I didn't particularly like this film when I first saw it around the time of its release. I thought that the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonian Singh was a mistake. Yes, he makes a mean villain, but can't be expected to (and doesn't) carry the film. The plot appeared to be, notwithstanding many 'nod's as good as a wink' references to the (far better) original, a series of set-pieces (much of which consisted of explosions and disintegrating hardware) with some clunky attempts at characterisation and dialogue in-between. Watching it again recently (I started digitising my DVD/Blu-ray collection during COVID lockdowns and am now playing them!), hasn't changed this view.

Just given it a 6, but really, it's a 5.7. Not as bad as Star Trek V. That's not a recommendation.

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