Review by wolfkin

The Adam Project 2022


Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-03-28T03:04:27Z— updated 2022-05-12T04:21:23Z

I read something in a review or a blurb that suggested this movie was better when it wasn't trying to be scifi and when I watched the first half of this movie I didn't understand but now having seen the back half. That's just the first of things wrong with this movie. I thought the initial time travel and technology from the future weren't bad. Until they get to Act 3 then it gets.... Marvel bad. Like every Marvel movie ends in a CGI fight scene that's always set at night so they can hide how imperfect the CGI is. It's ridiculous and it ruins the best movies like Black Panther and even Wonder Woman. That's utter disappointment you feel when that final fight in the dark comes. That's how I felt at the end of this movie. The third act is a cartoon. I have my issues with Act 1 and 2 but the end of the movie just ups the silly to ridiculous proportions.

The biggest non ending problem in the movie is the child actor. Walker Scobell is a perfectly fine child actor. I'd totally watch him in other movies but whoever wrote his dialog needs to be punched in the mouth. Repeatedly. Then allowed to heal. Then punched in the mouth again. It's AWFUL. This kid talks like he's Ryan Reynolds. It's literally pure Ryan Reynolds sarcasm and swagger but coming out of a preteen. If Ryan Reynolds talked like that he'd be bullied so hard he wouldn't have made it to adulthood. People write children terrible in general but this is one of the worst examples I've ever seen. It's not cute. It's bloody annoying. No kid has the confidence of an adult Ryan Reynolds especially not a bullied kid who gets literally beat up every day at school. At THIRTEEN? it's just stupid. It drags down the entire movie.

That said if they ever do a movie where Ryan Reynolds gets trapped inside the body of a teenager. This kid has his reel already prepped. He would absolutely destroy that role. He'd kill in some sort of Freaky Friday thing.

Anyway, outside of the kid and the constant grating dialog given to him. I was actually having a solid time. It's no blockbuster but it's a solid action movie with a fun cast and decent special effects and a story you can follow with minimal effort. It's a bit overly simplistic. But hey I don't need every time travel movie to be intricate. It is pretty violent though. For such a "fun" escapism movie they certainly do a lot of murder. Like i mean most of the people don't come off as "evil" but there's just so much casual murder. Didn't really seem necessary but it does let them use their fun disappearing body special effects. This just reminds me of the fact that vampires turn to dust in Buffy the Vampire Slayer because it made everything more tidy when dealing with dead bodies.

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