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The Adam Project 2022

I expected Bruce Willis to show up

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Action scenes were ok I guess, the rest was meh

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Well, it's not "Back to the Future". At times, movie repeats the patterns of this type of genre, and Reynolds and Ruffalo do not save it.

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"I'm the godfather of time travel?"

Ryan Reynolds has a certain way of portraying characters that always makes me laugh and smile, but sometimes it can be a bit much. While The Adam Project could've hashed out a few more things in the plot, it does have a lot of heart and Walker Scobell has a bright future ahead of him.

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The definition of mediocrity...
The kid was good though!

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Not to be mean, but Shawn Levy is such a hack. What could have been an enjoyable sci-fi adventure throwback is completely wasted. The action and effects are fine (except for the de-aging), but there is zero charm, heart or character. Shawn Levy is film Ernest Cline, so get excited for Deadpool 3.

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(also its not my 1st language)

wasn’t really interested and only watched it bc of Ryan, (ik ik) but it was surprisingly better than expected, not great but it had its funny moments and didn’t bore you, but a little too soppy at times for my liking and the story felt a little flat
and yes he was very mature for a 12y old, it really was a little odd how he acted but not too much
so could’ve been better but its enjoyable (

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Meh! Deadpool lines because its a easy seller, you can resume all story to 10 minutes.
Dont take me wrong, its a good movie to see in the couch on sunday evening, but its Netflix, not a wow effect argument.
You are in a good way, but not there yet.

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Reminded me a lot of The Kid. I used to love that movie.
Is it me or little Adam's outfit gave major Marty Mcfly vibes? :D
Zoe Saldana was such a delightful addition. Entertaining movie.

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I enjoyed it. It'll absolutely be a divisive film. Firstly, it looked spectacular and was created for OLED televisions. Some of the best non-nature documentary HDR I've seen. A visual feast to be sure. It was also filmed (at least partially) in Vancouver, and it's fun to recognize some old haunts. The chemistry between the actors was pretty solid, and I'm not yet tired of Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds as long as the execution of the surrounding pieces works. The science nerds will hate it( which is funny) , it has some cheese, but overall it's better than the sum of its parts. 6.7 for me.

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Well sh*t, this was a lot of fun! :heart:

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Shout by Ahmed Hamdy
BlockedParent2022-03-11T01:10:12Z— updated 2022-03-13T02:05:14Z

I have watched the movie in Cinemark preview yesterday, and I can say, well done! The movie is genuine and funny, you will enjoy every moment of it and won't feel bored at all. The dynamic between Ryan and the boy is amazing, and the story, camera, and dialogs are good, and there are some emotional moments too in the movie, plus the action, drama, and sci-fi. I highly recommend watching this movie.

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You might think that The Adam Project is a spacetime adventure movie but it's actually therapy for boys who lost their absentee fathers way too young. Join the club! So therapeutic!

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This is a very good lighthearted movie that just works. Plenty of action and laughs, solid acting and there may be a plot hole or something but I didn't see it or care - i was too busy enjoying it.

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Was it amazing? No. Will I watch literally anything with Ryan Reynolds in it and enjoy it? Yes, yes I will.

It's a time travel flick with some feels, some funny parts, and enough action to keep it interesting. I liked it.

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So many negative comments without the reviewer's ratings.....

If you're expecting some sci fi masterpiece, not it.
If you're expecting a time travel movie with no cliches, it's science folks, so in true science fashion, it's going to be cliche as far as the science we know to date.
If you are looking for good fun, light hearted, where the bad guy gets what they deserve ruled into a somewhat sci-fi movie? This is it. In that case, it's a 10, maybe a 9 if you aren't really a sci-fi person at all. I can see 7-8 for you die hard sci-fi folks who just can't stand finding out it's more comedy than sci-fi.

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Loved it! It had a lot of nostalgia from other films, on top with it’s sense of humour, a lot of fun, some cool effects, sound plot with a lot paradoxes obviously and a fine cast and with a heart, good work from ryan as always too

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So I really enjoyed this. Mix of action and filled with enough emotional beats to bring it all together. The young Adam was excellent..
Some of the characters a bit underused but the story kept on rolling on all the same. Good Sunday afternoon viewing.

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this was good. i like ryan reynolds movies. it lacked depth but there was action, fighting, and jokes, so i'm here for it.

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I liked it more than I thought I would, regardless of the fact that it's 'formulaic' borderline on 'predictable', but Ryan Reynolds' humor is always delightful to watch.

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More family drama than sci fi thriller though that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Its enjoyable enough but the script could have done with a bit more work

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Ryan Reynolds plays Ryan Reynolds once again in a crazy time travelling sci fi adventure that recalls "Back to the Future" and "Flight of the Navigator" while excising the charm and originality of those films. Still, if you are going to steal from some movies, those are some good ones to use. More fun than most "made for Netflix" flicks and worth your time.

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Great, funny and super entertaining.
Action is dynamic but it doesn't feel like too much.
Light jokes but definitely enjoyable.

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So many flaws with this movie, but the biggest one was the music choices. A futuristic sword fight to Boston. Wtf man that was so Out of place and didn’t work at all.

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How can you not love a movie that’s final battle scene is scored by the group Boston!

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Dead pool, with time travel but without the gore. It was enjoyable and well done with great visuals. Love all the little marvel-isms sprinkled in.

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A fun sci-if/action/adventure version of Disney’s the Kid pretty much. With some similar occurrences of the older and younger version of Adam bonding. There’s plenty of action but a giant heart to the Adam Project as well.

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Until it's not bad.
Despite the possibilities, I felt that it left no room for a sequel.

Ryan Reynolds acting magnificently well, another good and interesting film for his account.
the future promises! lol!

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I wonder what percentage of folks watching know the dog was probably named after Stephen Hawking? I just started watching so I don't know if they remediate later in the film. All Americans should know who Hawking is. I'm sure we all don't. Pity.

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If you like Ryan you got to watch.

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Shout by Anonymousse
BlockedParent2022-07-28T10:28:46Z— updated 2022-07-31T12:06:26Z

Very cute ending! A pretty standard time travel story, establish the rules early, say "it's real life not -some pop culture reference-", get the girl.

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One of Ryan's better movies :movie_camera:. Some great humour and a good story line. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1:

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Great cast. Great performances. BUT the flaws in the premise completely dampened any enjoyment of the movie. There are so many time travel movies, the canon is pretty worn out, and you can’t make illogical leaps without it pulling the fabric of the movie apart. I wanted to like this movie, I like the cast in most everything else they do, but this movie needed better writing, better direction and a respect for its genre. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Time Travel Adventure]

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Story 7/10
Acting 10/10

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your avg netflix SiFy with a bit of family humor
not a bad movie, but the over hype and publicity raised my expectation

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2022-04-03T17:35:22Z— updated 2022-04-04T20:35:43Z

Exactly what I hoped it would be... like having two Ryan's in the same movie :-) fun action packed entertainment that doesn’t overstay its welcome... go watch it, go go go :-) 7/10

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Story was meh but Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo and Walker Scobell absolutely nailed it - what a dynamic!

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Star Wars + Terminator = Adam Project.

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really entertaining! the best of those Netflix Reynolds movies I think.
There's still plenty of things wrong here, like the villain, the useless fights with the soldiers, the stupid ending fight. But still a good movie for what it seeked to be: a fun and entertaining movie.

At some point I'd like to watch Reynolds do a serious movie though, but not sure he wants to risk it.

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Deadpool trying to be normal and caring lowered my enjoyment of the movie. Either Ryan Reynolds can't do anything else or he's been typecast.

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At this point, time travel seems more plausible than Netflix ever producing a good movie. Holy cow what a humongous wasted opportunity.

If you want sci-fi, you'll only get a whoooole lot of mumbo jumbo nonsense and quantum thingamabobs. Think Marvel, only way worse.

If you want a thrilling plot, well... it's as predictable as it could possibly be.

If you want Ryan Reynolds humor? Nope, better rewatch Deadpool or something else. He tries, but the jokes are just bad. At least he tried, which is more than I can say for certain other actors in the movie...

If you just want to turn off your brain and watch the pretty lights coming from your TV, then it's your lucky day. Enjoy it!

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For all the cliché filled plot, this was still a pretty entertaining movie. Ryan reynolds and walker scobell played off each other perfectly for a crazy comedic duo. And there were a handful of funny references and futuristic action scenes to keep things interesting.

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Not a deep film or without silly plot holes etc but sprinkled with good old days humour, heart and action with great actors make this an enjoyabke movie. If you b like Ryan Reynolds or enjoy 80/90s aka per* preWoke era SciFi/Action then you will enjoy this. The only woke not avoided was in the diversity x casting - White Husband Black Wife and hiw 2 black haired couple produced a blond haired kid! but hey like I said not a deep or realistic film and one of the rare few I have enjoyed in recent times after Spiderman NWH - classic feels wins.

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How it shows that this film was written by committee...
The empathy/abandonment/grief stuff was excellent, but the theoretical framework of time travel, the fatalistic cliches, the "sanctity" of the timeline, the let's-put-the-genie-back-into-the-bottle mentality etc. were so melodramatic and not ethically nor scientifically sound. Plus, they murder about two dozens faceless goons without any mercy or remorse. Those guys probably had families too and were just doing their jobs, right? They weren't trying to assassinate Adam and the others (okay, maybe except Christos).

And what is it with Ryan Reynolds and magnets? First 6 Underground and now this? Can someone please explain to him how magnets work? Because, apparently, the writers "never understood the science" either.

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[Netflix] Echoing formulas from '80s movies, there's a dose of entertainment in this time travel story that wallows in script holes and the logic of the illogical. Ryan Reynolds is playing the same old character again, he has good chemistry with Walker Scobell and he doesn't seem worried about being typecast either. The best thing about the film is the attitude of indifference that has everything.

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that kid is gonna to places! the perfect young comedic screen partner for Reynolds

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if you have so many empty times then you can prefer to watch

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to spend the afternoon. It could be a TV movie but with two famous actors. time travel is an excuse to use the same scenario

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Charming but predictable.

Ryan Reynolds must be getting tired earning 10s of millions of $$$ playing the same part over and over again - himself.

The concept is a nice one. It works in a k owing kind of way. It's not Back To The Future, and I can't see it being what Back To The Future was to my generation but by the end of it, it had the feels working.

Not much more you can ask than that.


(Oh and Zoe Saldana is a goddess)

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This is a fun late winter popcorn-type action movie. The whole movie is fun from beginning to end. The interaction between young Adam and middle-aged Adam are quite funny. Scobell does a really good job channeling Reynolds.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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7.5/10 - Nice, this was quite good :) The story isn't that meaningful but it is entertaining and has cool CGI. I especially liked the time jets (duh :D).

Ryan Reynolds is quite entertaining/charming and Mark Ruffalo is great as always (I was so happy when I heard his voice - he's so sweet and cool).

But the biggest surprise was young Adam. He was great! And especially the three of them together are so funny :)

And it was quite funny how older Maya Sorian unintentionally killed her younger self :D It was just a bit unfortunate that her younger self wasn't that evil yet. RIP... "And you never understood the science."

I don't usually like time traveling movies because they rarely make sense (nothing is impossible, e.g., I can imagine how to program something like this if we're living in a simulation) but in this case it didn't matter because it wasn't serious anyway. It was an entertaining feel-good movie and I like it for that.

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I really enjoyed this film. Ryan Reynolds’ humour never fails to disappoint and the film is slick and fluid throughout. I really wanted a Jennifer Garner/Mark Ruffalo scene though as I was secretly hoping for Michael Jackson’s Thriller to kick in. Anyone who has ever watched ‘13 going on 30’ will know what I mean :wink: All in all, light hearted thrills and spills and great entertainment :thumbsup_tone2:

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Time traveling movies are always amazing

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its been 3 lines from young adam and im already in love with this movie

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You have to admire the acting range of Ryan Reynolds. It goes all the way from Ryan Reynolds, up to playing Ryan Reynolds.

But jokes aside, this was better than I expected from the trailer. Some funny moments, some stupid moments, some nice CGI, some ugly CGI, some ok action. Overall an enjoyable two hours, but forgettable. The thing that most stuck with me is, how none of the writers have any idea how magnets work. None at all.

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Guess it's a nice family movie, if you have teenagers and Marvel movies are still to mature for them.

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Ryan Reynolds' well established brand of sarcastic quips isn't nearly enough to salvage this film. In fact, the humor isn't even a saving grace, as it's way more miss than hit, often feeling stilted and obligatory. The paper-thin plot doesn't bring anything new to the time travel genre, boiling down the typical elements to the absolute bare minimum. All talk of mechanics and paradoxes are swept under the rug without any meaningful explanation, with the allegedly high stakes often expressed through nebulous expository dialogue (e.g. when Reynolds explains to his younger self that 2050 is just like in terminator but worse). Combine all that with noticeably cheap special effects, less than compelling acting from most everyone involved, and ineffective sentimental moments, and the end result is a disappointingly forgettable mess.

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Shout by Goutham

so the steel core inside the bullets wasn't attracted by the giant magnets before it was fired?
and how did they get back to their timelines?

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The movie is not the best ever, but it's enjoyable and I loved the references to Starwars, including the modern day remake of the scene on Endor (in the forest on the speeders).
Don't take the movie too seriously and it's great.

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Everything I want in a movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

There were a few boneheaded moments like not killing Christos before leaving the house, but otherwise a well written and directed movie. I love all the main actors and even enjoyed Walker Scobell. He was the right blend of annoying and endearing.

I wish we could have seen more of Zoe Saldana, but I think the writing was good with respect to her role.

I absolutely loved the bar scene with Adam and Ellie. It was perfect. Jennifer Garner is just a gem.

Mark Ruffalo plays a great egotistical asshole. The final couple of scenes with the two Adams was very touching, though.

A great cast and a very good story.

I did find the soundtrack interesting. I'm not sure it entirely fits, but it doesn't seem out of place either. Great music, but it seems like their could have been better decisions that fit the scenes a bit more. Or are they capitalizing on the retro nature like Marvel stumbled upon with Guardians of the Galaxy?

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Its a fastfood-Netflix snack, the one you regret having eaten afterwards.. But hey, chewing on Ryan Reynolds for an hour+, things could be worse.. "suppertime Spanky".. oke, I laughed hard..

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You won't lose anything if you don't watch it but if you have time to kill, you'll have fun. The plot is terrible but Ryan Reynolds is amazing. I think he had a lot of fun making the film. Bye the way, it's the worst time travel movie ever.

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It definitely needs to be said that the way all the timelines played out in the end made absolutely zero sense. However, I think the movie had enough heartwarming scenes and enough moments that made me chuckle to still be considered pretty good :)

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It's a Ryan Reynolds movie in Netflix! it is not Interstellar!
So i expect funny lines, funny faces and some action. That is it. The plus is that it has Sydney Bristow on it !!!!
Of course the time travel thing does not make any sense at all, and the logic behind every action and thought.
Light entertainment. Enjoy.

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The Adam Project is a fun and exciting sci-fi adventure that follows a group of teens as they travel through time to save the future. The cast is full of young, talented actors, and the special effects are top-notch. The story is engaging and the action sequences are thrilling. The Adam Project is a great movie for the whole family to enjoy. It's a great mix of science fiction and comedy, and it's sure to keep you entertained. The Adam Project is a must-see for any sci-fi fan!

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A satisfactory flick featuring Ryan Reynolds.

I got enough enjoyment from 'The Adam Project'. It isn't anything special as the film is missing a certain sort of spark to it, though the story is fun and allows for some interesting and rather sweet scenes; the latter is particularly true for the conclusion, which is well produced.

Reynolds himself is solid in the lead role, his performance is more serious than funny but there are still a fair amount of amusing moments for him across the 100 or so minutes. Walker Scobell gives a good showing behind the main man, his comedic timing in the first few scenes really does mirror Reynolds'.

Elsewhere on the cast, Mark Ruffalo, Zoe Saldaña and Jennifer Garner are decent. I will say that I found the antagonists a bit weak in this, I wasn't all that interested in them or their side of the plot. Better villains would've heightened my enjoyment, for sure.

Still, it is a film that I like.

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Funny, loved the 13 going on 30 reference

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Entertaining, a few flaws but ok, it made my evening

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The reviews on this movie seem to be a bit mixed. I am generally not a fan of science fiction so the sci-fi part of this movie was just a backdrop to me. If you toss that aside you have a terrific movie about fathers and sons and the movie definitely works best at this level. I know that we've seen a lot of what happened in this movie before (there are only so many things you can do with time travel, and I think it is safe to say that they've been done) and that's fine. The movie is a ton of fun and has a big heart - sometimes that is enough.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy reunite to present a feel-good, emotional, and equally entertaining time-traveling romp that has a big heart and easily flourishes as a family time travel adventure.

The Adam Project script is not something out of the box or is anything but complicated. The film drives through with a known time travel concept but presents itself with Ryan's supreme comic timing and sharp VFX. The emotional aspect adds more depth and feel-good moments to the fast-paced film, yet filled with drama and doesn't bother to bore you. Walker Scobell and Ryan's chemistry is brilliant which helps the film reach its peak in terms of entertainment. The script is not unique or has anything worth understanding but the character building is well done and it provides just the amount of entertainment you plan to get before hitting Netflix. According to me, I would define this as a pleasant family adventure with time travel, humor and lot of emotions. Recommended.

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Full Reviews :

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Level "Entertaining" • 6 :heart: • You may or may not enjoy this.

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nothing too new but a good movie to have fun watching, just the end that is kind of boring. I like Ryan Reynolds but really he plays himself always...

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Just Ryan Reynolds Deadpooling his way through life, but I'm here for it.

It was kind of an emotional watch for those of us who just lost our father, though.

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very average movie. first half was very enjoyable but the end was meh. I am seriously getting bored of Ryan Reynolds's acting now

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Though nothing special, it still made for an enjoyable evening watch. A couple dialogues were genuinely funny and the action sequences were alright.

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I thought this was a pretty good movie and generally won't watch anything with that vapid Mark Ruffalo in it. It has similar themes to other time travel movies, but it has the typical Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds and that is currently fun - but then again so was Adam Sandler playing Adam Sandler until it was just too much of the same character in every movie and you get tired of it. Ryan needs to change his schtick before people stop watching his stuff because they have seen it, in one way or the other, in his past dozen films.

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A well done simple and honest sci-fi family movie, the story is a quite generic minor variation on the classic time travel theme, what makes it shine nontheless is a solid cast, great chemistry and witty dialogues.
Plus the movie manage to get perfectly especially in the first part that naive sense of wonder that made iconographic most 80s movies in the same genre, and this I guess is what makes The Adam Project engaging. Best family action movie I've seen this year (so far).

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There's no real depth, so don't expect that. It's a family, action, comedy that is entertaining and enjoyable enough to hold your attention 'til the end. The deep fake of younger Maya is the only thing that's a little irksome, she's passable but motion makes the slightly unrealistic facial gestures noticeable... that's it, no biggie. The story is sweet, 7/10 for what it is.

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Funny movie and enjoyed it. Loved the small references to Dr strange en star wars.

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Generally not a fan of Ryan Renolds movies but Walker Scobell was truly fantastic in this.

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