I was interested to find out what the ten rings were all about. There were ten of them! Why? What did they all do? Turned out Thor. He has Thor's exact powers. The fight scenes were modern Marvel. Everyone was super strong and pulled off literally unbelievable timing and maneuvering so that every punch and kick was meaningless to the point that I was checking the time, wondering when battles would be be over.

Everyone's taking about Awkwafina, who was fine. We needed more Ben Kingsleys. I get fed up when everyone's making a turn, finding out that, "Oh, actually I was like that, but now I'm like this. I never knew I'm a great fighter and I'm super in my own way and will contribute to the final fight in a significant way." It was refreshing to see Ben Kingsley's character start out as a coward and stay that way because he's human.

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