The action sequences were solid, particularly the martial arts, and the casting and acting were also fine but the script is a mess, the pacing is off, and the second half feels goofy and disjointed from the first half. The second half action was difficult to follow and felt like a DC cluster f--- aimed at the Chinese market. HOWEVER, I am looking forward to seeing Shang-Chi utilized in the future films.

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@dreadlockuni How are you reviewing a movie that hasn't been released yet?

@waldav00 I go to the world premieres

@dreadlockuni how does DC end up in your shite review. This is a marvel mess up just like their last movie.

@dreadlockuni bingo the script is totally mess

@dreadlockuni I mostly agree. The goofy parts made it feel like it wasn't a total waste of my time (pulled it from a 2/10 to a 4/10 for me). Especially Awkwafina, whom I usually don't really like (her characters - not the person, never met her so I won't judge in either direction :) ) did a lot to make the movie better.

I disagree with the martial arts scenes though, they felt VERY choreographed. I am aware, that they always are, but ideally you can't see and feel that at first glance even if you don't have any experience in the field.
