Forgive me but I have to do it. The thing that is fundamentaly wrong with Abrams` Trek is it´s all about > being cool. Everything in the movies has to stand up to this mantra. Is it cool to hide a Starship inside an ocean on a planet ? Yes. Is it Star Trek. No, it´s not Newsflash Mr. Abrams: Star Trek has made billions of fans all over the world for half a century without being cool. It doesn´t need to be. It´s not Marvel.
Furthermore, they create a new timeline so that they can do something new but all they are really doing is leeching of ideas from the original and simply twisting the plots in them around. That is not my idea of doing something new.
Again way to much lens flare (its JJ Abrams). Again great CGI (It´s ILM).
If it wouldn´t be calling itself a Star Trek movie I actually would give it a higher rating. But I can´t. It is better then the first but only slightly. I can´t see past the fact what they did (are doing) to the characters. This is in essence Star Trek for the Marvel generation.

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@finfan Lol what the heck is wrong with Star Trek looking cool? I think the movie feels authentic to the world and characters of Star Trek while ALSO being a fun, cool looking movie. It can be both. Alternate timelines adapting familiar stories with some changes just makes sense, and I think it's absolutely ridiculous how much people criticize this movie for it. Just because the story feels familiar doesn't mean it's bad.
