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Road House 2024

Honestly I really liked the look of this trailer until mcgregor came on the screen

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Mister McGregor ruined the fucking movie.

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Pretty sure AI wrote this movie. And nobody proof read it

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Really nice movie until McGregor shows up.

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It's enjoyable, and that's all there is to it. There's some adventure in it, decent action. It's not a quality movie, which I think is unusual when Jake Gyllenhaal plays in one. It's not mentally stimulating. It's just fun to watch with almost no depth.

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I mean I could watch a jacked and topless Jake Gyllenhaal forever don’t get me wrong - but what on earth happened in the water, did Michael Bay take over from there?!

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All of you people out there having a meltdown over this movie makes me laugh. What are you expecting? Oscar material? Get a grip. You all need a hug? Good thing opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I went into this because I like Jake plain and simple. Knock yourselves out whiners.

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Everything's been said already but what makes the movie even more unwatchable is the awful camera work. Doug is not a filmmaker that's known for his subtle directing but this felt like it was directed by someone with ADD.

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Laughably dumb. More of an action comedy than anything with McGregor walking around tensing his arms. I feel sorry for Gyllenhaal considering his acting chops.

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Absurdly and laughably bad times and enjoyably fun at times. It's dumb as hell, and even the crew knows it but there seems to be no effort to make it at least mildly tolerable. Jake Gyllenhaal looks like he doesn't even wanna be there half the time and this is definitely not his type of movie. While McGregor looks like he had the most fun in set, his performance is nothing short of terrible, with puns that don't even land and outrageous line delivery.

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I actually enjoyed this movie more than I expected.
On the woke meter: acceptable.

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Haven't seen anything this bad since Matrix Resurrections. Do yourself a favour and watch the original with Swayze.

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Yeah, this could have been a comic book but it was actually ok-ish. The past weeks I’ve quit so many movies and shows after the first hour, that this has been one of the better ones.
I guess it’s the writer strike - so much :poop: coming out these days

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Swayze Roadhouse>Peter Griffin Roadhouse>New Roadhouse ppphhhfffrrrttt

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A very nice and sincere production. Entertainment is at its peak. The action pattern is very delicious. The lead role is already legendary. Definitely watch it. Not that, this guy loves walking around naked. :joy::joy:Thank you for your efforts, it has been added to my favorites.

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If you're looking for a no thought action movie, this will fit the bill.

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Paper thin plot, just dumb action fun.

Connor Macgregor was funny as the evil foil for Jake G - worth the price of admission alone...bare ass aside! :wink:

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Story didn't make sense in 1989, and it don't make sense in 2024. It's just silly fun and I don't mind that.

God help me for saying this - Thank f*ck for McGregor, he brought that extra little something this movie needed, it would be bland without a crazy bad guy.

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The good- jake gyllenhaal, the fight scenes, and the set in general.

The bad - everything else, basically.
the writing and dialogue are mostly odd, or it is just how people be in florida?
the acting of most of the characters is just bad. storyline just dont make sense at some points.

Verdict: Good time -passer if you don't expect anything special from it, it has some moments, but i believe it will be mostly forgotten

PS: I didn't watch the original

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This was better than expected. 8/10.

Stay through the credits. Cut scenes were added to the final credits.

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This thing is painful to watch lmao, here is a dialog from the movie:

-fuckity fuckiti fuck fuck
-fuck bitch fuckito fuckty get the fuck

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An easy movie to turn your brain off to and enjoy. The fights were fun to watch, the simple jokes kept it light, and the music was fun all while in a scenic place. I wasn't looking for some heart wrenching masterpiece when i came into this and i haven't seen the original so i didn't have some crazy expectation of the movie. Overall a decent experience.

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Watching the third act - I imagine this is what it feels like having a stroke. Surreal.

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It could have been a nice and very entertaining movie, because there is a place for a simple plot with a little over-the-top action. But the unnecessary amount of cgi is just absurd, and painfully obvious! It's in the sky, on simple stunts, on fights? Why have these two on your payroll and then add cgi over them and the fight? And the camara angles? Constantly moving and cutting the fight sequence. Less is more people, you and your "cgi in everything" philosophy ruin what could be a perfectly nice, simple not to many braincells needed movie.

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It's a popcorn flick movie .. good old action.Jake Gyllenhaal is lowering his standard.. doing this type of movie ..but he worked hard, though

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I have rarely seen such a bad remake. The whole movie looks like all the scenes have been lovelessly strung together. The dialogs are worse than in action movies from the 1980s. And why do all the actors grin stupidly into the camera for almost the entire movie?

And as if all this wasn't embarrassing enough, Conor McGregor is on top of it all. He walks around with his legs wide apart the whole time and grins even more stupidly than everyone else. That's probably what happens when you get too many blows to the head.

It's incomprehensible why Gyllenhaal would put himself forward for such crap.
A shame for the memory of Patrick Swayze, he would turn over in his grave if he had to see this movie.

Translated with (free version)

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Road House! First of all, got nothing on the original but I still enjoyed to what it was maybe because of Jake Gyllenhaal... Yeah that was the main reason because the rest of the cast and plot....yeah lets not talk about that and not gonna name and shame anyone like Conor Mcgregor... Well I've said it now, why was he in the film? That's all I'm gonna say about that. Without Jake Gyllenhall this film is nothing.

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I enjoyed most of the silliness but the effects on the fights really drags this down. The biggest sin the movie commits is it seems to be building up to a completely unhinged Dalton and never fully delivers. Also why do they feel like they need to make shit so complicated?

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The scenes where the guys are kicking and punching the shit out of each other are great. Everything in between is boring and shit.

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Don't lie to yourselves, it's a really bad action movie.

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in one sentence: made for modern audiences.

in one word: stupid.

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This version is good, lots of action... although I prefer Patrick's :thinking:

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Not a patch on the original. I didn't mind the character of Dalton but Conor McGregor is just a big no from me. Looked like an animated popeye and he definitely can't act. This is fairly tongue in cheek throughout and then with McGregor borders on the ridiculous.

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LOL, Knox is crazy ! Watch the hospital scene at the end.

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Did anybody found the new song 'Horsepower' by Post Malon? Can't find it anywhere.

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Post Malone and McGregor ftw!

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Could've been more violent, but good thing they left the story open for possible sequels

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Sometimes you need some mindless violence to get you through the day. The fight scenes are visceral and raw. If you’re here for deep lore.. well. You might need to look elsewhere.

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I'm probably too aged for this type of movie. Nothing new in the scenography, scene and story already viewed in hundreds of films. The hero, the bad, the mad, the corrupt and the girl, there's all you expect.

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While not as good as the original, I still enjoyed this quite a bit. It is a decent remake that modernizes this story quite a bit. Getting it "free" on Prime definitely increases its overall appeal in my opinion.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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McGregor ruined anything marginally OK about this movie. Was he high the entire time? He was billed as a psycho, but he was simply a clown. He’s a lock in for a raspberry.

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It would be ok if they were not trying to remake Roadhouse. It’s either too dark or they got some weird action cam style that makes following the action confusing.

The only enjoyable part is watching Connor McGregor chew through scenes and act like he doesn’t give a shit probably because he doesn’t.

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Jake was great, action was fun.
Don't think whatever double/make-up/cgi they had to do to make Conor look like he can tan was worth it. Just hire someone else that doesn't have temper tantrums and punch elderly men in the face on their days off, how about? I didn't know it was Conor until the credits rolled honestly because I thought that guy was getting a senior discount at iHop already.

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Shout by Sam

Silly film wanted to know more about the main character other then he killed his friend. Good fight scenes and some really bad puns from mcgregor. Can't stand the guy.

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Is this a reboot of the Patrick Swazye movie? What a strange choice

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Level "Zurullo" • 4 :heart: • Not recommended.

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I quite liked this for the first hour or so (until McGregor showed up — the dude’s acting/character is just as shit as he is a person). McGregor’s character is so weird and outlandish for this movie’s setting — it’s very distracting and awkward.

Speaking of distracting and awkward, those fight scenes… yikes. The fight scenes are CGI enhanced to make the takes and camera whips seem like they’re one giant piece, but the physics/weight of the people/objects are off, so it’s noticeable fake and super distracting. Also, the backgrounds do not mesh seamlessly with the actors in these CGI action scenes. They try to get too cute with the faux camera flourishes and it makes for some of the worst recorded action I’ve seen in a minute.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Great popcorn film, really enjoyed this one! Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic, as usual, & was a totally believable badass. This film shouldn’t be taken seriously, otherwise you won't enjoy

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Virgil is still a coward for what he did

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This was incredibly entertaining. I love Jake and hate Conor, and i enjoyed the 2 hrs thoroughly.

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There is nothing better than the cult classic original!!!
I did watch this hoping for a lot better, that's about all I can say about it.
Like someone else said, I too, feel sorry for Gyllenhaal. His agent needs to find him better characters to play!

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A classic that's now a victim of the modern age of lazy writing, laughable acting, and diversity hires. Swapping a lot of the characters for black or female ones for no reason adds nothing, especially if the actors/actresses can't act. The writers of this should maybe quit, I can't understand why those people go on strike for more money: they clearly don't deserve it. After 10 minutes I wanted to turn this off and ask for my prime money back if this is what they are spending it on. The attempt to make it current falls way short of the mark.

This film is surpassed by hallmark tv movies. It's just awful and I don't want to waste anymore time thinking about it. Awful

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Shout by D33 M4N

Great movie except mc Greggor. I think he really is a bad actor and made the movie nonsensical. Reminded me of some retarded Austin powers character. Really loved Dalton beating up bad guys though. All in all very amusing movie.

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Shout by Will

Don't waste your time.

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Bad bad bad bad bad

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This movie was a bit of a mess. Stick to the original. That’s all I’m gonna say about it…

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is it just me or this movie has bad cgi and predictable story :sob::heart:, kinda entertaining tho idk i like jake gyllenhaal's movies

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Didn’t finish it was that bad

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old routine story, but good n sleek action bits.

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Okay so this is hard to describe, but who would just think of casting McGregor in a movie? Or better yet, who cares if 90% of people hate him? And another question, why is the background of the main "hero" of the film the UFC? When in the end it had nothing to do with the movie at all?

To me, it's like when there was originally supposed to be a movie that was going to be about the UFC and suddenly someone decided it wasn't. It seems to me that even Jake was working on himself for the UFC movie and not for this. And the marketing was about the UFC too, right? There's pictures everywhere from the octagon shoot, etc.

There's no point in commenting on the film any further. I wouldn't write anything that hasn't already been said by others here. I just agree 100% that it's a disgrace and you're better off watching the original movie with Patrick Swayze and enjoying a nostalgic 90's action movie.

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It is good...
But it's also cliché, it's expected, the action is ok....
The characters are typical...
Mcgregor was good, he acted like himself, the way he walked.... Lol
The scene when he kills the 1st one, like it was really dumb how he starts killing....
It lasted too long for the little story that was there....
The villain was laughable, in the end I think Mcgregor was the one who put up more of a fight and didn't show up that much.....
The typical kiss scene was very zzz....
The action was very fictional (normal in these movies)...
And the scene of the sheriff, being the father of the protagonist's love interest, ª you could see it coming....
It had action but lacked story...
I don't think I'll see it again...
But it's good to kill time...

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.2

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Despite the bad reviews this movie is very enjoyable.

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I enjoyed it 7/10

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It was super boring for me, very predictable. The action scenes are pretty good but nothing over the top you will remember for. The character of Jake was cliche... Connor on the other side did a good job, cheesy villain but work for me

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Road House - :heart:x6

Not a horrible remake but also not that great. The original is definitely better tho. McGregor needs to take a few more acting lessons - he was way over the top. It's got some good fight scenes, a band that keeps playing on and on no matter what (lol), and beautiful scenery.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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so bad that you can't even laugh at it, actually a painful cringe watch

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When it shrugs off the image of it's predecessor and lets Gyllenhaal do his trademark psychopath routine, Road House is an enjoyable, if a little silly and tonally inconsistent, action romp. McGregor dances on the line of so-bad-he's-good for most of the runtime, but ultimately comes off a little corny, even for this kind of movie. Not bad overall, but I think the overt 80's charm of the original still wins out when compared.

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Too Wong Foo is like the only Patrick Swayze movie not to be remade. Jake Gyllenhaal In Jack Reacher mode is what this has going for it at least. Throw in an over the top bad ass Conor Mcgregor.
Though this remake is still unnecessary. It’s at least not Point Break remake or Red Dawn remake like bad. Since I just saw the original for the first time. I got deja-vu despite how different some things are.
Even if UFC probably wasn’t a thing then when the 1989 movie came out. The film has the macho 80’s cheesiness. It just works less 35 years later.
I admit the film did win me over by the end. It just doesn’t leave you with much, romance wise.
I have seen some complains about the movie being woke. It adds a little more diversity and that’s it. The film definitely never loses its macho aspect. The original is just more sleazy.

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I liked the movie…. It was fast, intense and I love Connor Mcgregor….. I recommend this movie…. Intense!… I remember Billy Magnussen from As a the World Turns…I always liked him and thought he did a great job…. Music not as good as 1989…. Jeff Healy was awesome but it is a great watch.

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I don't expect people who didn't like 80 movies to like it, It's simple, Just old school fight scenes. If you are looking for a complicated indepth movie. This is not it. If you just want an all around just a bunch of brawls old school way then this is your movie.

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The title is the only thing shared with the original. This was a hodgepodge of elements fused together to make a bad movie. You know...a Joel Silver movie!

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The first twenty minutes was tolerable, after that it be became a real "S" show.

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Annoying and boring. Almost nothing happens, but when something does, it's cringe to the point it annoys you. The characters were annoying, and everything was mediorce. I expected it to be honest, but I think I expected a bit more. I haven't watched the original, but I know it has to be 10x better than this. The fights were cool, but it's a fighting movie, so it had to be somewhat good, and the locations were cool, but the characters ruined them. I forced my way through the first half just to see how bad Mcgregors acting was, and I tried to stay for the one sided laughs. Average at best.

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Somebody obviously thought it was a good idea to say hey, let’s go to Florida and punch each other for two hours and destroy stuff

The original had way more taste, and a better storyline

I only watched this to kill time.

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Shout by Ro

Jake’s body deserved a 9+.
MacGregor a -2.
The movie only a 5

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Please keep McGregor away from movies.

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It’s unlikely that it was needed, a remake of an old movie, which looks like a representative of a completely different art form. Well, or like McGregor and stuntmen in the roles of other bad guys. Different leagues. The pumped-up Gyllenhaal has nothing to play here. Just beautiful fights at the edge of the surf, not a film

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This movie was frikin' awesome. One of the most entertaining movies I've seen so far this year.

As an added bonus, I found out there were two older movies in the franchise. The first one starring Patrick Swayze. I need to watch those.

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A fun 7 Samurai kind of movie, with Jake Gyllenhaal.

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Good action and comedy entertainment.

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Film 136 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

I actually enjoyed this. I had no expectations and I had no real connection to the original, which I've only ever seen once. Jake Gyllenhaal is really well cast here, and is fantastic in anchoring this film. Connor McGregor is an interesting casting. At times he's really captivating and at times he's extremely over the top, which may just be Connor being Connor. But even when he is overly gleeful, he's still working within the framework of the craziness of this world that Road House has set up.

Despite all that, Road House loses it's way by the 3rd act, where it starts to feel a little bit like the relatively recent Point Break remake. It's focus is gone and things start to border on unbelievable. The good outweighs the bad and Road House is enjoyable enough fare for a streaming release but ultimately, it's going to be forgettable within a few weeks.

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And the Razzie Goes to Conor McGregor!

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It should be called "I'd Rather Kill myself That Watch this BS"

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As bad as expected. Light action movie, mediocre acting, and simplistic plot. McGregor, like an up and coming Hollywood harlot, was stripped twice in movie. His acting was way overboard and unnatural, but i've seen worse performances by actors who've been doing it for years.

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An absolute batshit movie, funny as hell and a lot of punching. Some real good action spots and McGregor is just in another league here. Actually just a great, fun movie.

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Disappointing remake of the classic Road House. Too much shaky-close cam fight scenes, 2 unnecessary girlbosses, unstable lunatic hero's behavior and over dramatic story twists.

I still prefer 1989 R9ad House.

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Watched the og last night and it although it was better this does have some decent moments. Gyllenhaal is absolutely slumming it here, but has fun with it and elevates what could have been a far worse production. I enjoyed some aspects of the fight scenes, but wasn't digging the strange CGI videogame mode they went into at times. As a McGregor fan on his come up in the UFC it was fun to see him make his debut. He played the psycho baddie pretty well all things considered. Fun, b movie 6.4.

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Loved this so much. Great fun watch

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Doug Liman should be embarrassed. Road House fails on almost every level. The writing is bad, the effects are poor, and the acting is terrible. Even Jake Gyllenhaal gives Corey Feldman vibes.

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That was fun, but definitely dumb. Jake Gyllenhaal elevates a very weak script and Conor McGregor was a delight to see in the movie. I don’t know if he can act, but I enjoyed him in the role. My main problem with the movie is that I can get behind a silly not serious film. What I can’t get behind is something that is really shittly edited and has some god awful CGI. I don’t regret watching and had fun during the viewing, but I don’t think I’ll think about this movie again. If it was between a sequel to this movie or Conor McGregor fighting the UFC again. I would pick fighting in the UFC every single time.

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Jake Gyllenhaal was the best part of this movie, the rest of the cast was weak, and Conor McGregor can't act at all, he's the same asshole as he is in real life, but even more exaggerated with that ridiculous monkey walk.
The story itself is also kinda meh, and even though movie goes on for two hours, surprisingly there are not so many action, it could be 20-30 minutes shorter easily.
The very first fight outside of the bar with the bunch of bad guys, all that nice talk and precautions and asking about where the nearest hospital is, all that behaviour and scene itself - just copy pasted from Reacher, both from the Tom Hanks movie and the show.
Even though the fights choreography is not the greatest part of the original movie compare to the modern standards, the original movie itself is way better than this by all other metrics.
But the action was okay to watch so I give it probably more than it deserves.

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It could be a good movie, but it took a cartoonish turn, made a joke out of itself, and went downhill so fast. Btw who the hell was that gorilla maniac? Why?

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