Review by SeanMSU

It is a good movie. It's not a perfect movie, it's not the best star wars movie, it's not a complete failure. It's good with a couple flaws that anyone could've seen coming. The acting is good for the most part and there is a handing off of the reins that occurs within the movie from the old actors to the new that was done exactly how it should've been done. Speaking of the characters, the old ones are exactly what you've come to expect, chewie is tough, Han is slick, Leia is large and in charge, all good. The new characters were good and I'm sure they'll get better as the series moves forward but it felt a little out of place that everyone immediately becomes best friends throughout the film and are more than willing to risk their lives for each other even though the movie seems to take place throughout the course of 2 or 3 days. Rey is probably the highlight of the new characters, strong minded and almost too good-natured. Finn is okay, he's the ultra brave to the point of stupidity character and often he puts himself in danger for something/someone he doesn't really even know but he's definitely the driving force for the plot of Force Awakens. Kylo Ren is a great villain but they definitely tried too much too early with him. I thought he was incredibly intimidating until the very end when he does the most intimidating thing yet and immediately afterwards gets shot in the side and gets his ass kicked in a lightsaber fight against people who have no training at all, the conflict within his mind also would've been better if strung out more and I'm sure they will add to it in the next couple movies but there is one specific part that was definitely rushed.

The plot is honestly unimpressive and not creative in the slightest. Former jedi turned sith and company have mega weapon that is practically indestructible and can destroy planets. Young adults get together and find out they have great power together. they blow up said mega weapon. One of the big drawbacks was the backstory for this. They basically say, "The first order is the remnants of the Empire, the rebels created a galactic republic, both have no idea where the fuck Luke Skywalker is." It's implied that Kylo wants to find Luke to kill him and the Rebels obviously don't want that to happen but it really doesn't seem like either side really knows what the fuck they're trying to do. The empire are not trying to keep their empire together anymore, they're just blowing up planets for shits and giggles I guess and the rebellion has already won and created their own society yet they are still called the rebellion for some reason (so the viewers don't get confused). I know they did this because they already jammed so much shit into this movie that adding more background would've thrown the pacing off somewhat or it would've extended the runtime to a point that would have turned off certain people but I feel like they could've just given a bit more explanation even if it was just during the Opening crawl after the title. I feel like they figured out that if you try anything too new with Star Wars then the fans will immediately hate you for it. They whined when the prequels added politics so why try it with the sequels. If you stick to what they already love then you can't fail. Right? well I'm sick of the same plot, they already got away from recycling the plot for Episode 6 we didn't need it again for 7. The cinematography was solid but not extremely impressive, it had a lot of good light vs dark imagery but that duality just dominated everything else and there was nothing else to it. The music was great but it was still the weakest of any Star Wars movie. The special effects both practical and computer generated were incredible. The action sequences were acceptable but oddly weren't nearly as impressive as any other Star Wars in the series. It's a worthy entry in the series but it has some flaws that it needs to fix before episode 8.

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