Review by rhysciar

Loki 2021

Good, interesting story with a time travel twist - I really liked the idea behind the TVA. Great scenery, it shows that they spent a lot of money on CGI, music is also good, compelling, erie, sets the tone of the story.
I loved the idea of multiple Lokis, it was fun to see how they interacted with each other. Sadly Tom Hiddleston seemed like he forgot how to act, his scenes were the poorest of all. Even Owen Wilson was brilliant next to Hiddleston. On top of that, it was really sad to see how they "pruned" this Loki character, he could have been anybody, a mere human, because there was nothing in his character that reminded me of the original Loki. The always-schemeing, always-plotting Loki. The awesomely intelligent, yet funny, goofy Loki. This Loki was a really boring and bad Loki.
Anyway, the story was good, third episode was the most boring IMO, it was a filler to the max - and strangely the last episode missed its climax for me, it fell flat all that conversation with He Who Remains. Most of all, I couldn't take the guy seriously, and if that was the purpose, they did an excellent job, but I think they should've gone with a more dangerous looking somebody. Well, maybe next season?
Apart from that, there were some inconsistencies in the plot, and I find it really boring if the ultimate enemy will be the same as in this season, but we'll see if this show can improve upon, or descend into chaos.
What would fit Loki well I think.

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