Review by ladysherlockian

Foundation: Season 2

2x10 Creation Myths

Epic finale to the show, most of the plot points are solved, and there are some sad endings as from among the Foundation characters, Hober and Salvor are dead, they both sacrificed their lives for the people they loved, so there is some parallel between them as Hober gives the only escape pod to Constant before the ship explodes, and Salvor saves Gaal's life when she is attacked by a boy possessed by Tellem.

At the beginning, it is explained how Gaal saved Hari using some telepathical link between them and then transforming the guard's body into Hari's so that Tellem would think he was dead. The telepaths claim that Hari and the girls freed them since they were forced to do Tellem's will and not their own. They are in friendship but on the other hand if Hari and the girls had flown away in the Beggar, Salvor would still be alive. I do not really get the idea behind both Hari and Gaal going into cryo sleep, since they would not teach the mentalics anything now they are asleep and they were supposed to prepare for the Mule.

The best positive thing is that as Constant floats through the universe, she comes upon the Vault floting in space as well, and it turns out that the thing is bigger on the inside like Doctor Who's blue box and Hari managed to save all the people from Terminus and transfered them into the Vault so that they are all alive now.

It was really fun when it turned out that Bel used Hober's device to switch bodies with Day and the Empire was thrown out of the spaceship to the destroyed planet. Though it is a pity they both died on the spaceship and I feel sorry for Constant for losing her boyfriend. Bel's partner was saved by the Vault so he is alive as well as people from Terminus.

Demerzel tells Dusk and Rue who are imprisoned in her previous quarters her story and declares her love for Cleon, though she has to kill them both to restore the status quo as she is slaved to serve the Empire. She also tries to eliminate Sareth by arresting her for high treason, but Dawn manages to escape with her. It is not clear whether Dawn and his pregnant lover finally escape or are remotely killed by Demerzel, but in the end she decants the new trio of Cleons, so that everything is back to square one.

The show was visually stunning and the characters rather interesting and complex. I know from some reviews lots of things were changed from the books but Asimov must have had a great imagination. I would definitely wait for next season. Lee Pace is absolutely great as Day, he was born for this role.

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