Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

11.22.63: 1x07 Soldier Boy

This show loves to pull the move of getting exposition out of the way with one line heard over a wide shot of a car arriving. "What are we doing here anyway? It's better to stay as close to the depository as possible" etc. Also I hate amnesia plot lines. I know it was in the book but its more annoying seeing it play out over an episode.

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This is one helluva movie. Two amazing leads and a storyline that is way more badass and heavy duty than you think going into a movie like this. It rules!!!

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I hate hate hate hate hate Marty. He starts off being the cliche “funny” guy then he becomes a complete monster and not in the fun way. I hate him so much.

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Almost Human

This movie is just bonkers from start to finish. First off..Henry Silva is the GOOD GUY. That's a first for me. Tomas Milian owns this show though as Gulio, leaving a path of destruction behind him. Unreal! I love it I love it Love it

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Dolores Claiborne

Where’s the poop scene?! It was like a whole chapter in the book. Gimme my poop scene!

Bummer to see what got cut so we could make room for more at Selena’s workplace. Eh.

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The Red Queen Kills Seven Times

This was fun! Standard stuff but hits all the right notes. Also, a young Sybil Danning!! So great to see her doing her thing so early in her career.

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This is a 2 hour VFX sizzle reel. It is not thrilling. It is not exciting. Snooze fest in Green screen land.

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Hunters: 1x10 Eilu v'Eilu

Wow. Just when I think they couldn't possibly bum me out more....it goes and pulls some bullshit like this. I don't understand the fun in watching this show. In this show's world the Nazis are thriving and no matter what we do to Adolf in S2 or whenever, in order to buy him as a mic drop bad guy, we're supposed to believe he's lived a perfect chill life the past 30 years. Oh, and um, Pacino's character? He was actually the wolf but the last 30 years has been his penance. Ehhhh. No thanks. Everyone is punished in this show, the characters and viewers alike.

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Rouuuuuuuugh watch. Watched this for an upcoming Action Boyz episode. The amount of VO and montages of boring ass shit...ooph.

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Hunters: 1x08 The Jewish Question

Okay so Ted didn't bite the bullet. Shame. Cuz now we're subjected to "jokes" that never land. This episode, its the Zsa Zsa Gabor line. Every line needs a laugh track to tell us they expect us to laugh. Ugh. Can't wait for the finish line on this one

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Sonic the Hedgehog

This was worth it for the old school Jim Carrey. The plot is pretty ho hum, like just good enough. But worth the watch to see Jim Carrey just crush every delivery. The line about how jogging is bad for your bones, they solved it or whatever, I was dyin!

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Hunters: 1x07 Shalom Motherf***er

Okay I've watched 7 episodes and I don't like this show. No choice but to see it through to the end but here are end of episode 7 and its more of the same: flashbacks to Jews being tortured, then current day to our hunters being murdered or outsmarted or arrested by the hidden nazis. I've got to get a scene of some fun payback soon or just any type of victory in the slightest. Jonah just whines and whines and whines. If it's not about Safta being a way cooler character than him, its about how he's mad he just now found out Pacino was his grandpa. Well Safta is way cooler and I wouldn't want to tell you that info myself because you just complain about it anyway. And I'm relieved that Ted got put out of his misery. He couldn't handle this role and felt like Ted playing dress up for a bit every time he talked. The fake gravely voice didn't help. This show is a nonstop bummer. Hope it changes that in the last 3 eps I got to watch.

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This was a real slog. Didn't care about any of the twists. boring.

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Shout by Kurtis Money

Boy was it HILARIOUS to watch so many non American actors struggle with doing an American accent. Why not just let them use their native tongue?! It's future shit and space battle, why they all gotta be from the south?! Anyway, I appreciated the hell out of this movie because it shows us a Rock we will never see again, and thats as the bad guy. This was before he was at peak power surrounded by a conference room of Yes Men so he didn't feel the need to be a bland, beefy good guy family man in everything. Man, I miss that Rock. Miss him dearly. This isn't as terrible as its reputation would suggest. I remember The Rock shit talking it while promoting Rampage because of the video game adaptation "curse." This movie is miles and miles better and more fun than Rampage. Absolutely.

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The Abominable Dr. Phibes

This was an odd one. The mix of camp, word play and blood was a fun mix.

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This was an absolute blast!!!!!

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Child's Play

This was fun! Feels like with tech where it is today this is probably the best a reboot could be. Even the mix between real doll stuff and CGI wasn't the worst. I had fun with this and would keep watching sequels.

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The Twilight Zone: 3x04 The Passersby

This episode was such a snooze.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x29 The Obsolete Man

I don’t understand how Burgess was allowed to do what he did. I also don’t know the point of the episode. Weak ep compared to the last few.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x25 The Silence

Don’t read the description!!!! It’s the whole episode spoiled!!

This is one of the best episodes. Did not see where it was going.

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Dead Presidents

Shout by Kurtis Money

This movie opens and the main characters are kids and talking about their dreams, and I'm sitting there going, "oh man, at least one of these poor dudes won't have a happy ending." Nah dog, none of them do! Heavy movie. First time watching, really powerful.

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Cut and Run

How the hell did Willie Ames ever get any work. What a dud, charisma wise. And looks wise and speaking wise. Just doesn't have it.

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My Name Is Nobody

Watched this to hear where the score kicks in that Dante sampled for The 'Burbs. Worth it for that alone!

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Oof oof oof. The pacing in this movie is UNREAL. sooooo slow and quiet and zero energy and minimal score. Not great Bob.

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Love this movie. Another CLASSIC Dante. But I will say this...the new Corman commentary on the 2019 scream factory steel book is a major disappointment. Don’t call it a commentary if it’s just an audio interview with nothing to do with what was happening on screen!!! A real bust.

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The Prodigy

Well....this didn't end up where I thought it would. Going to give it that. Goofy plot, goofier twists, eh. Not boring and only 91 minutes.

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Murder by Death

Whoa boy. Having a hard time w this Sellers impression. A real hard time.

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The Weekend Murders

Kinda Knives Out-y! Dug it.

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This was an odd duck of a movie. Worth it for the cast though and even more worth it for how Bill Paxton runs off to his mom's gravestone after giving Christie the rose. I mean he is a hop skippin and a jumpin. Too funny. Oh and also Christie is an absolute babe.

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Blood Theatre

Whew does this stink!!!! Not good, not fun BUT is totally worth a watch because Mary Woronov is in it. She rules, consistently.

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