this was a okay movie

enjoy the first half a lot more than the final half

once the movie gets all magical with dragons and stuff starts to really lose itself

it's also very slow at that point

people made a big deal about this movie since we having the most realistic well done martial arts fights

but every fight scene just felt like the typical superhero Blockbuster fights lots of cutaways incredibly ridiculous set pieces the characters just doing way too much extra stuff

enjoy the reveal of Trevor that was pretty fun

I did really enjoy performance of the actor playing the Mandarin/whatever other name he goes by
he actually had a lot of emotion relatability to a character that is over a thousand years old with magic rings

and he actually has some character development throughout the movie

the lead actor playing the title character didn't really do much for me the actress playing his girlfriend was funny and entertaining but I think they pushed pretty hard for some of the stuff with her lol

the soundtrack felt pretty weird for a movie that's supposed to be embracing all this ancient Chinese culture and mythology

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