Shout by Dahj Asha

The Adam Project 2022

7.5/10 - Nice, this was quite good :) The story isn't that meaningful but it is entertaining and has cool CGI. I especially liked the time jets (duh :D).

Ryan Reynolds is quite entertaining/charming and Mark Ruffalo is great as always (I was so happy when I heard his voice - he's so sweet and cool).

But the biggest surprise was young Adam. He was great! And especially the three of them together are so funny :)

And it was quite funny how older Maya Sorian unintentionally killed her younger self :D It was just a bit unfortunate that her younger self wasn't that evil yet. RIP... "And you never understood the science."

I don't usually like time traveling movies because they rarely make sense (nothing is impossible, e.g., I can imagine how to program something like this if we're living in a simulation) but in this case it didn't matter because it wasn't serious anyway. It was an entertaining feel-good movie and I like it for that.

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