Kurtis Money


Los Angeles


Ignore the INSANE bad reviews on this and see it! It's great! Such a great time! Honestly shocked by the bad reviews. I mean 32% on RT?! No way. Loved!

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Holy SHIT was this amazing. And it's a real R. I wanted to clap every 15 minutes. Spectacular.

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Knives Out

This movie outsmarted me at every turn!! I loved it. So fun.

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La La Land

Snoozefest. mother! 2. The way people were talking about this movie like it was the scariest thing ever in the world is just insane. I was bored for most of it. I'm done with movies that stay on the same slow zoom on a stationary character with increased buzzing and then CUT to silence. It's been done to death. And the scene that is supposedly so traumatizing, that was a great scene, I shouted, it was pretty sweet, but it's not a "things are different now" situation. This falls right in line with other "modern classics" that were hyped beyond for me like It Follows, The Babadook, and the Witch. I don't care for any of those and a lot of people do. But I'm just not seeing it. Same thing with this. I will give props to the trailer though. Great trailer.

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God's Own Country

An absolutely beautiful film. Wish I had movies like this about gay love when I was growing up. Think things would have been better.

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I really gotta eat my words on this one. I talked so much shit about how it was gonna be terrible. On and on I went, with reason after reason. "The runtime!" "The color palette!" "The lead actress!" Blah blah blah. Stellar. I was so tense for so much of this thing. Absolutely amazing!!!!

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Wind River

HOLY. SHIT. LOVE THIS MOVIE. I went into this thing knowing only that it was by "the Hell or High Water guy" and that it was in the 80s on RT. That's it. 10 minutes in I leaned over to my friend and said, "This movie is AWESOME." And guess what? It stayed that way the entire running time. It could have kept on going and going and going. Jeremy Renner, best role. Elizabeth Olsen, fucking spectacular. Hmm, maybe I should rewatch Hurt Locker to say best role, but lemme tell ya they all crush crush crush it. See! This! Movie!!

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Suicide Squad

Expectations on this have been sky high for me. I remember where I was when this movie was announced, that's how long I've been counting the days. Sure, I have my own picky gripes about a few moments in the first hour, but once it gets cooking and that final act hits, its all bullseyes. I really really dug it. Can't wait to see again!

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Bad Moms

If you see the poster to this movie, the R rating and the fact it's from The Hangover producers and you think oh cool, this looks like a fun time...YOURE WRONG. DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF SHIT. ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT. This is a Katherine Heigl type movie with the F word. Man it was terrible. Also it's not an ensemble piece. This is ALL about Mila Kunis' character. Bell and Hahn are nothing more than her new friends. I can't believe I saw this in theaters. I wouldn't even Redbox this pile of garbage. Would have walked out if I wasnt a weirdo about finishing movies. SO BAAAAAAAAD

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Great to see Linda Hamilton again. Mackenzie Davis is a smokin hot badass. Arnie is Arnie, always fun to see. That said this was a stinker. Third best sure....but a stinker.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 1x03 Werewolf Feud

This show is great. Truly living beyond my expectations, which were huge, considering how much I love the movie. They are KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK!!!!! I've got that "new fave" excitement for each show each week.

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Arrested Development

where do I add the remix of season 4!? not seeing it in search results, watching them now....SO STOKED!!!!!!

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Evil Dead II

Okay, NOW I get it. Evil Dead was good, super gory, but seeing it so late in the game I struggled to see what gives it the clout it has today. Then I watched this one right after, and now I totally get it. This is hilarious, Bruce is a true badass, its gory, insane, and ridiculous. Hoping this awesome continues with Army of Darkness.

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Difficult People

I am very amused by the annoyance experienced by the two other comments on here. Complete disagree. Love this show!

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Assassination Nation

I hated this movie. I hated it so much. I'm not going into detail, I just don't have the energy because I'd like to forget this movie as soon as I can. It's so crazy to see a movie so terrible be so preachy directly to the audience. But hey, I'm 34, and there were people in the audience who were laughing and even clapping at some parts that I was rolling my eyes at, so maybe it's just not for me.

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Blade Runner 2049

Snooze. Sorry, too long. A beautiful movie for sure and it has its moments but whew...........too long.

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Narcos: Season 3

This season was absolutely AMAZING. I was worried for sure...no Pablo, no badass blond dude, etc. But turns out we're just fine with Pena, who more than fills the shoes in the lead. Also love the two agents who work with him. And the Cali Cartel!!! I honestly never should have watched this before trying to sleep, every single episode was so full of tension I was WIRED after every single one. Can't wait for S4!!

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The Predator

This stunk. Had some fun parts sure, but a real misfire and disappointment. So many missteps and jokes that do not land.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x03 Replay

What a powerful, superb episode. I can already imagine how it's gonna piss off a certain part of the internet but who cares. Great ep. Great ep! And I watched the old ep they reference legit like two days ago. Loving this reboot!!!

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This is a 2 hour VFX sizzle reel. It is not thrilling. It is not exciting. Snooze fest in Green screen land.

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This movie is amazing and very undeserving of the hate it gets. I just picked up the 3 disc Arrow blu ray and absolutely in love with the movie and the special features. it's got a great doc on there as well as a 3 hour version of the movie, which I recommend watching. It is truly a different age of moviemaking with Costner really on a trimaran on those insanely blue Hawaii waters and they really built that atoll that could fit a football stadium inside of it. Crazy!! This would be all on green screen and CGI bullshit. But not here. it's like a 3 hour stunt show. I love it. Watched it twice in two days.

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Holmes & Watson

This movie is a real bummer all around. Look, if you're a fan of the cast there are laughs to be had. I definitely laughed during a handful of parts. But this movie is baaaaad. Kind of embarrassing. It's a shame too because there are some good gags wasted on this movie, in particular one at the very end of the movie. Such a waste.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Having avoided it entirely for 20 years I am now reading the books and watching the movies and I gotta say, they're pretty great. No hot takes here. Of course the movie can't touch the book, but it is pretty good. The CGI however AWFULLLLL. Anytime someone is tossed or raised slightly on a broomstick they turn into gumby like CGI creatures with dead eyes. Put them up there with CGI Spidey bouncing around. Other than that, pretty good movie and I'm halfway through the second book now, the books are great!

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Inside No. 9: 1x02 A Quiet Night In

The bit with the dogs. I was watching on my phone at a bus stop and I just lost my mind cracking up. Like big guttural laughs, no doubt looked crazy. Totally worth it though. One of my favorite laughs ever.

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This movie is sometimes referred to as "Hitchcock Lite," a distinction that I think is complete bullshit. That is really unfair and dismissive to a movie that I think can stand up with the best of Hitchcock's work and even higher in some cases. The only reason some look at it as sub-Hitchcock is because it's funnier than any Hitchcock and that unbelievably makes people think less of it. This movie is for real hilarious. But the mystery and the suspense and the action is top notch. No, not "but." And. AND the mystery and the suspense and the action is top notch in addition to the laughs. Plus just LOOK at this cast. It is STACKED! The first 5 on that list down there are FAVES of mine. And Audrey Hepburn has never been more charming and cute and funny. This is my favorite film of hers and close to my favorite Cary Grant.

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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

This movie was absolutely hysterical. I had high hopes and it was even funnier than I expected. Plus I saw Scott Aukerman and kulap at the theater and also Nathan fielder. Good times.

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The Night Comes for Us

Ho. Ly. Shit. Balls. That was absolutely unbelievable. I mean just kick ass through and through and through. If you love The Raid or The Raid 2 you MUST watch this and not only because there are two Raid dudes in it. This movie kicks so much ass!

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