A skillful space-faring overdose of adrenaline, if not really my idea of a Star Trek film. Into Darkness has the makings of a curvy, complicated red tape thriller, but its predictability, superficiality and outright refusal to go more than five minutes between jump-cut-loaded action scenes halts the germination of that seed relatively early. With the exception of big-bad Benedict Cumberbatch, who manages to be both admirable and despicable in even doses, the film is thoroughly overacted and the touches of fan service that I so relished in the 2009 reboot seem far more forced and unnecessary the second time around. There's also a notable lack of gravitas to the proceedings, in my opinion one of the hallmarks of the series, with an unfamiliar trigger-happy temperament lending the impression of an adult who's regressed into a period of renewed adolescence. That's not to say it isn't enjoyable: the action sets, though frequent, are constantly fresh and exciting, while its daring in even-handedly tackling the subject of a 23rd century terrorist is progressive and topical. I merely found myself wishing for a bit more meat and a smaller serving of kicks, punches and phasers.

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