Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Blue Sunshine

Lead guy annoys the hell out of me. Like he doesn’t want to say his lines but he’s gotta. The Bronco he tooled around in was pretty sick tho. Plus it ends in a mall!! Ugh, this lead takes a solid two stars away from what coulda been a fun one to revisit.

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Psycho II

This is always better than I remember, and I've liked it from the start. Part of me wishes they would have left the "real mom" alive at the end for a fun sequel but in today's world of movies existing solely to set up another thing, I do appreciate all the beats of this arc happening in the same movie.

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Fighting Back

This was good but felt like it was made by the guy it was based on. I think the real guy even gets a shoutout in the movie? Bizarre ending for a revenge flick but skerritt and lupone can do no wrong.

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The Jet Benny Show

Watched this for video archives. Its super low rent, the Jack Benny impression is one note and yet I’d still watch this again over Choirboys in a heartbeat. Man do I hate choirboys.

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Night Visitor

Wow a horror movie with a character named Loomis. Never been done before very clever

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The Choirboys

Shout by Kurtis Money

This movie ends with the heroes tricking their boss into reinstating the cops who were drunk and killed a gay teen who tried to help them. Yay?

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The music is god awful terrible. Just we think we’re cookin and we’ve got Telly V doing his thing, that terrible song kicks in. The worst

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Evil Dead

everytime I watch this I like it more and more. watched the new unrated 4K tonight, what a picture! Top notch gore and scares.

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Girls Nite Out

Nothing makes me more mad in these old slashers than the “comic relief” and there’s way too much in this one. In the first 20 minutes almost any word a guy says is some shitty impression or “funny” voice or some prolonged bit that never ends. Almost made me turn off the movie. The bodies couldn’t start piling up fast enough.

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Deadly Games

The main characters “comedy” bits and her talking to herself is super annoying and painful to watch. Not the actors fault, I’m sure she’s being directed to riff and fill the runtime but ooooof.

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Sophie's Choice

A real bummer and way too long. Took me a few tries to finish it.

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Highlander II: The Quickening

I want a restored theatrical cut!!! I wanna see the version that flipped everybody out in the first place. This one is fun tho.

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Cried like a baby until well after the movie was over. Very touching!!!!

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Rocky IV

Eh. It was okay. It was fine. Will I ever watch this again instead of the original? Hell no. Gimme that robot or give me NUTHIN

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The Howling

This is the best werewolf movie. The best. Best effects and also weird. The best!!!!

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This movie sucks and the lead really sucks.

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Pledge Night

Dear lord I’m 40 minutes into this 80 minute movie and they’re still just doing annoying hazing shit to the pledges. Where is the killer and why hasn’t anyone died yet?! Unbearable.

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The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Love this movie!!! As always I could use a bit more Babs Stanny screen time but she crushes what she's got. Classic, classic Babs character here: tough as nails, no nonsense, troubled past she's determined to forget. Love love love it. Extra bonus is its got great weasely Kirk Douglas, a cool as ice Van Heflin and a smokin' hot Lizabeth Scott. Can't recommend enough. Also the child actor they have play Babs as a kid is PERF.

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A Message to Garcia

Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2021-06-08T18:10:27Z— updated 2021-06-25T00:35:58Z

Could have used a helluva lot more Babs Stanny.

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Blind Date

Lead guy suuuuuucks and is so annoying how he’s always wearing the headphones. Even before the hilarious accident he always had them on. I was never rooting for him. Also Kirstie Alley is great why the hell is she staying with this zero? Does she know how he got blinded? Who found him in the woods? Fun graphics though with the "blind vision" stuff. Cheesy fun.

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Planet of the Apes

Having the humans speak just as well as Wahlberg defeats the purpose of what made the old ones special. Now he's just another human but in futuristic hip mummy wrapping.

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Union Pacific

This was pretty good! Some great practical special effects. The surprise of Babs Stanny doing a full on Irish accent threw me at first but it grows on ya.

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Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Gremlins is a masterpiece. This is also a masterpiece. Best sequel in the game!

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The Bitter Tea of General Yen

this movie suuuuuuuuuuuucks. babs stanny is gorgeous as always but skip this one.

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Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare

The lead guy, John Doe, is a truly terrible actor. His voice sucks and he is a normal looking not hot version of Rider Strong.

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East Side, West Side

Shout by Kurtis Money

I ended up enjoying this movie because in the end Jessie leaves her good for nothing POS husband. I was thinking if she forgives this guy AGAIN then I am going to be pissedddddd

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Forbidden World

Some fun practical effects and some hilariously unnecessary nudity but kinda drags. Not a good sign for a 78 min feature

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Naked Vengeance

As with a lot of movies in this genre, the attack scene is too much and makes the viewer question the motives for watching BUT I will say she sure does get her revenge in super satisfying ways. A fun watch as soon as her revenge kicks in. And the guys you want to get it the worst DO get it the worst. Pretty awesome.

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The Ghost Galleon

Starts off a good time and then....the....skeletons.....appear....and they.....take up.....1/3 of the film......juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust moving an inch or two. So close to skipping forward during a few "lets scream bloody murder at these snail skeletons that will kill us by Tuesday" scenes.

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This is terrible. Michael Keaton's character is a real monster. And I'm not talking about his clones. The main character. Total jerk.

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