Review by somnomania

Loki 2021

All the people saying this show was boring, badly-paced, poorly-written: I don't think we watched the same show. I respect your opinion, but clearly you all missed something crucial.

I LOVED this show. I already loved Loki, and this expanded on the character brilliantly. He spends the show getting put in situations where he can't just magic his way out of things. His ego gets the better of him multiple times, as it should. But through the course of the show, he develops as a character and a person, because there are things going on that are much bigger than him. One of Loki's greatest traits has always been that he has far too much empathy to be a real villain. This really demonstrated that, to me. Episode 5 was the best, in my opinion, but the finale was also amazing. This show didn't leave me with questions like some of the movies have, like "why didn't X just do blank instead". I'm excited to see where they go for season 2!

And those of you who found Sylvie and Loki kissing to be gross or "incest," y'all are babies. It's only incest if you're related; alternate versions of each other doesn't count. I have Kingdom Hearts and the Lutece "twins" from Bioshock Infinite under my belt, this made sense compared to that, tbh. And honestly, doesn't it make sense that Loki would fall for himself, essentially? He said himself that he's a narcissist. Anyway, I haven't been this excited for two characters to kiss in a long time, I was so happy.

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