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Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015

The best new Star Wars film in three decades and one of the most satisfying films of the year.

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Absolutely disappointing rehash of the first trilogy. Disney had a real opportunity to do something new and exciting with this ipr but resorted to rushed writing with an extremely compressed story that makes no sense and fails to make anyone care for the characters or events. Emo Kylo is an outstanding metaphor for the whole deal.

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Easily the worst Star Wars film ever. Not sure what Disney were thinking... Maybe because people liked "A New Hope" they decided to make this "A New Hope 2.0"
"Oh and let's make Kylo Ren basically Darth Vader 2.0"
"Oh and we can make the Death Star 3.0! And make it way bigger, that will blow everyone's minds"
"Oh and let's replicate Hitler and the Nazis, just like they already did in Captain America"
"Oh and let's unnecessarily throw in a million nods to the original Star Wars films just to distract the fans from the weak plot"
There's nothing wrong with nods to previous films, but "The Force Awakens" was basically fuelled by nods.

This was basically just a mediocre action film with a Star Wars skin to help sell it.
Really very frustrating how many people are buying into this rubbish, because that is just going to encourage Disney to keep churning more and more out from their cesspit.

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While the story-telling and the visuals itself are on point, the movie confirms my worst fear. It wasn't made because there was a story to tell: Instead, it basically retells the story of A New Hope. The intention for profit is undeniable.
Also, major pacing issues are to point out. Ray talks about "Han being the father she never had", and Finn is willing to risk his life for Ray, although these people had only met the day before. Somewhere I feel I missed the time lapse.
Also, the background of things is left UBER-vague, although here I can at least hope the sequels will catch up on that.

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I'm not a star wars fan and I'll never be. The whole movie just feels like it popped out of the eighties. The old formula, good vs evil, doesn't work anymore. Everything was too shallow, there isn't no proper character development, they're just running and fighting constantly. Basically, for me, it was a very silly movie full of hype and sexism. Disappointed but not surprised.

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I last saw the first-made three films about ten years ago, and still enjoyed them. This film is far superior to the three films that were last made, but is still an uncomfortable ball of prejudice and xenophobia. The blu-ray actually subtitles some dialogue as spoken by "ALIEN". Well...who's an alien in all this, then? Isn't that a note on the bars that definitely should not be in-place? Drab.

In total, the film bored me. Could be that Star Wars isn't in me any more, or that I'm too alienated by it.

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The worst reboot ever guy what is this copy paste of the scenario of the 4. And guys please choose better actor or stop with the shut up it s work like that. Just we don't would to believe in this hero there just here for the scenario and not the opposite. The only good point is visually it s beautiful and it s star Wars but except that It s rape of the original star Wars by George Lucas. So sad I m waiting for this movie but it s just another commercial reboot movie

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Finn is a terrible person if you think about it lol, everything that goes wrong or bad in this movie is because of his arrogance.

(yes I know is Disney so they’re not that smart lol) also, you’d think everyone on the planet would start dying of radiation poisoning pretty quickly from the planet sucking up energy from the sun and then shooting the same energy

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Literally the best movie of the whole series. And I'm qualified to say that because I was obsessed with the original 3 in the 90s. #yolo, my dudes. I know, you'll never recover, but it IS freaking amazing. #maythe4th

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This is a great movie, a trip of nostalgia with balanced characters and lovely cinematography. Kudos to JJ Abrams.

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A phenomenal sequel to the original trilogy and an amazing show of loyalty to the original cast, crew and filming techniques used 40 years ago. A refreshing surprise after the sidetracking Sith trilogy. 10/10

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It's like your younger cousin - it tries to be cool, but you can see it's only copying everything you do but in a lame way

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Lol just like the last movie everything that goes wrong is finns fault

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After watching "The Force Awakens" a second time, I still have the same opinion. It's a very good "Star Wars" movie with a strong cast and great special effects. The weakest part of the movie is the Starkiller Base.

The "Star Wars" franchise is loaded with faux science and implausibilities, but I just can't get past how dumb the Starkiller idea is.

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Best of the worst for me

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The story is nice but it misses on character building and messes up all the SW Universe as we know it.
There is also comic joke tone that doesn't fit in the story.
When Rey in less than 30 seconds learned the jedi mind trick to get free it was too much and I had to stop watching. Com'on how on earth (ehm galaxy) is this possible for an untrained? She is even able to battle on par with the Master of the Knights of Ren an already trained apprentice!!!
What about the lead villain? He seems a crying child that destroys everything around him when something goes wrong...

For me it's a 6. It would have been an 8 for special effects and story would there have not been the original trilogy that taught us how much practice, experience and patience you need to be able to use the force.

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An enjoyable beginning to the sequel trilogy!

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' entertained me. It felt like a fresh direction for the overall franchise, which I guess is little surprise given George Lucas was not a major part of this. I actually didn't notice a great deal of difference, or at least as much as I thought there'd be given his exclusion.

I enjoyed seeing the new cast merge with the old trio, even if there are only small appearances from two of the latter. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are excellent additions, both give top performances - I will say I didn't sense major chemistry between the two, but I assume that'll come soon enough. Adam Driver, meanwhile, suits his role nicely.

Original trio Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill all feature, though - as alluded to - Ford is the only one that has a major part to play. Either way, it's cool seeing them back in the franchise.

Everything else about the film satisfied me, I'm not saying it's perfect - esp. the plot - but I found it perfectly fun to watch. For me, it's a strong start for this era of 'Star Wars'.

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Still can’t understand how someone that just discovered the Force was able, in order, to: mentally resist a trained “sith”, use the force to make a trooper do something (influencing his weak mind), get the lightsaber using the force, kick the ass on a lightsaber duel on the previous mentioned trained “sith”. Anakin and Luke needed a lot of time and training to be able to do this things, why did they have to rush it this time? It went like “oh the Force is true? Cool, I can master it already”. Said this, the first 80 minutes of the movie were enjoyable.

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Shout by Katnerys
BlockedParent2018-09-21T08:50:44Z— updated 2018-12-18T13:02:30Z

This movie is a disappointment bringing nothing new to the Star Wars universe. It is unoriginal and a rehash of A New Hope. I didn't care for the new characters who are not interesting. Rey is bland and overpowered, Poe is useless, Finn is annoying and he can use a lightsaber without training (why ???) and Kylo Ren is a pale imitation of Vader who fails to be threatening. The visuals can't save the inconsistencies of the movie.

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it's official, Disney ruined Star wars for me. A New hope, only in boring.

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Movie was entertaining, but the story was too unoriginal and predictable. Too much cheesy Disney humor and too many plotholes for my taste. 

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That absolutely stank. Broke nearly every rule established by the star wars universe. Anakin skywalkers trained grandson can't even kick a clones ass.

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Just came back from the first official showing. My mind was officially blown / "awoken". Simply amazing. Best movie experience that I've been to in a long time (ago in a galaxy far, far away). This is what a Star Wars movie is supposed to be like.

The fusion of the new cast and the old was masterfully done and I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie not knowing what was coming next. Adam Driver and Daisey Ridley absolutely stole the show in this one but I honestly ending up loving all the new characters. The only downside is that I have to wait until 2017 & 2019 to complete this "new" adventure. I am contemplating if I should freeze myself in carbonite to shorten the wait...

I may or may not be watching this a few more times in the coming weeks (while doing my little dance)...

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Star Wars Strikes Back.

With the right amount of references to the old movies and plenty of fresh content, The Force Awakens blasts off in the right direction for the sequel trilogy. There are many parallels with the original trilogy, which makes this movie feel like a true Star Wars film, however the new characters also make it feel fresh, rather than plain fan service.

J.J. Abrams as done a good job in making the audience care about the characters introduced in this movie and I can't wait to see how Rian Johnson, hopefully, continues this trajectory.

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It was alright. The problem for me was the sky high pedestal it had been put on. The original characters were brought in to give some credance to the whole plan of another episode. (I can just see Disney execs round the table loving that idea). The story was a rehash, the music was the same. All the money was seen on screen in the explosions, and I just didn't get the same feeling as the original movies. Family squabbles and political correctness is all I got. I would have preferred no episode 7, or a film with more guts and no aged over paid actors. Oh well, at least I didn't have to listen to the rest of a packed cinema munching their popcorn... there were only a few other punters in the audience. Sorry, but I didn't see what the fuss was all about. Disappointing. 6/10.

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The Hope is Back! The Love is Back! The Faith is Back! The Anger is Back! The Shock is back! The Families are Back! Our collective childhood's and preteens and teenage is back. And finally, The Force is Back!.... To take us to a new and remarkable future!

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Shout by Deleted

Ode to A New Hope

Are you a Star Wars Fan? You will not be disappointed in this film.

Is it a perfect film? No. But it is a great Star Wars film the way a child of the 70's remembers this franchise. You will embrace the new stars of this generation with the same conviction and love that you have to the original trio. I will say, that this has some of the best character development of any Star Wars film that has come before it, and not just for the new heroes and heroine but for the old characters that we have missed the past 30 years.

Go and see this movie. Go and see it multiple times.

May the Force Be With You.

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Ah, I was a bit skeptical towards this movie, but after seeing it I'm happy! It was emotionally satisfying experience with great visuals and rich quality audio. No, it's not perfect but it was a really good movie. In the middle there was some moments that could've been paced a little better, but especially towards the end things started to heat up. Really liked the new characters and they were really well written/acted. Solid 9/10.

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Shout by Deleted

The Star Wars Universe has never before be seen this crispy- an immensely satisfying experience for Star Wars fans and a great movie overall. Ending was somewhat abrupt but that only leaves room for more!

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J.J. Abrams returns to take a franchise of this dimension after "Star Trek".

"The Force Awakens" is the best 'Star Wars Movie' in more than 30 years (The prequels were a disappointment).

Although the plot is very similar with "A New Hope". Abrams found ways to be different (BB-8, the complexity of Kylo Ren's brain and essentially the chemistry between Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Harrison Ford).

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First time I watched it, I thought they ripped of and recycled the first original movie. Then I rewatched the original, and after just seeing "The Force Awakens", the effects and creatures in "A New Hope" suddenly looked dated. Afterwards I re-watched "The Force Awakens" and very much enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted

Sorry but this has not lived up to the hype, often found myself looking down at my phone :( good but lacks new creativity. seen it all before and that's exactly how it felt. I have a new hope that things will improve ;)

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ok sorry but i gave it a 7 just because it was star wars, the humour relief was a big no no for me and i blame Disney for that, i went to see a star wars film and not the hangover IV. To much nonsense of a script and no fresh ideas, it was a recycling of IV, V, VI. I'm upset

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SO GOOD. It's so refreshing in comparison with the other movies and the special effects are on point. As well as the story telling!

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Shout by splenda
BlockedParentSpoilers2015-12-19T17:59:59Z— updated 2018-05-14T08:15:50Z

The Force Awakens was definitely enjoyable. I loved the new characters (and the old) and I loved the use of practical effects. All of the actors did a phenomenal job and you can tell everyone really cared about this franchise.

However.... The copy and pasting of most of A New Hope's plot points was a bit too much. It made the film too predictable in some parts. I loved how Rey was a strong female heroine but there were times it she felt a bit.... too perfect? Her ability to use a lightsaber and mind tricks when she JUST realized she could access the force was pretty unbelievable. And although Kylo Ren obviously hadn't finished his training and wasn't the perfect Sith, there still should've been no way she beat him so easily. I also wish we had gotten to see more of Captain Phasma and Poe Dameron.

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Ok. After watching the movie at a midnight premiere and sleeping a little bit, I must say it was entertaining, but can't stand up to the hype. I'm a fan, but I'm not even trying to comparing it to any of the original trilogy, as this is practically a remake of SW:ANH, beat by beat, not an original movie. The trailers made it feel mysterious, epic and trascendental, but the end product feels shallow and rushed. That said, it's better than the prequels, but as I feared, mostly JJ Abrams' usual fare. At the end, I was leaving the cinema without the feeling of rush from the previous movies, and not caring for the next one,

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It was really Star Wars, as it should be, full of the old and the new, the light and the dark. What more could you ask for from the film of the year?

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I just hope this movie survives to the hype. None of Abrams movies ever has.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

Even though it feels familiar, it still is one of hell of a ride. I still get chills when Rey uses the force to grab the lightsaber. This is the funniest Star Wars by far and I really enjoyed that. The new characters are all great and I can't wait to see more of them in The Last Jedi.

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And Who Gave You Permission To Remove That Helmet
Leia Doesn't Wanna See Me

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I haven't seen this since I saw it in the cinema when it was released...does it still make the grade I gave it?

Indeed it does!!!

It's still Star Wars as it should be...and I got an even better impression of that sound design when I tried it in my home theatre. I might even have to upgrade further because I suspect it's more to get out of that impressive sound.

Kinda sad to see Carrie Fisher in this one, knowing it might be the last time we see her and her princess. As my nephew said...Heroes shouldn't be allowed to die!!

It's indeed a return to form for the franchise, and it's one hell of an action packed movie

Well Done J.J. let's see if you can do it again...

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Redeemed the franchise...great flick, good to see new and old we won't live long enough to mortgage the house for a down payment on a Falcon of my own..straight robbed son

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Shout by kanootcha
BlockedParent2016-11-06T09:54:43Z— updated 2018-09-22T05:28:54Z

Gets better each time I watch it. Upping my rating to reflect that. (Now watched it 5 times, definitely worth a 9)

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this was so good i don't even know what to say

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Shout by Deleted

oh abrams... this is what happen when good director slash die hard fans makes a movie that can even match the original director, and... Pssst... kylo ren killed han solo

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I didn't even watch the last (first?) Three ones because annoying Whatnots that tried to be cute for kids I guess and kids doing races and winning. Felt like Disney passed out on a typewriter. So this is the next attempt...

Just small cute attempts (who knew robots that can't speak can make sad sounds? Who thinks that is cute?). Characters almost talked normal. No, people don't finish each others sentences at the same time. Please...

Story didn't feel like one story. Tried to explain to much what happened here and there and them got lost and poof... All good. Could have been direct to vhs release for all I care.

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While the cinematography is awesome, the whole film just started to gradually get boring after the first half.

Don't get me wrong, the characters are awesome and hilarious, but I can definitely see Disney's hand all in this. There was perhaps too much humor, and it really affected the tone of the series overall. I wanted something more shocking. I'm really hoping that they don't follow the same basic plot from the original trilogy in the next one.

Kylo Ren was absolutely... something. I definitely can understand why people talk about his 'temper tantrums' so often now. They really are!

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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic excellent photography and film

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It's JJ Abrams, who I thought several projects back is the new Spielberg, so I'm not surprised how wonderful it turned out.

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Did not get to see it in theatres. Waited patiently to see my favourites on screen again. I laughed, I cried, I had goosebumps.

Seriously, it is not as bad as all my friends claim. This is a solid film, and a good addition to the franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

R.I.P. Han solo

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BB-8, I love you ;D

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New Star Wars keeps the good balance between hard action and deep plot. This makes it a good new beginning for the next trilogy (or maybe all franchise movie productions).

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It was what I needed it to be...

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The best Star Wars Episode. It has everything which defines Star Wars.

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I've watched Star Wars before, but I have never felt the way I have about it until this year. Upon receiving my Blu-Ray collection back, I decided to watch both the trilogies in preparation for Episode 7. This coupled with the build-up made me more and more excited. And I wasn't disappointed! Watching it at Leicester Square Odeon, the atmosphere was amazing. To be in a large audience of people, laughing, whooping, and hollering together and sharing that experience was magical. I think I would like to see this film again before making any definitive decisions on it as the nostalgic element of the references to previous films caught a lot more of my attention than perhaps the film as a stand-alone story. Not that it wasn't great. There were some details that bothered me which seemed too familiar and disappointed me and reading articles and reviews has confirmed my suspicions that it was perhaps a rehashing of A New Hope. As well as watching this one again, I also want to see what my opinion will be after watching the complete new trilogy as it may actually all just fall into place!

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I really loved this movie.

The only minus of the movie is that it uses the original story of New Hope. But! This is also really really big plus! It worked in the past, it works now 30+ years later. There are just some milestones that are the same/similar, but lots of detail and backgrounds are different.

Based on that the movie fulfills the role of being "the next" Star Wars movie (for the fans, this will feel familiar, building trust, nostalgia, just the old Star Wars feeling is finally back).
It also succeeds in being "the new" Star Wars, by introducing new characters, new mysteries and new questions that we want to find out. There is huge potential in the follow up movies, thanks to this being so good.

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Shout by Deleted

Thank you JJ, thank you.

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Phenomenal! As a long time Star Wars fan I was prepared for a huge disappointment but man was I thrilled when I left the theater!

While we have seen a lot in previous movies Disney somehow managed to perfectly merge old with new and produce one of the best 3D movies I have ever seen. If you are remotely interested in action and / or SciFi movies I can only recommend this flick to you. Even if you have never seen a Star Wars movie before...

Cannot wait for Episodes VIII and IX!

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Complete tribute to the saga. Rey, Finn and Poe, i love this guys

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It lived up to all expectations! I'm going to be hitting trees with painted sticks for a few weeks because of this movie!

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Star Wars is back on top, baby.

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I am a real fan. The SFX are really good. But the story was mediocre. By far not the best movie of the year.

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Excellent movie. Easily one of the year's best and a great return to form for the franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

BB 8 and all the new characters are awesome!!!

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Just saw and was very pleased. It was a wonderful adventure. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were excellent as the newcomers and it was great to see the old gang as well. The plot has a number of convenient coincidences, and mirrors the plot of Episode IV just a little too closely, but I was having too much fun to care.

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The new characters are absolutely amazing. The movie itself has some weak spots but is still very fantastic.

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I liked it a lot, new and old characters work well. Action, fighting duels without jar jar bing, nop lens flare

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The most satisfying Star Wars movie, is unique

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Shout by Deleted

best star wars film for a long time. Really wanted finn to become the jedi though. 8.5/10

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I've never been a big fond of the sci-fi genre but I must admit that this particular film is pretty much entertaining. The plot is interesting, the acting is decent and besides some tiny little details which are mainly on the account of the film-making process, I can't say a bad word about The Force Awakens - keep in mind that I had only seen two Star Wars films previously and I didn't like them.

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All the anticipation was worth it this time. While the characters are far more interesting and developed than anyone in the prequels. I love that Rey has a child like wonder to her but is bad ass as well. Kylo Ren, Poe and BB-8 are also exciting new characters. Finn is the only new character I think that needs just a little more build up in Episode 8.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it, but there's one thing that bugs me. The evil guy. Kylo Ren. I don't think they chosen the right actor. I mean, his face was too good-guy like, but the character is so badass you know? I don't know why but that really bugs me..

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J.J has brought the magic back.

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For some stupid reason I never watched the other movies, my friends convinced me to watch this one, and it was one of the best movies of the year, awesome!

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I don't know. Maybe this is the best Star Wars EVER. I need to see the film again.

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They manage to do what George Lucas never did. Fantastic performance from the new cast. Amazing movie!

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So very satisfying, yes yes yes!

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Shout by Elliot

Just watched it, so awesome. Personally loved it, not really a spoiler but I'll mark it as one, some great humour and some breath taking visuals, and for the one's that have seen it that scene with one of them and the other one on the bridge when stuff happens and DAMN, almost brought a tear to my eye.

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It is good and I give it 8/10. I am no fan of J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies but this worked. It has some weak moments and one bad actor that you can never guess beforehand but contrary to my doubts, Daisy Ridley is good and it's miles miles better than the Prequel Trilogy, even Revenge of the Sith.

Everything looks real and the lightsaber fights are great. Not like those dancing glowing stick numbers in the prequels. The integration of the legacy actors is done real well and surprised me the most. It went so fast and felt so short. Not one dull moment in this. Even the Original Trilogy had dull moments. I feel this can benefit greatly from an extended cut.

This is a great start and a better director can do wonders. This makes the prequels look even worse. Only now you will realize what could have been done.

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Official title revealed today: The Force Awakens!

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When it comes to the start of the sequel trilogy of Star Wars, I somehow find that I like it a little less every time I watch it. Until now, I still remembered “The Force Awakens” as the best part of Episodes VII through IX. In terms of story, it's a pretty unimaginative rehash of the original “Star Wars." But as a starting point for a new trilogy, there are certainly worse options. And the cast works pretty well for me too. I never had a problem with the new trio of Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac. And there's also something about seeing Harrison Ford reprise his role as Han Solo.

However, a few story decisions really bothered me at the end. And while the prequels overdid it with the politics, the sequels are an overcorrection. Neither this installment nor the sequels provide a true sense of the galaxy's current state. As a result, the world appears smaller than it should be. All in all, I would still say that I like “The Force Awakens," but I definitely can't get behind that statement with much passion.

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I actually got to see this one in theaters! I really enjoy the Sequel Trilogy, and this one is no exception. 9/10 :star:

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