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Loki 2021

what a stupid show. Hollywood/Disney outdid themselves on showing their stupidity on this one . waste of file time and money.

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Shout by aniforprez
BlockedParent2021-06-25T06:28:30Z— updated 2021-07-14T15:47:30Z

I'm pre-emptively giving this a meh cause I'm sure this show is not gonna surprise me. Halfway through we have one filler episode and one of the most uninteresting reveals possible and cliches so expected and boring that I feel I know exactly how this will end

I dunno why I expect anything interesting from these shows. I keep hoping that we'd get Legion again cause Disney owns Fox and Legion was an X-Men property. I don't mean we'd get a reboot or whatever of Legion, just that they'd take the interesting ideas from Legion and make something interesting and zany and truly whacky and avante-garde. Instead, WandaVision was uninteresting and terrible and this takes a genuinely interesting character and flanderizes the shit out of him

I should probably give up on the MCU shows and just watch the movies. At least they're short

Edit: watched the last episode. Yeah I'm not changing my rating. The pacing was awful. The finale was messy and the cliffhanger ending was unearned. The fights were heavily edited poorly choreographed chaos

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Loki (2021)

I have been a fan boi from day one of the marvel comics...

True God of Mischief...

I am gushing over episode one...
I would actually pay Disney for this series on its own...

So grab a seat.. An enjoy...

This one episode could have been a standalone film...sooooooo many easter good infact i am gonna watch it see what i missed..

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Shout by supersnek
BlockedParent2021-10-31T05:10:53Z— updated 2023-10-15T19:46:06Z

Kissing your alternate universe self definitely counts as incest, right? :face_vomiting:

One of the reasons I liked Loki so much in the MCU movies is because he's a dramatic trickster, and there's not even a hint of that in this whole show.

All around, pretty boring and confusing, but at least Loki gave us Alligator Loki (Croki?) in HD

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Dear Loki writers. When creating an infinite multiverse that shows us infinite possibilities thus making everything pointless, then it's time to talk to Rick and Morty writers.

At least they make fun of themselves and the irony of presenting an interesting storyline in a multiverse where nothing really has any point.

If Rick Sanchez showed up with a nine-gauge plasma pistol and started killing everyone I would literally rate it a 10.

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I took a break after the third episode because I lost interest and I thought I wait for the final episode to watch the rest in one take. Now all episodes are released and I still have no interest to continue.

This one was not for me.

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How are the MINUTEMEN all women. Disney and their bullshit PC nonsense crap. Wtf.

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He's been dead before.


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Show is great, but they baiting you to rewatch everything if you watch i season per year. I hate it

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This is where they totally ruined Loki's character for me.
This show feels like a bad/cheap parody of the MCU universe's Thor movies.
Yeah, I know, Loki in the those movies was also kidding many times, and he wasn't a very serious character. But in this show they totally overdid it! It's waay to much.
In the show 98% of all dialogues are comic, or rather "try to be funny", but since the jokes are forced and very bad, the whole thing just doesn't work at all. The show is so overwhelmed with awkward dialogues, it's simply impossible to take any scene seriously. To me this show didn't even feel like a real TV show, it felt more like a behind the scenes documentary, in which the real actors just having fun to pass the time somehow.
It was a terrible idea to make an action/superhero story into a bad parody show. This is not how Stan Lee had imagined and written it. The comic book was entertaining, yes, but was never a bad parody.

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If you expect this series to be faithful to the character of Loki, you will be disappointed. Forget that Loki is the main character (could be anyone, doesn't matter) then it might be interesting in itself, but it has nothing to do with Loki. Besides, every Marvel story lately is about the multiverse, which shows a lack of imagination...
P.S. The show's title should be TVA, not Loki.

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Easily one of the better MCU shows that have come out! While I did not necessarily love it, I did like it way more than expected given I have never been the biggest Thor/Loki fan. It may be temporarily "Ended", but I could see them renewing this one at some point down the road to get another season out of it.

Average Season Review: 8/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Superhero Fans)

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Owen Wilson does a fantastic job

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why was part of the last 10mins kinda beautiful? solid second season....

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It's a really well done show. I just don't care about it. It's nothing they've done wrong. All the parts are there but Loki is just a character who is somehow less interesting than Iron Man or any of the avengers outside of Hulk preMCU. This is like the opposite of Hawkeye where there was a character I didn't like but the show was very engaging and made me care for it. Loki is ostensibly a better show, bigger budget, longer runtime, more big names in the cast but, ehh.

It's all well put together and in the end I just still don't care.

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Season 1 was cool, nothing special but still cool. I love the soundtrack, It's so satisfying.

Season 2 was a lot better. Its becoming my favourite marvel series yet. The cgi and sfx usage is brilliant. Just like all the marvel shows, I haven't truly enjoyed one but this comes closest to that.

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I love Loki... but he was barely there for most of this show. And the final two episodes of season 2 don't make up for technobabble and convoluted plottwists. My greatest beef with this show is that it essentially ends up where the movies' Loki already had arrived at. Willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

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Surprisingly absolutely great! I was not expecting this show to turn out so good. Honestly, it’s one of the greatest things the MCU has ever put out. The sheer creativity here is astounding! 9/10 :star:

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Maybe I’ve become numbed about everything Marvel, but I wasn’t too moved by Loki’s sacrifice. This may have something to do with all that time traveling/jumping that seemed to have cheapened the epic moments for me. Ugh. Sad to see Marvel has gone downhill after Endgame :pensive:

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Season 1 was ok. Season 2, not so much. Honest trailers couldn't have said it better:

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The best Marvel show on Disney and up there with the best MCU properties.

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When will season 2 be available on this app? Loki and many other series are missing

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Season 1
7/10 Good

Season 2
8/10 Great

"The Marvels"
Made me care about
the stakes more.

was nowhere near
the best MCU show
not even top 3
#1 The Falcon and
The Winter Soldier

#2 WandaVision

#3 Hawkeye

I will say Season 2
of Loki was a vast
Improvement over
that slow boring
abysmal first
Season. even though
the story of season 2
was messy and made
no sense and stuff
just happening for the
sake of it, the pacing
was great and the
performances were
solid all though
Sylvie just didn't work
for me this season,
(I won't get into why)
Loved "OB"
(Data from the Goonies)
and once again
Jonathan Majors put in
a Stella performance.
The vfx were amazing,
beautiful actually and
that ending seemed to
be definitive.
From a hit and miss
show I thought it was
an earned conclusion

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Season 2 rated an 8

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in an alternate branched timeline, there exists a version of this show where it was a loki focused character study, not like it is here, a bunch of barely linked plot happenings with a sprinkle of character

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I really didn't expected much for this show. "Just an another Marvel Series", but of course had to take a look and damn. It was amazing from the first episode to the ende of the second season. It's a must watch 10/10.

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Season 2 didn’t disappoint. But I have to say even as a big marvel fan it was hard to follow it sometimes. They way they travel back and forward in time was a little bit confusing. Loki top 3 character for me in the mcu! Tom delivered a masterpiece with his performance this series. Curious to know if we see more of him in the future. Still don’t entirely understand what he is doing now.. does he control all time lines now? How does he do this? Had this to when he who remains was the one to do this. Going to read a lot and watch a lot to understand it haha.

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The best 10/10 Loki is the best character

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Best of Marvel. Sad to see this end here.
Superhero Fatigue. Realy?! The Cure? Make Better Movies/Shows like this one. Stop trying to make kids movies/shows.

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It's my fault, because I keep hurting myself with these shows already knowing that they are going to suck. This time the writers barely got enough material for a mediocre Marvel movie but decided to go for a six-episode series instead - and it's only part one. The set-up hinted at infinite possibilities, too bad that all we get characters walking in circles for more cringe-worthy quips and drowsy info-dumps about multiverse rules which, by the way, keep changing with each new movie or TV series.

The second season may be billed as mediocre, but it still manages to outshine that disaster of the first. Especially in the second half, we reach a quite satisfying level thanks to the addition of science fiction dynamics and time loops that despite being derivative, manage to bring a touch of freshness within the MCU context. It's a real pity about the second and third episodes, where the narrative gets lost in unnecessary subplots and McDonald's product placements, thus stealing precious time from the main storyline. The overall result feels rushed and unbalanced. Characters like Brad and Lysa Arryn could have been entirely omitted to focus on the rest.

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I really enjoyed the first season but it fell off after that

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Loki needed a good summary. This unusual series is better than most MCU productions on Disney+. The combination of "Back to the Future" and "Groundhog Day" was a plus. And that Nordic final! :)

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I just finished watching season 2 of LOKI. There is no denying this show is clever to the point of being complex. The characters are well drawn and performed. Loki has a huge character arc in the two seasons, the season two finale leaving him miles away from where he started at the beginning of the season. In the first season I loved the adventure and watching Loki, the loner, develop relationships. The second season was less about those private moments and more about the urgency of time. I gave the first season an 8 (heartwarming and clever), I give season two a 7 (clever, convoluted and rushed) out of 10. [Marvel Superhero Adventure]

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S2 is much better than S1 ; there was a lot of repetition and moving around timelines but it felt fast paced unlike the first season

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Without a doubt one of the best thing Marvel's ever created, This is what Marvel should be.

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Glorious purpose, Loki is saving the current MCU, literally. Probably the best thing to come out from Marvel in a long time.

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Morbius was right from the first moment on.
Loki saved everyone, and please don't do a third season!

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Apart from the occasional inconsistency in pace and the plot being convoluted at times, the performance by Tom Hiddleston as Loki and the rest of the supporting cast delivers what seems to be one of the best I've ever seen from the whole of MCU. The visuals are amazing, great score, some good comedic moments. Apart from the recent dogshit we've been getting from the MCU and superhero genre in general Loki stands out in its own. Great show.


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Loki is one of my favorite characters from the movies. I wish they wouldn't have made the series so weird and convoluted.

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Shout by Jill
BlockedParent2023-11-04T11:31:40Z— updated 2023-11-06T17:33:46Z

I didn't know what to expect before starting this show. But this really surprised me in the best way possible and turned out to be one of my favourite shows! I would definitely recommend giving it a chance!

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This show is amazing and I am quite surprised at some of the comments. My thoughts are some of them never even got past the first few episodes. Stock with it as this is a show to love. It also sets up the multiverse, and Kang for the MCU so clearly more important than people say here.

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Owen Wilson said wow zero times

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I love the premise of this show. I loved the aesthetics as well. The special effects were phenomenal, and I did like the characters. Some really great performances in this.

Definitely one of the best new shows Disney has put out, but it's nowhere near Wanda Vision. It's also way out of the league of Moon Knight. If there was a consistent level of quality in the shows, this should have been it.

Unfortunately, this show wanted a second season so bad it completely deflated the ending. Dropped at least a full start simply because it has ZERO resolution, and no compelling action to even warrant the second season. It's an ending that someone who only thinks they're really smart (but isn't) would write. But I suspect there's a lot of overlap in Big Bang Theory fans and MCU fans, so good for them.

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wasnt too engaging but was interesting ! need more seasons to show the fractured timelines

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This was one of the better MCU productions in the post-Endgame era. The series successfully created a story that captured Loki's character while fitting into the broader MCU storyline. However, I was never captivated by the story and felt a lack of connection to the characters.

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I don't usually like time travel stuff, but this show is just amazing. It can be both light-hearted and serious.

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i really didn't get the appeal, they emasculated loki and h e is nothing like his original character. plus the comedy didn't really hit very well. i think it's highly overrated

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Loki is a really fun ride of a show. It was very off-the-wall and unpredictable, and really took a lot of chances for the MCU with its sheer oddity. It was funny at times and more than one episode had me waiting impatiently for the next week's to be released!
My biggest complaint is that the ending feels unfinished, which was intentional -- Loki season 2 has been confirmed and season 1 ended on a cliffhanger.

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Not a bad show. Pretty fantastic cast. It suffers from having some boring “been there” feeling plot elements. The bureau setting feels like a less compelling version of The Good Place. Things really get interesting when the final set of variants show up. I could have watched a full season of warring Lokis in a wasteland as opposed to feigned swings at depth via lengthy monologues about the nature of time and destiny. Occasionally felt tonally maudlin in a way similar to Umbrella Academy. If it had all been about Alligator and kid Loki I probably would have enjoyed it more.

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Loki Season 2 Release Date?

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It is not enough that marvel has invaded movies now they are coming after tv! nooooooo

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Cast 9/10
Storytelling 9/10
Characters 8/10
Video Prouduction/Cut 9/10
Environment 4/5
Conclusion 3/5
= 84%

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It's an interesting attempt that just misses the mark

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good series but crappy main couple, some episodes were boring but no matter, I got here because I love Tom Hiddleston and Loki.

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Wowsie. The deeper metaphorical of this story is quite entertaining for me. Well done. Thank you.

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They started our pretty strong with Wandavision, which was decent. Falcon/Winter Soldier was OK but not as good as Wandavision. Loki was really disappointing for me. I love Hiddleston, but the writing/pacing on this show was pretty lousy. And what's with the bad fight choreography? I'm really hoping for a strong Hawkeye-season to end the year.

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I actually enjoyed this one, except for the scene with the Time Keepers. I asked my other half where the Ravonna was and then the moment he turned his back to where she was laying I started a mental countdown to her sneaking up behind. So predictable and that last episode. Everything was so predictable and the Big Bad was boring as hell. All he did was talk and talk and talk and I'm not sure if it was the actor or the direction he was given but that was a terrible performance. The majority of the season was fun, though, and definitely better than the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I really loved the scene with all the different Loki variations, especially the old school comics one in spandex. It was great to see him get his moment too since he's the version I grew up with. Overall I would suggest watching this series if you're a MCU fan. Just don't expect the greatest show ever and let yourself watch it with an open mind and a willingness to have fun.

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Disney+ Marvel shows are truly AWFUL. Wandavision at least was entertaining at the beginning but with Loki... It is a trash boring show from beginning to end, a waste of time of 4 hours.

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Glad we got an entire season of set-up with no pay off. The only redeeming feature of this show is honestly Mobius.

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I really enjoyed Season 1. The world building, and soundtrack were amazing. Liked the story arch. Whoever, decided to cast Owen Wilson made a good call too.

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Wandavision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier were good, but lacked that extra oomph (the former started with it but fumbled a bit and had a somehow unfulfilling finale, the latter suffered from a bit of a wonky pacing) - Loki has that, and then some.

Beyond the exciting setup for the future of the MCU, this series is just one big great character moment. Loki himself, Sylvie, Mobius, they all have well-defined, satisfying arcs, with multiple "damn that's good" show-don't-tell character development moments.

Couple that with great performances - this is Tom Hiddleston at his best, with fantastic chemistry with Owen Wilson -, and this is easily one of the best things to come out of the MCU. It wasn't until watching this that I realized how much I enjoy Hiddleston's Loki, and he's clearly having a blast here,

It does fall victim to MCU-isms every now and then, but at this point this is inevitable (heh) and par for the course really.

I'm... actually excited for whatever the fuck happens at Phase 4. Me, who after Endgame thought "ok, that's it, it's over, they can't possibly hype people again after this"

Well, they're doing it. Bastards.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-07-31T11:25:48Z— updated 2022-07-17T03:15:34Z

It's my fault, because I keep hurting myself with these shows already knowing that they are going to suck. This time the writers barely got enough material for a mediocre Marvel movie but decided to go for a six-episode series instead - and it's only part one. The set-up hinted at infinite possibilities, too bad that all we get characters walking in circles for more cringe-worthy quips and drowsy info-dumps about multiverse rules which, by the way, keep changing with each new movie or TV series.

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An interesting concept and endearing at times, however suffers from a lot of marvel concept of just serving a purpose to setup something more interesting. 7/10

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best of the disney+ show

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Fantastical drivel... don't bother advising me if season 2 should happen

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Beautiful writing and cinematography. Personally, I'm not a fan of Loki but this show makes me root for him and empathize with him in a way I've never been able to do before. Love how everything connects to what we know so far. Amazing addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Can't wait for the next season and to see how it all ties up!

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Forget Thanos, forget the battle of New York, forget Wanda's reality, forget the Civil war, forget Ant man's quantum world, Forget Dornamamu...

The Loki(s) made it to the freakin' END OF TIME!

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Actually pretty good, would recommend 8/10

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Great show overall. The change that Loki has through the 6 episodes is amazing. I will say that after the build-up in episodes 4 & 5 the 6th episode just fell flat for me. I see what they were doing but it just didn't work for me. They should have finished with the same them of episodes 4 & 5 IMO.

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Love is a dark abyss.

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First things first - Yay! There will be a second season.

This was mostly a fun show. I do have to complain about the Loki/Sylvie "relationship". Sylvie is just another version of Loki so the two of them getting together in any way shape or form is just extremely creepy.

I wish there had been more Loki/Mobius scenes. Those were the most fun in my opinion. Are there some unanswered questions? Sure. Lots. But ultimately it doesn't matter. Just sit back, and enjoy the show.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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loki women is the best girl to me

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Loki is my favourite Marvel character so I was really looking forward to this. What a disappointment it was unfortunately....
They’ve turned Loki into some kind of comic relief, he is completely out of character and the humor and jokes are terrible.
The pacing is bad, the balance of power changes all the time (at times Loki can use powerful magic, at others he can be pinned down by a couple of humans), the dialogue is simple, the fighting is all over the place.
The ending doesn’t really explain much either.
As others have commented, it feels like this series is more focused on establishing the idea of a multiverse for future films than on Loki.
The fact that it has already been renewed for a second season shows how popular the character is and that people want to see more of him. But not like this...

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Can they just make Alligator Loki the next big bad

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I’ve been waiting for a Loki tv series since I was a kid. I have to say Marvel delivered. The show was amazing, all characters were written wonderfully. I just can’t wait for the next season.

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Keeps you engaged the entire series. It’s also a pivotal show for the next few months of Marvel. You get through the last episode and can’t help but want more.

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Loki is without argument the finest Marvel show yet. With jaw-dropping visuals, magnificent Cinematography, astonishing plot shifts, extraordinary performances from the leads makes Loki a classic blockbuster. With infectious chemistry between Loki and Sylvie, Loki gives us a thought-provoking, satisfying and mindboggling finale of all the MCU shows so far, easily another Marvel's magnum opus presentation. Madness has unleashed.

Sex and Nudity : None
Violence and Gore : Mild
Profanity : Mild
Languages Available : English + Hindi + Tamil + Telugu
Streaming : Hotstar
Telegram : @streamgenx
Full Reviews :

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A series that almost only serves to set up more movies. You just can't get anything meaningful out of it, if you are thinking this is the place for that. If you wanna, scratch your head (not in a good way) and just consume while eating, then... well, you can obviously do better.

This is the kind of series for people that want mindblowing unearned stuff.

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It took too long to get going and then had a pretty boring finale.

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For all time? Always. This is the Phase 4 kickoff I needed and the best of the first three MCU-shows. By far! It deserves the second season it’s getting. Great story, humor and sets up the future of the multiverse pretty nicely. I don’t like Sylvie, but the performances of Tom and Owen are amazing. And that ending? Give me more!

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Last episode of season 1 was boring, but the rest of the season was amazing

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-07-12T00:50:47Z— updated 2022-07-24T16:38:41Z

I don't understand how if Loki is a God, they have lowered him to just a cheap magician.

Are the time masters more than Gods?

Also, the plot that they are creating is deviating from something that puts Loki as the lead character. It has nothing to do with interests he would have.

He is not the kind who would want to save people from a bad situation. He would only be looking to grab power.

This show is just going into some strange weird direction. With each episode it's less interesting, and more off focus.

Loki is just a pawn in this shows game!

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Loki is one of my favorite characters in the Avengers universe and I was really looking forward to this series but I am very underwhelmed. Like WandaVision it is just a little too strange & slow. I love the Marvel movies and the Avengers. I like their darker, serious, fast-paced storylines with some humor. I don't know... I just feel these first 2 series have fallen flat and are not on par with what I expect from the Marvel franchise.

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I want more Alligator Loki.

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I regret wasting time I'm watching this show. Owen Wilson is the best thing about the series and is the only reason I'm actually still watching it.

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Poor man's Dr. Who. Watched all three episodes because no other good Fantasy/adventure series airing, but would otherwise quit after first episode. Too much talking, thinking they sound cute, with very little substance. Different time lines.... this new trend jumping from one Hollywood series to another (Flash, Marvel, etc) is getting tedious.

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Shout by DylanKing1999
BlockedParent2021-06-17T21:28:37Z— updated 2021-07-01T22:42:41Z

The series started off pretty bad in my opinion (these constant obvious attempts at humor that just fall flat, extremely rushed breakdown of Loki's psychology making it all seem very fake, etc.). It really made me think this would just be a very amateurishly written thing purely riding on Loki's established fame. But near the end of the first episode it started to pick up, and by the second I was really getting into it. It seems like they were just having trouble continuing from where Loki left of, because I haven't seen any of those problems come back so far.

EDIT: Nah scratch that, I changed my mind. This show really is just so rushed and just falls so flat when it comes to evoking emotions, and is frankly just plain stupid sometimes.

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This show is mind blowing.

Loki is Loki...

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Woo hoo, this is going to be great!

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Interesting even if just for the world building. AHH maybe for Loki's forced character development...

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What a great episode ! Can't wait for next week.

And I really like that 60s-70s setting of the TVA

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So this made me resub Disney+ .
Won't say much more than, If you like the MCU do not miss this series. Episode 1 was awesome.

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haven't been this excited for a show in ages

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