Phase 4 of the UCM starts with big problems.

So categorical. But for a diehard Marvel fan I can afford it. If the first installment was already a Black Widow that left us the same watching it as not, now we get Shang-Chi that doesn't seem like a film from the same universe.

And if it had starred Jackie Chan and had been called The Forbidden Kingdom, the sensation would have been the same. A film with a plot that can be summed up in two lines and that is forced to fill in the gaps with fights and choreographies aimed exclusively at the Wuxia fan audience.

The characters are flat, boring, they don't make you feel related to them in any way. The villain? A disappointment, an attempt not to make him really terrible so as not to hurt the sensibilities of the Chinese audience. Where is the Mandarin of the comic book? Why have the mighty ten rings now become just a blunt weapon that allows you to fly and swing like Spider-Man?

The only noteworthy feature is Ta Lo's creature design, true to Asian mythology.

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How much of this movie was "Morris the Explainer" (dialog exposition) and flashbacks? I would watch again with a stopwatch if I could stay awake. The marketing on this could be "Well, it's better than Captain Marvel...but not by much." Lowest tier of Marvel films, but some bright spots. Some good action scenes, Awkwafina turns in another good smart ass character.'s a short list. Avoid.

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I mean, at least the bus scene was cool. The writing could’ve been way better.

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this was a okay movie

enjoy the first half a lot more than the final half

once the movie gets all magical with dragons and stuff starts to really lose itself

it's also very slow at that point

people made a big deal about this movie since we having the most realistic well done martial arts fights

but every fight scene just felt like the typical superhero Blockbuster fights lots of cutaways incredibly ridiculous set pieces the characters just doing way too much extra stuff

enjoy the reveal of Trevor that was pretty fun

I did really enjoy performance of the actor playing the Mandarin/whatever other name he goes by
he actually had a lot of emotion relatability to a character that is over a thousand years old with magic rings

and he actually has some character development throughout the movie

the lead actor playing the title character didn't really do much for me the actress playing his girlfriend was funny and entertaining but I think they pushed pretty hard for some of the stuff with her lol

the soundtrack felt pretty weird for a movie that's supposed to be embracing all this ancient Chinese culture and mythology

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great cgi, action and scene
but man the scrip, what is goin on with the scrip

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The Ten Rings organization is a bit smaller than I expected, but we probably haven't seen all of it.

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We really enjoyed the film. The action was really well done. Some of the best fight scenes I watched in a while. I didn't mind the overall story. I mean you know he's going to end up with the 10 Rings.

My only issue was that everything got muddled together sometimes. Maybe my eyes are just old but there were times where my brain knew what was happening on the screen but my eyes couldn't make it out. Especially in the big fight scene at the end.

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One of the best solo MCU movies in a while. I went into this not knowing the story at all. I was highly entertained and not lost at all. Definitely worth the $12 at the theater!

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The action sequences were solid, particularly the martial arts, and the casting and acting were also fine but the script is a mess, the pacing is off, and the second half feels goofy and disjointed from the first half. The second half action was difficult to follow and felt like a DC cluster f--- aimed at the Chinese market. HOWEVER, I am looking forward to seeing Shang-Chi utilized in the future films.

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Shang Chi is not diversity for sake of diversity. It is diversity for sake of authenticity!

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-09-12T04:30:10Z— updated 2022-07-17T04:35:57Z

An enjoyable blend of wuxia, fantasy, and superhero movies. It’s pretty much the same structure as all other Marvel flicks with a slightly different taste. Shang-Chi lacks charisma but is well supported by the other cast members.

As usual with these films, the writing is outrageously bad. For example, the Ten Rings organization is supposed to be a lethal army that influenced the history of mankind for centuries, but when they come out, it’s literally a dozen people in a ninja suit. Their leader is introduced as a cruel man who lived for thousands of years, who owns infinite wisdom and godly powers, yet he is just an idiot who gets fooled by a phone fraud. Also, the film keeps pointing out that men and women should be equal, yet Shang-chi’s sister stays two ladders below the comic relief characters. I would pay a fortune to attend the screenwriter meetings for these films and see how they review the script.

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This didn't need to exist

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Really enjoyed the movie. The fighting sequences where great. Much more fantasy elements than i was expecting.

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An army of gingers would have been a great advantage in that final battle

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Shang Chi is not diversity for sake of diversity. It is diversity for sake of authenticity!

One thing I think that is amazing about this film is that how much attention they actually payed to Chinese lifestyles. All of the little actions that people did throughout the film and the dialogue itself that it made me cry seeing Chinese culture and Chinese people in general getting a good portrayal in a movie, the way people acted and the things they did felt relatable and familiar and it was nice to see they didn't try to hide it or ignore those things, they embraced it even if western audiences might not understand or pick up on them, that alone makes this a great film as well as the fact it was a good film in general.

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Great- until Ben Kingsley appears! like Dick Van Dyke's Bert the chimney sweep, in Mary Poppins, there for stupid comedy effect, it became less Marvel, more Disney with silly creatures to appeal to kids. Surprised they didn't burst into a typical Disney nonsense song as they burst through the jungle! Was it Supercalifragalisticexpiallidocious? no, but it was ok in parts. The action sequences were probably to violent for young kids, so drop the cute, kids stuff. iIf they make another, stick to the Marvel style, don't pander to the Disney overlords and it could be very good all round!

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After the bad deception called black widow Marvel came back with an amazing movie! Can't wait to see how this story will fit into the MCU

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IMHO….Absolutely brilliant, thoroughly enjoyable movie! The special effects, fight choreography & camera work amazing. Stella cast and compelling storyline.
I agree that Awkwafina was her usual amazing self but her character good have had better comical moments, and Ben Kingsley brought on a belly laugh on occasion.
I hope the ending means a second instalment.

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Feels more like a fun superbowl commercial for nachos rather than a fleshed out serious movie.

The assassins attack only with karate, no guns. They only use weapons from medieval times, but for some reason they also have modern fancy micro bombs when convenient.

Even when the assassin army is planning to attack an entire city, the invention of guns is never thought of. The people they are attacking wouldn't have them anyway, so it's better to use karate with swords or a stick.

A man who was raised and trained with extreme Chinese discipline from an early age to be an assassin, easily shirks off responsibility to go out clubbing and sing karaoke.

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I was interested to find out what the ten rings were all about. There were ten of them! Why? What did they all do? Turned out Thor. He has Thor's exact powers. The fight scenes were modern Marvel. Everyone was super strong and pulled off literally unbelievable timing and maneuvering so that every punch and kick was meaningless to the point that I was checking the time, wondering when battles would be be over.

Everyone's taking about Awkwafina, who was fine. We needed more Ben Kingsleys. I get fed up when everyone's making a turn, finding out that, "Oh, actually I was like that, but now I'm like this. I never knew I'm a great fighter and I'm super in my own way and will contribute to the final fight in a significant way." It was refreshing to see Ben Kingsley's character start out as a coward and stay that way because he's human.

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The movie is certified fresh! The action sequences are lovely and the story is very well told. Highly recommended!

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I think my husband summed it up best. It was a great movie, but the problem is we're all jonesing for the tie ins and broader implications to the MCU, and in that regard it was only okay. I enjoyed it, the representation was stunning and the themes and respect to Asian cultures were amazing while still being true to the MCU.

But overall, I wasn't blown away. Far far from bad, and worth your time watching. But not one of Marvels best.

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just give it a try for god's sake! The film resonated a lot with me and I loved it so much. I didn't find anything bad about pacing, script and actor choice. I think the film already achieved what it intended to.

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Loving all this Liverpool FC propaganda. Officially the biggest football club in the MCU! #YNWA

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A really amazing movie. Great and epic story that has also its fun times. Awesome characters and a beautiful soundtrack makes this an essential addition to the MCU.

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One of the best solo films in the MCU.

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Leave it to Marvel (and great acting, AND great sfx) to make The Never Ending Story's, "Wish Dragon," and Kung Fu Hustle's, "The Buddhist Palm," come together and save the freaking world!

I'm def feelin' it! (YMMV, but that's the dif between experiencing it as a "nine out of ten" vs. a four, not that there's anything wrong wit dat)

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For the most part, a really good film. The action was great, the actors were superb (especially loved Awakafina), and it ended in a way that opens up an intriguing new chapter in the MCU. Downsides? Well, the pacing was off in some parts and it ended in typical Marvel fashion with a CGI heavy battle scene. However, the good definitely outweighs the flaws and as a whole, this is an enjoyable movie. Ties into one of the Marvel One Shots, so be sure to check out one in particular before watching (you will know which if you have already read spoilers).

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Didn't enjoy this film on release. Currently working my way through a Marvel marathon, and thought a second viewing might alter my opinion.

It didn't. Definitely one of the weakest MCU entries.

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one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and definitely the worst of Marvel.. much more of a DC kind. Poor history, acting.. very disappointed!

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Arguably it's Kung Fu with way better special effects. Equally arguably, it's Marvel wizardy with a nice vein of humour. Far from the best Marvel movie ever, but still better than the rubbish that the Distinguished Competition puts out.

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Sucking Chinas dick at its finest

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I'm kinda getting bored with MCU movies being almost shot exclusively on green screen using CGI for everything else. This was definitively too much. Story pacing is also a bit bumpy.

Really enjoyed the post(or mid?)-credit scene, though.

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First half of the movie was pretty great, second half was kinda mid

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que filmeeee !!!! mano :fearful::scream:

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A solid 6, enjoyed it more than I would've thought

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The mid-credits was the best part of the film

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Actually, i was invited to see this movie at theathers, and i didnt knew it was a marvel production, and it didnt felt like one, except some parts, it was pure fantasy, very enjoyable, something... different

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I really enjoyed this movie! It was very exciting. I loved the friendship between Shang-chi and awkqafina. I hadn’t seen a good movie in theaters in a long time and this broke the streak.

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A decent lead and some strong supporting actors almost save this one despite its paper-thin plot, but not quite. Adding to the problem is a major info dump in the second act, and that heavy-handed exposition really hurts the pacing at that point. But seriously, you're paying for about 15 minutes' worth of story here, and Marvel seems to be getting really good at this sort of thing. $ave it for the $equel, right?

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I know Ben Kingsley is a fantastic actor/thespian but for god sake sort your "Scouse" accent out mate, it's horrendous :joy::joy::joy:

Otherwise a very enjoyable watch not much of a storyline but it's a 7

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Poor quality stop and go

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a win for martial arts movies in America. a loss for martial arts movies in america

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Xu Xialing is so underrated! She's really good in those fight scenes! I really enjoyed this film. So excited to follow the MCU!

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After watching the trailer I thought it was one of those action movies with a boring plot. But I'm glad I was wrong. I don't remember enjoying any Kung-Fu movie (with super powers) lately except for this one. Marvel didn't market it properly. The cast was also very good.

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This was almost a near perfect Marvel movie, because it was almost a fine standalone flick, but they had to try to shoehorn in connections to the other MCU properties, which was frustrating, namely the Ben Kingsley faux-Mandarin given a bit too much screen time. Outside of that, and the obligatory CGI mess of a climax, this was so damn fun. I loved that it was a martial arts film with some superhero elements tossed in. The fights were awesome (especially the bus scene) and the casting was superb. Simu Liu, Meng'er Zhang, and Awkwafina made their characters come alive. If you're getting exhausted with Marvel flicks, this is a welcome respite that gives us something fresh.

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Movie has its moment, but most of it was incredibly boring continuing the MCU movies downtrend.

As much as I've enjoyed the new shows I dread the new movies.

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Omg, I’m amazed by this movie. I didn’t even know the story behind this character but I really liked it. After all the movie and series and stuff they produce, they definitely still know how to create fantastic content. Black Panther was brilliant, the best movie in all the MCU in my opinion, and I have to say that with this I felt the same way I did for black panther at the time. Incredible.

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I can't see any reason for an adult to watch this movie. I wish I could have the time back this movie took from me. That being said, little kids might enjoy this.

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Pretty good BMW iX3 advert

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I believe it will be better if change the name of Wenwu and the rings.

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Hits the best of Kung Fu movies, comic books, AND fantasy sci Fi. What more could you ask for? Admittedly, I loved old Kung Fu movies, so I might be biased. But if you know anything about old Chinese folklore, on top of it, you'll love this

Don't forget to stay for the end of credits last scene.

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What a visual treat. Loved it

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Chinese beliefs, marvellously done! What a film to watch! Try finding Kung Fu Hustle poster, and you’ll know why it’s so cool!

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It was not bad, compared to Black widow this was a masterpiece. But it just felt like when you see a painting, painted by numbers. It can look fine, but it has no soul, no creativity. The story was nothing new, the characters were not new. It's like watching a movie you have seen many times before, just with new actors. How many times can you have some ancient evil that was closed away released, and the main character has to fight it. They always mention a better story, as a legend, and then show something worse. Why can't we see that? Where it all started.

But I think this movie deserves an award. Award for the most pointless character in a Marvel movie. The character of Katy felt so pointless, that even the movie forgot about her for most of it.

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Very solid first hour, second hour gets a little too drawn out.

The scene on the bus and the guy filming it was hilarious.

It's not Black Panther levels of enjoyment. The CG looks a little shoddy at times. The humour is good though. The martial arts works most of the time. Decent enough story.

Solid. Better than Black Widow and felt more of a planned film than that.


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Succeeds in expanding the Marvel macrocosm while being accessible to mainstream audience. Tony Leung carries the movie with otherwise bland leads and humor that often doesn't land well. Did a decent job in blending both the cultures and the action choreography was decent enough to keep me hooked.

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Overhyped garbage. Reading all these 10 score reviews makes it seem like they all were written in China. I'm a fan of Marvel movies in general, but this was one of the worst. The awful dialogue, the forced humor, the silly plot, unrealistic fight scenes, long boring periods with nothing happening, bad music, cheesy CGI, etc... This should not have been made into a movie. Blah!

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Black Widow wasnt good and this one is even worse. What a disappointing start for new MCU phase.

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Amazing story and special effects

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Disappointing. It's most definitely the "Iron Fist" of the MCU movies.

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to all my white friends: yes, all asians can do martial art just like in this film

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A super hero flick in a fat suit, it's amusing but isn't at big as it tries to look.

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This would've been a 9 if not for Awkwafina. It's not that she was terrible...anyone like her would've brought it down. Human or CGI, I prefer my movies without a Jar Jar Binks equivalent. Making it rated R would've earned the final point from me.

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God, finally, i was starting to think I didn’t like super hero stuff anymore. TONY LEUNG I WANT YOUR CHILDREN.

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what an amazing movie! the characters were great (Simu Liu was made for this role), the fight choreography and the costume design were exquisite and the stories so compelling. the movie didn't not miss a beat and the timing and the humour were good. I'm glad that Marvel is stepping away from their formulic way of storytelling for their solo movies. can't wait to see more of Shang-Chi in the MCU!

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This film has THE BEST choreography in not just the mcu, but in the entirety of marvels films.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings isn't entirely free of Marvel's familiar formula, but this exciting origin story expands the MCU in more ways than one. 

Shang-Chi covers new cultural ground for the MCU without losing any of the action, comedy, and emotion Marvel's movies are known for.

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Marvel is losing their magic touch with solo character films. I thought the first quarter was great, and consistently lost itself from there. They should take a break before running their reputation.

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This movie is a solo movie done well. It's not overwhelmed by self-importance or by overarching Marvel themes. It gives you time to get to know the new characters. And while it does connect to the overall Marvelverse, it doesn't drown out the small story it's building. And while parts of the story were really rather cheesy, that is somewhat expected, and completely irrelevant because the amazing fight scenes more than makeup for it. I loved the variation in fighting styles. Sometimes it was faster than sight and other times slow and controlled. Overall, it was well done and worth the watch.

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take a shot for every bmw logo you see

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Now that was a film that was mixed with quality action, effects, comedy and cast and defo up there with other mcu films like end game and I had a lot of fun watching it, yeah it had It's slow parts but the action wins over it and kept me hooked start to finish, some great work from Destin Daniel Cretton. I loved Ben Kingsley role, please put him in more mcu films he defo brought the comedy, his role, Michael Peña's role in Ant Man and Taika Waititi as korg in a film together would be gold because they've all brought most of the comedy for the mcu franchise along with many more.

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My son, you can't run from your past.

While there are some not-so-great jokes and a few green screen issues, it is redeemed by the fighting choreography, the family emotion, Tony Leung's great acting, and the beautiful third act. Without spoiling anything, it feels like I am watching a Square Enix game come to life. You would never guess it was a Marvel movie without cameos and after credit scenes.

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Shang-Chi is a top-tier Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. I will let the dust settle before giving it too many flowers too early but here goes... (spoiler-free)

  • the action sequences? amazing. think crouching tiger and IP Man. I wasn't expecting Simu to crush it as much as he did.
  • this movie really has a heart.. you care about the characters and their stories and situations from the jump. there are some emotional moments. the audience clapped quite a few times. we were also on the edge of our seats at times.
  • It also has the right amount of comedy and Awkwafina is NOT the comic relief in this movie. I'll let you find out who is.
  • they do an excellent job of tying this movie into events of the MCU both past and present.

My entire family enjoyed it. My teenage daughter cried, but she cries at everything lol. Can't wait to see it again!

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On the whole it was fairly good and I enjoyed it. Not as good as most Marvel movies I'd put it in the lower tier but better than Black Widow for sure.

Big downer, Awkwafina....Just like Raya and the Last Dragon I just cannot stand her voice it's like nails on a chalkboard to me..

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Marvel's Shang Chi & The 10 Rings Is Another Marvel Hit On Their Hands That Surpassed My Expectations And I Can't Wait For Their Next Phase Of Marvel & The Development Of Shang Chi

The Trajectory Of Your Life Will Be Nothing Like You Knew Before - This Statemwnt Truly Describes This Movie Perfectly - Shang Chi Is Truly A Complex Character With A Painful Journey That Brings Out The Fightet In Him To Accept This Pain & Face His Father - And The Funny Moments Hit The Target While Action Is Going

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Meets Marvel - An Amazing Story With Epic Action - Can't Reccomed The Movie Enough & Stay For The Two Post Credir Scenes

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this is by far one of the best marvel films I’ve seen in a hot second (I’m lookin at you black widow). the martial arts choreography is just :asterisk_symbol:chefs kiss:asterisk_symbol: especially when it comes to the air-bending choreo. just gorgeous. awkwafina gave a much better performance than I expected, which is always a nice feeling, especially in conjunction with simu liu. I also thoroughly appreciated the opposing forces between fala chen and tony leung as the parents and how dynamic leung’s villain became.

overall a super, super solid film by marvel (that I would not mind being separate from the mcu :D)

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Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 8.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 8.5/10
Total - 45/5 = 9

A super solid movie entirely on its own. Granted, the third act is very MCU formulaic, the movie provides a unique look and style that hasn't been present thus far in the MCU. Made me crave for more martial arts action, perhaps some Bruce Lee or CT/HD will satiate that. Can't wait to see what's next for Shang-Chi.

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For a character I hadn’t even heard about prior to the announcement of this movie (and I feel I’m far from alone here), Marvel Studios did incredibly well at introducing Shang-Chi’s background and origin story.

I thoroughly loved the fight scenes - they were choreographed wonderfully (especially the bus scene). The CGI was somewhat impressive too, with some utterly stunning scenic views.

Katy (who has my new favourite voice ever since seeing Raya & the Last Dragon) is possibly one of the funnest, funniest and brilliant sidekicks known to the MCU. Whilst in the grand scheme of saving worlds, she’s a fair bit useless, I will happily have her along for the ride.

With Bruce looking a bit grey, having a broken arm and being incredibly, well, human… this makes me think that we may we be viewing this from a different universe. I noticed a distinct lack of Doctor Strange. And Abomination was pally with Wong!? All things that don’t quite add up yet. That said, The Blip was still referenced a number of times. I suppose we will have to see what happens in the next Marvel Studios instalments.

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Really looking forward to watching this series, if they follow the comic book story, it will amazing.

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why was the white man my favorite character? is that white supremacy?

that was a joke obv my favorite character was xialing my edgy lesbian badass.

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Both exciting and occasionally pretty funny, something I can’t say about Black Widow. Which didn’t leave much of an impression on me.
The bus fight made me think of Jackie Chan which is a good thing since his fights were always fun. When this film starts to turn into a fantasy with mystical creatures it got a little silly but was still entertaining.
Besides if there can be aliens, talking raccoons, wizards and gods. Marvel can introduce anything else they want to.

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Very promising first hour but my enthusiasm ended with the father's blindness and the arising conflict. That was just too cheaply done and way too simple. Likewise was the asian theme with mythical creatures/dragons too much and too simplistic.

The fighting scenes weren't balanced at all. Some excellent close combat scenes and some over the top magical effects are mixed with absurd phases of hesitancy, lucky shots etc.

Anyways, great characters with lots of potential. More please.

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real good movie if you like fantasy

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The bus scene was so cheesy.:rofl: For an MCU movie, it wasn't that good. For a martial arts movie, it's decent.

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Wow. Its a shocker. One of the best recent movies marvel has made. Genuinely shocked at how much I enjoyed this. From the silly jokes to the reckless action, I loved all of it.

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What zero pussy does to a mf

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I liked it. It kept my interest all the way through. More than endgame and infinity war did.

Good dialogue and interesting characters. Something new for Disney’s marvel.

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I'm glad that Marvel is authentically increasing the diversity of their main characters. The landscape shots and the fight choreography were satisfying to watch. However, the story wasn't very compelling, which made it difficult to empathize with the characters. As an Asian American myself, I'm excited to see how Shang-Chi will fit into future MCU productions.

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It’s such a so-so. I know superhero origin stories can only get so interesting but this literally took me a year to finish watching.. wouldn’t even have picked it back up if not for Tony Leung.

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The featured review on TMDB is so weird. How can someone watch this movie and think "this isn't trying to educate me on any subject at all"?

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Michelle Yeoh and Tony Leung Chiu-wai are the real stars here.

After a year since I've seen it, the Xu Wenwu vs Ying Li fight scene is the only memorable part of the movie.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is a thrilling adventure film. When he’s attacked on a bus by agents of the Ten Rings, Shang-Chi attempts to track down his sister, knowing that they will be going after her next, and learns that his father is searching for the mythic city of Ta Lo. Simu Liu and Awkwafina both deliver strong performances and have good comedic chemistry together. And the action scenes are exiting and fun (if not a little rote). Also, the CGI is well-done, with some interesting creature designs. However, the plot is rather thin and the characters are a bit one-dimensional. Yet despite a few weaknesses, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is another solidly entertaining Marvel film.

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Holy shit Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings exceeded most of my expectations :clap::clap::clap: It was steeped in so much culture and history in comparison to most other superhero origin films like are you kidding?? Talk about flavour.

I think my only criticism is that it fell back on such an unoriginal and archaic trope surrounding Li and her significance in the plot, just to give the two male leads some emotional angst and drive :grimacing: THAT SAID it’s re-watch value is super high.

Tony Leung as Wenwu did such a masterful job nailing the absolute arrogance of the character, and he stole every scene for me. The fact that I got to watch him, Michelle Yeoh and Simu Liu play off each other so naturally felt so unbelievably major. The MCU struck gold with this cast

BONUS THOUGHT: I’d let Xialing beat me up in her illegal fight ring, and the 2nd post credit scene better mean we get to see more of her in the future. :neutral_face: Also when she saved Katy from plummeting to her death I know all our asses shipped that don’t even lie.

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Best Marvel movie I've seen since the last Spiderman, great action and effects, solid story and loveable characters.

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Shout by Matthew
BlockedParent2022-07-29T20:52:18Z— updated 2022-08-02T20:59:03Z

The choreographed action sequences were phenomenal.

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First and foremost.! Awesome movie. Really beautifully made, not just the cgi but the martial arts to. Felt so living and moving.

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I confess that I didn't have high expectations for this movie. Perhaps it was the movie that I was least excited about in the last releases of the MCU. However, it surprised me a lot, it's a great movie.

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Best Marvel movie by far

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