It is good and I give it 8/10. I am no fan of J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies but this worked. It has some weak moments and one bad actor that you can never guess beforehand but contrary to my doubts, Daisy Ridley is good and it's miles miles better than the Prequel Trilogy, even Revenge of the Sith.

Everything looks real and the lightsaber fights are great. Not like those dancing glowing stick numbers in the prequels. The integration of the legacy actors is done real well and surprised me the most. It went so fast and felt so short. Not one dull moment in this. Even the Original Trilogy had dull moments. I feel this can benefit greatly from an extended cut.

This is a great start and a better director can do wonders. This makes the prequels look even worse. Only now you will realize what could have been done.

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