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Star Trek Into Darkness 2013


Shout by exodius

Loved the twists in this movie. I can't wait to get the DVD so I can watch it again.

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Pretty awesome, actually. Filled with great nuances and little references. Plus, TRIBBLE!!

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Shout by Deleted

i died i really did

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Look I know it's not really Star Trek, its an overhyped sci fi action movie masquerading as Star Trek, though the third installation made great strides in its Star Trekness. But seriously, I love this movie, its got the right level of geeky science, the classic villain, fantastic actors, queer baiting to high heaven, baddass Suluness. Seriously one of my favourites.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by ketu

I am going to see that movie tomorrow. I CAN'T WAIT!!! YAY YAY YAY

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To be honest, I feel a little bit cheated in some ways, but I'm still going away from it satisfied. Sky high expectations might have something to do with it...

All in all...not a classic, but still highly enjoyable.

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The costumes, set and cinematography are nice... but second time around, trying to enjoy this, and I'm just bored out of my mind, I truly dislike the Kelvin timeline. I'm with Scotty - "I thought we were explorers", I prefer the exploration and discovery to the shallow storytelling and constant action.

4.5/10 for that :vulcan_tone4: iconic Spock/Kirk scene, the Section 31 mention, Noonien Singh synthetics homage, and the Chekhov red shirt death knell foreshadowing.

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Not as good as the reboot but still pretty good. I now recognize how similar this is to the other movie.

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An almost great movie until Abrams turns the film into a Wrath of Khan tribute. Benedict Cumberbatch would have made a good villain if he wasn't playing Khan and if Abrams didn't try to make it a secret he was Khan. Since he just wasn't Khan like.

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Movie was awesome! Brought back memories of Star Trek: Wrath of Kahn.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie, but it definitely had some cheesy lines and actions. I loved the acting and action though.

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Shout by Deleted


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It boldly had it all... action, story, emotion, humour, visuals, script... Star Wars VII is in good hands. Nice one Jeffrey 8.5/10 :-)

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Cumberbach was AWESOME. an incredible villain with a Moriarty-like personality. 8/10
the movie overall was good, not overly great, but good.
also, SO MUCH LENS FLARES. please, JJ, stop this!.

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This is a capital T Terrible movie. The beginning is somewhat decent but the end is a terribly written mishmash of previous television episodes and lets be honest wholesale lifting from wrath of Khan. Will write longer review when I have the time

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Loved it!!!!

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I can't help but feeling a little bit disappointed. It's not that the movie was bad, it really was a great movie.

But somehow I couldn't help but feeling that nothing really was happening throughout the movie. It mostly felt like a slow building movie, focusing on developing the characters and background.

Maybe this is what's happening when you got to high expectations..

With that being said, this movie contains some great action scenes, humor, and great acting, especially from Benedict Cumberbatch.

This movie is great, but not excellent.

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You know, I kinda liked the first movie in the reboot series while my friends that saw it in the cinema back then with me absolutely hated it. We were similar Star Trek fans and enjoyed the franchise up to that point equally as much I'd say. Yes, I liked the first one even tho it was a farcry from the older material and left the feeling that the writers and Abrams didn't really "get" the Star Trek universe and just kinda created yet another "new" action franchise.

But this? I'm almost disgusted by the pandering and ridiculous try at "fan-service" in this movie. The references, the "role-reversal", the whole copying of material and characters from older movies with "a twist" and what not. A shame. How about something original and not another silly revenge story THAT WE ALREADY KINDA HAD?
WHY create a alternate universe if we are going to re-tread old ground and that even badly?
The movie was a mess, I don't know what the writers were thinking, not even gonna mention Abrams, can we just not give him movies or tv shows in the future please? (and that ship crashing into Alcatraz... what was he trying to tell us there?! good lord...)

As a Star Trek fan I feel insulted after watching this and if they are not going to come up with something new and original for the next movie this certainly was the last one I watched in this alternate timeline and will just start to pretend that it never existed.

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The presence of khan felt forced. And it added nothing to the story. Everything khan should have been left out.

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It's not the idealistic, brainy, Star Trek that we grew up with. This is a fast moving action flick made for the Summer movie season. Just like J.J. Abrams's debut attempt at recreating the "Star Trek" world a few years ago, "Star Trek Into Darkness" provides all of the characters that we grew up with but gives each their own distinct moment. Some of the moments actually seem very out of character, but the whole movie is very entertaining.

To enjoy this you have got to leave the legacy of Star Trek at the ticket booth. This cannot be a continuation of the original Star Trek series or for that matter, the original movies. It's a new Trek for a new audience. Sit back and enjoy this for what it is, which is a lot of fun.

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Forgive me but I have to do it. The thing that is fundamentaly wrong with Abrams` Trek is it´s all about > being cool. Everything in the movies has to stand up to this mantra. Is it cool to hide a Starship inside an ocean on a planet ? Yes. Is it Star Trek. No, it´s not Newsflash Mr. Abrams: Star Trek has made billions of fans all over the world for half a century without being cool. It doesn´t need to be. It´s not Marvel.
Furthermore, they create a new timeline so that they can do something new but all they are really doing is leeching of ideas from the original and simply twisting the plots in them around. That is not my idea of doing something new.
Again way to much lens flare (its JJ Abrams). Again great CGI (It´s ILM).
If it wouldn´t be calling itself a Star Trek movie I actually would give it a higher rating. But I can´t. It is better then the first but only slightly. I can´t see past the fact what they did (are doing) to the characters. This is in essence Star Trek for the Marvel generation.

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Shout by Richard
BlockedParent2013-05-29T14:54:53Z— updated 2023-09-01T10:16:28Z

Star trek for idiots. For a startrek film 3/10

For an action film 7/10. It seemed to be one over the top action sequence to the next.

I knew I was in for a bad ride when the enterprise was parked hidden in the ocean. Why was it not in orbit?

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Rewatched this for Beyond. Better than people think. Gets a bad rep for some reason.

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Unbelievably average, fell asleep every time someone opened their mouth. The only scene i really enjoyed was when they were jettisoned towards the dreadnought class, but even then the dialog was hard to listen to.

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I didn't particularly like this film when I first saw it around the time of its release. I thought that the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonian Singh was a mistake. Yes, he makes a mean villain, but can't be expected to (and doesn't) carry the film. The plot appeared to be, notwithstanding many 'nod's as good as a wink' references to the (far better) original, a series of set-pieces (much of which consisted of explosions and disintegrating hardware) with some clunky attempts at characterisation and dialogue in-between. Watching it again recently (I started digitising my DVD/Blu-ray collection during COVID lockdowns and am now playing them!), hasn't changed this view.

Just given it a 6, but really, it's a 5.7. Not as bad as Star Trek V. That's not a recommendation.

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colour grading the blue tones in the film to match chris pine’s eyes?????? please send my compliments to the chef

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A skillful space-faring overdose of adrenaline, if not really my idea of a Star Trek film. Into Darkness has the makings of a curvy, complicated red tape thriller, but its predictability, superficiality and outright refusal to go more than five minutes between jump-cut-loaded action scenes halts the germination of that seed relatively early. With the exception of big-bad Benedict Cumberbatch, who manages to be both admirable and despicable in even doses, the film is thoroughly overacted and the touches of fan service that I so relished in the 2009 reboot seem far more forced and unnecessary the second time around. There's also a notable lack of gravitas to the proceedings, in my opinion one of the hallmarks of the series, with an unfamiliar trigger-happy temperament lending the impression of an adult who's regressed into a period of renewed adolescence. That's not to say it isn't enjoyable: the action sets, though frequent, are constantly fresh and exciting, while its daring in even-handedly tackling the subject of a 23rd century terrorist is progressive and topical. I merely found myself wishing for a bit more meat and a smaller serving of kicks, punches and phasers.

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Director J.J. Abrams' version of Star Trek is a more modernized one. With insane action sequences, an utterly despicable villain, and special effects way beyond what was possible during the Shatner years, this movie is, for the most part, a wonder to behold. After watching it on my computer monitor, I can only imagine what a treat it was on the big screen. The one thing that keeps me from giving this a higher score was the profanity count, which was off the scale, especially for a movie that was only rated "PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence". Did the raters watch this on mute, or dubbed in a foreign language? True, profanity has always been a part of Gene Roddenberry's space opera franchise, especially when it comes to the movies...but, come on; kids are watching these films!

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I liked the movie, even though there's a distinct lack of Sci in this Sci-Fi. I specifically hate the always present "ship with no energy falling from orbit"; if an object is in orbit, it will stay in orbit. It bugged me in TOS and it bugs me now.

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One of if not the best Star Trek movie I know!

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Definitely not the best ever star trek movie. And I guess with the reboot, some characters are allowed to stray from their original character (Spock going crazy for one). But still all good :)

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Finally a Star Trek movie without a single embarrassing attempt to be funny for pre school kids. Thank the heavens... great acting and I liked the story.

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The special effects just great and mostly not too far from the previous film.

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Almost as good as the first one. Great entertainment with great actors.

...and yes...I still consider myself a Trekkie even though I like this movie.

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Shout by Mounir

i promised myself that if Kirk live again i'll give the movie 9 and of course it deserved it too,best sequel!! :) and funny too

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It is rich in plot detail and exciting to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Not what I expected. Te potential was there, but it fell short of the mark. All in all a fun action movie, but coulde have been much more

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Cinema Paco 2. Picture and sound 5/5. 3D 4.5. Spectacular, very entertaining, somewhat lower than the previous

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Shout by Deleted

It's fun to watched it. Cumberbatch great, as always. Only a Hollywood ending ...

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Great soundtrack!!! Khan is so fuc**ing awesome!

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Shout by Deleted

Excelente, não posso dizer que sou um fan da série, mas gostei muito desse filme.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie except for the storyline (déjà vu feeling)

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie i love it

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Shout by Deleted

Verhaal is redelijk , wel goed geluid als je gebruik maakt van home cinema

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Shout by Deleted

The first one's better

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It was alright

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khan is the man.

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Shout by rv

by far rhe best

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Shout by Deleted

Decent movie.

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Too no homo to compare chemistry between casts to other incarnations of Star Trek. Basically recycled all old tropes with very little original content that isn't super sexist or lame. Still everyone is pretty and special effects are cool. Shouldn't have taken 4 years to produce.

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Shout by sproggel

A fun movie to watch but a bit predictable. The whole "Trekkie Gang" survives.

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Shout by Deleted

I really enjoyed myself. Not as much as I've enjoyed myself whilst watching the previous one, yes, but I still found this movie to be entertaining, interesting, and humorous or emotional at the appropriate times.

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Bit disappointed, but still great fun! I liked the previous one better though and the warp core thing really was too far fetched. And about the 3D; I could have done without that. I did not add anything and I found myself annoyed with it sometimes (and shifting my glasses to see if that helped... it did not). I did like the references!

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Shout by Deleted

Great combination of action, humor and drama! I really enjoyed it!

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Shout by Deleted

I really enjoyed it. I was spoiled going in so I knew it would be a rewrite of The Wrath of Khan and I also knew they'd mix it up a bit. I watched on a non-3D screen because I get migraines and 3D is a no go. Some of the action was a bit hard to follow because there was so much going on in the frame. I'll probably have to rewatch at home - again and again.

I liked what they did with Carol Marcus in this version. The Kirk/Marcus storyline is better and I just like her overall character better. She was unpleasant in the old Trek (though I could hardly blame her). Also, it was good to see some old faces show up.

It rates a 9/10 only because... it's just not quite there storywise. Maybe next time.

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Fantastic movie, can't wait to watch it again! Cumberbatch was fantastic, completely stole the show.

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To boldly go where Harve Bennett, Jack B. Sowards and Nicholas Meyer have gone before.

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Shout by 三坛


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My disappointment is that it is great, not excellent.

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Brilliant continuation of the saga and a wonderful twist on a familiar story! Great acting from all involved especially Benedict Cumberbatch and Karl Urban!

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Shout by Deleted

HavlKedelig scifi film

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Ppphhhffrrrrttt o.g. Khan had sweeter pecs

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This is worst ST movie! Plot does not work, characters are flat and juvenile and the whole thing is just a no go. I couldn't even watch the whole movie because the plot had too many holes in it. This was as bad as the ST one movie where they remade "Vegar" ST episode and that was bad! Try again! #ShiftvW8

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Not too good. Better to just go back and watch Wrath of Khan again.

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Shout by Deleted

جيد جدا

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Shout by Deleted

Dobar film

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Benedict Cumberbatch, between this and Sherlock... Give this man a damn award. Great movie. Loved it! I didn't set any expectations walking in to the cinema - just simply loved it. Would go see it again!

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