Shout by Artur

Loki 2021

Wandavision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier were good, but lacked that extra oomph (the former started with it but fumbled a bit and had a somehow unfulfilling finale, the latter suffered from a bit of a wonky pacing) - Loki has that, and then some.

Beyond the exciting setup for the future of the MCU, this series is just one big great character moment. Loki himself, Sylvie, Mobius, they all have well-defined, satisfying arcs, with multiple "damn that's good" show-don't-tell character development moments.

Couple that with great performances - this is Tom Hiddleston at his best, with fantastic chemistry with Owen Wilson -, and this is easily one of the best things to come out of the MCU. It wasn't until watching this that I realized how much I enjoy Hiddleston's Loki, and he's clearly having a blast here,

It does fall victim to MCU-isms every now and then, but at this point this is inevitable (heh) and par for the course really.

I'm... actually excited for whatever the fuck happens at Phase 4. Me, who after Endgame thought "ok, that's it, it's over, they can't possibly hype people again after this"

Well, they're doing it. Bastards.

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