Shout by Erebos

The Adam Project 2022

How it shows that this film was written by committee...
The empathy/abandonment/grief stuff was excellent, but the theoretical framework of time travel, the fatalistic cliches, the "sanctity" of the timeline, the let's-put-the-genie-back-into-the-bottle mentality etc. were so melodramatic and not ethically nor scientifically sound. Plus, they murder about two dozens faceless goons without any mercy or remorse. Those guys probably had families too and were just doing their jobs, right? They weren't trying to assassinate Adam and the others (okay, maybe except Christos).

And what is it with Ryan Reynolds and magnets? First 6 Underground and now this? Can someone please explain to him how magnets work? Because, apparently, the writers "never understood the science" either.

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