Review by Ri

Loki 2021

As a preface, I love Loki the character.

However, this series didn't sit well with me for some reason until I had some time to really think about this series as a whole. The other Disney+ series have set the standard that they are vehicles in which to set up the next phase of the storyline but ALSO to further develop the character. We explore Wanda's grief in Wandavision and we explore Sam's hesitancy and struggles as a Black man picking up the mantle of Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

What did we learn that's new or was explored about Loki's character in this series? That he has alters? So what.

The brief mention that Loki and Sylvie are more powerful than they realize and the things that they're capable of doing with their powers is glossed over and only given a peek again in the scene with Classic Loki. I would have thought that one of the character developments in the show would be Loki discovering all the things he can really do after he learns of this. But nope.

This season of the show was merely a way to enter Phase 4's overarching storyline of the multiverse and to explore the universe further. It just falls flat as a story about Loki. The show seemed to be more about the multiverse and less about Loki even if the show is titled after him.

Speaking of Season 2, what story could they possibly tell in Season 2? Is Loki's story not over yet? Even as a fan of the character, I would have thought that the end of this series would be our goodbye to this character.

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