wheel of Time: 1x07 The Dark Along the Ways
The Chosen: 1x03 Jesus Loves the Little Children

At first it felt a bit strange to watch Jesus living alone in a tent in the woods, though the scenes when He teaches Abigail and her friends the Lord's Prayer and to forgive their enemies is quite moving. It is good to see an episode centered on Jesus, as He has been a background character so far. Anyway, watching the show always makes me feel calm and comforted.

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Game of Thrones: 4x04 Oathkeeper

The farewell scene of Brienne and Jaime was great and quite moving.
Now I am a bit worried about Bran and his friends, I don't recall these events from the book so I have no idea how it would end.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council
The Wheel of Time: 1x08 The Eye of the World
Merlin: 5x12 The Diamond of the Day (1)
Outlander: 4x02 Do No Harm

The story of Rufus was very tragic and heart-breaking, I was still crying some time after watching this episode. Claire and Jamie had to face a really terrible choice in this story, it was particularly terrifying to Claire who saved the boy's life only to have to poison him to give him a less painful death that the mob intended for him. I fear she would have to face many such dilemmas if she and Jamie are going to stay in America. What began as a more peaceful part in the life of the Frasers, turned out to be one of the most devastating tales.

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Anne with an E: 3x10 The Better Feeling of My Heart

The episode was really moving, it is great that Anne and Gilbert confessed their love to each other and that Diana's parents allowed her to study with Anne, and the scene when the Cutberths bring Anne her mother's book was also quite touching. I would say it was a perfect ending to the show but for the Indian girl whose plot was left unresolved. It is hard to believe that Anne cared about Ka'kwet so much and then totally forgot her. When you introduce new characters at least have the decency to finish their character arch and do not leave their fate unexplained. It is good that Matthew is alive, though, from what I recall from the books, he died before Anne went to college, so that is a positive change, as a child I cried rivers as I read about Matthew's death.

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Game of Thrones: 4x09 The Watchers on the Wall

Amazing episode, the battle was breath-taking, and there were also quite moving scenes, such as the ones with Sam and Gilly (one of my favourite characters) and Jon's goodbye to Ygritte was really tear-jerking.

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Game of Thrones: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere

The highest concentration of the most emotional scenes from the novel.

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Foundation: 2x10 Creation Myths
House of the Dragon: 1x02 The Rogue Prince
Sense and Sensibility

Much more solemn in tone that "Pride and Prejudice" and with more broken hearts and love sufferings, but also a classic and great adaptation with wonderful acting.

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The Crown: 3x03 Aberfan

The episode was very emotional and tense, and some parts such as the burial of the children and the hymn were really moving. I have never heard about the tragedy at Aberfan in spite of studying English history as part of my English studies, so I also learnt something new. The behaviour of the queen seemed a bit heartless, though, with prince Phillip and Tony doing more to show support to the common people. I wonder whether she was really moved by the tragedy and loss of the children's parents or the fact that she finally visited the site of the tragedy was only a political move on her side? The last scene suggests she was touched only she has problems expressing her emotions (maybe because of decades of surpressing them). Was it this imability to express emotions the reason why she initially decided not to come to the tragedy-struck town? perhaps...

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Merlin: 4x13 The Sword in the Stone (2)
Merlin: 4x01 The Darkest Hour (1)
Merlin: 1x12 To Kill the King

It seems the most interesting and dense episode so far, with more mature issues than usually dealt with in the show. What happened to Gwen's dad is of course inexcusable, and definitely it shows Uther is a very negative light, as he hates magic so much he is unreasonably harsh towards everybody who has the slightest contact with it. I don't think this is a correct behaviour of a king to hunt real and imagined enemies of his country.

I enjoyed the courtly intrigue in this episode, which made it rather engrossing and more similar to other fantasy series. Morgana got a great character development arc, and the scene of her conversation with Uther was very emotional as it was not certain whether she would change her mind about him or go through with the assassination nevertheless.

Overall, the episode was generally dramatic, particularly if you have lost your dad recently, it really makes all the feelings come back.

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Outlander: 5x07 The Ballad of Roger Mac

A very emotional episode, with lots of sad events starting from Jamie being forced to wear the Redcoat uniform and Claire losing her medical equipment, followed by the saddest scene in the season so far. Murtagh's death scene was very moving, particularly Jamie's reaction to it and how devastated he was, since Murtagh was a father figure to him and now Jamie feels left on his own, without support of his family from Scotland, now he has to stand on his own feet. I guess Jamie had hoped to the last moment that he would somehow be able to save Murtagh's life, that is why he agreed to Roger's dangerous plan. Now he will perhaps blame himself for Roger's death as well. The whole episode emphasises the senselessness and cruelty of war, which is never a good solution to anything.

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Outlander: 4x09 The Birds & The Bees

Until Brianna's opening up to Claire about the rape, it is a sunny and positive episode with many moving and beautiful scenes, such as Bree's first meeting with her biological father and her reunion with her Mum, also the meeting of the "extended" Fraser family together with Ian and Murtagh in the little house is almost idyllic, it is also great to watch Bree gradually bonding with Jamie as well as Jamie discovering love for his daughter.

Coming back to the final part of the episode, how did Bree manage to hide her trauma from her mother for so long? We know the reason she did it but it must have been really hard to pretend she is having a good time when she really suffered after all been through.

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Outlander: 4x07 Down the Rabbit Hole

The parts showing Brianna's bond with Frank were quite moving, and added new depths to both these characters. Brianna seems to be quite a courageous person to undertake the travel through time, she has a lot of resillience. Roger is also pretty determined to find Brianna, so it seems he really loves her and cares for her. He had really bad luck to get on the ship with Bonnet as a captain! Bree was also unlucky to stumble across Laoghaire, who was relatively nice until she went postal after discovering her true identity. Brianna making friends with Laoghaire's youngest daughter was also a really nice part of the episode. As I have lost my father some years ago, I found the plot of Frank and Brienne rather touching.

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Friends: 3x07 The One with the Race Car Bed

The scenes with Joey as a teacher are hilarious :)

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

The part when Eleven reads Hopper's letter to her is really moving.

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Game of Thrones: 1x10 Fire and Blood

Very emotional and even moving. I'd never thought I may find an episode of GoT touching, but here it is.

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The Crown: 3x06 Tywysog Cymru

Great epiosode, both visually with fantastic cinematography and as far as the plot is concerned. The most interesting character in this episode is the Welsh professor, forced to teach Charles Welsh against his republican beliefs, as with time a sort of friendship develops between the prince and his tutor, as Millward begins to feel sorry for the socially awkward and lonely prince. The final scene when Charles is rejected by his mother and told that nobody cares about his feelings or opinions is quite sad, it looks like the prince had better relationship with the tutor than with his own mother. The queen schools him about hiding one's own feelings but it looks like she had been doing this for so long that she stopped having any emotions altogether.

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The Chosen: 3x05 Clean, Part 2

The first part of the episode with the olive business and Peter talking to the Roman guy as if he were his best friend were a bit of a filler, though as soon as Jesus appeared, everything started to take more speed and meaning as well. The healing of Veronica and Jairus' daughter were beautiful and very moving scenes, I guess it is the best episode this season.

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House of the Dragon: 1x08 The Lord of the Tides