Review by GGeer3

The Adam Project 2022


Review by GGeer3
BlockedParent2022-03-16T02:06:42Z— updated 2022-03-19T17:41:50Z

Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds again, which if you like that, then you'll probably enjoy this movie. Overall every good vs bad fight was poor. If you're good, all you gotta do is grit your teeth and make a face like you're trying really hard, and you too can do the thing! Cool futuristic gadgets, and the young & old Adam convos were kindof funny. The scene with Laura where she's "prepared for years and they'll never see me coming" was comically terrible. The climactic good vs bad with bullets that get sucked into the... thing (?) because they are metal is also terribly bad. It's not like the bullet wasn't made of metal BEFORE it was fired from the giant metal gun. If you're going to make a sci-fi movie, at least have the sci part SOMEWHAT accurate. Spoilerish but not really The "twist" is seen coming for at least half the movie, so there's not a whole lot of excitement when it actually happens, except that it DOESN'T actually happen, which makes the movie even worse! It was so obvious what they SHOULD have done with the story that would have made the movie so much better, but sadly, even the actual story was poor to meh.

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@ggeer3 bullets are usually made from brass which isn't magnetic. He did self explain the plot that it has a magnetic core and with the whole particle accelerator, the science kinda made sense
