Phase 4 of the UCM starts with big problems.

So categorical. But for a diehard Marvel fan I can afford it. If the first installment was already a Black Widow that left us the same watching it as not, now we get Shang-Chi that doesn't seem like a film from the same universe.

And if it had starred Jackie Chan and had been called The Forbidden Kingdom, the sensation would have been the same. A film with a plot that can be summed up in two lines and that is forced to fill in the gaps with fights and choreographies aimed exclusively at the Wuxia fan audience.

The characters are flat, boring, they don't make you feel related to them in any way. The villain? A disappointment, an attempt not to make him really terrible so as not to hurt the sensibilities of the Chinese audience. Where is the Mandarin of the comic book? Why have the mighty ten rings now become just a blunt weapon that allows you to fly and swing like Spider-Man?

The only noteworthy feature is Ta Lo's creature design, true to Asian mythology.

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