Review by Jesse OmniOmega Madhack Dapperfox Viper Autism Dragon

Star Trek Into Darkness 2013

I have no idea how this movie is at almost 80%. Especially when Beyond is 3% lower and is a MUCH better movie.

Tbh, I admit, for the first hour or so of this movie I was thinking "wait why did I give this only a 5 again?", because the movie holds itself together pretty well for awhile. It still suffers from the Abrams problem of being a good product instead of interesting art, but its watchable. But god, the final act. A complete mess. The role reversal stuff is just absolutely terrible. Spock shouting "Khan" was the worst moment. Just corny as hell. And I'm sorry, but the Kirk/Spock relationship is just not established enough in this continuity for Kirk's death to resonate. Especially when they already established was was SO OBVIOUSLY going to be a way to bring Kirk back. And low and behold, it was, and it was corny. They never should have tried to follow the act of Khan at all tbh, Ricardo is way too tough and act to follow. and Whitewashing one of the greatest poc villains in movie history is ridiculous.. Also, a nitpick, but the fan service scene with Carol Marcus in her underwear was jarringly unnecessary. Like yeah, sure, Alive Eve has a great body, but it being out of nowhere and not serving any narrative purpose and a bit of tonal whiplash. It just didnt fit.

This is actually my least favorite Star Trek film. Because the worst original timeline movies at least were TRYING to do something interesting and not make a cynically marketable product and failing even at that.

I will admit though I do like the element of the destruction of Vulcan changing Starfleet to be more militaristic. It might not be "Gene's vision" but it makes sense for the alternate universe and is the most interesting plot point. They should have just had Alexander Marcus be the main villain.

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